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Well....I went up to the fields that i shot yesterday...I went well armed this time with the hide,rotary,flask and a few sarnies....Missus dropped me off about 12ish..On unpacking my kit i realised i'd forgot the hide poles...A quick scout round the fields and i found some canes that were left over from the rabbit netting...I set up the rotary with a couple of yesterdays jackdaws on and set out a pattern using all the birds from yesterday.I put 5 pigeon shells out to away to my right.....The Blackies were soon coming in...Quite a few of them were shying away...I thought it was the rotary scaring them off,I picked a few pigeons off that were floating over so i changed the birds over to pigeons and put the rotary by the shells....The Crows were playing ball now and came in a treat...After about 3pm,It seemed that it was jackdaw hour and the Crows seemed to dry up....I finished the day at 4-15 with 33 birds down..Managed to pick 31 of them...A nice mix of 17 jackdaws,10 crows and 6 pigeons....I had a left and right Crow/Jackdaw with made my day.....By far the best bit was the fact i only fired 72 shots...Kill rate of 2.18 shots per bird...Which is by far my best ever.......Well chuffed...


HAPPY NEW YEAR TO YOU ALL FROM CORNWALL...LETS HOPE IT'S A GOOD ONE.... :good: :good: :lol: :lol: :good: :good:



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Hey Smig you wernt near Luxulyan were you as someone was popping away this afternoon whilst I was out,might of been you which woulld mean you arent far from me.

Wishing you all the best for 2010,and more of the black rodents to your shots.




Not me Keith...Im over St Columb.....I was shooting opposite Mole Valley Farmers today....Let me know if you need a hand over your way,I'll do the same...Theres always something to shoot over here.... :good: :good:

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