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How well did we shoot today? 2010 edition.


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Got a 43/50 at Oakley today. Bumped into and shot with Haggis too, pleasure to meet you again mate!


Not the hardest shoot ever put on but even so i was pleased with hitting the mean looking distant crosser and distant looper that i would normally struggle on.

Edited by Markio
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Nice shooting Markio :hmm:


Shot JJs with Mung this morning - managed to flunk the first stand big style dropping 8, nothing difficult but could have done with a warm up stand to get my eye in first :yes: As a result I finished on a measly 66 ex 84. Good news though - I managed to hit the infamous rabbits so it wasn't all bad ;)

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Very demoralising 120 bird registered shoot at Llandegla today :yes:


Freezing cold, windy (I thought we were finished with all that) and every stand was 'orrible. I don't mind a few difficult birds, but this was just about every stand and both birds.


**** scores on the ******* doors :


Beretta - 96/120 Good shooting chap :mad:

Mr Potter - 88/120 Well done old bean :yes:

Anni - 77/120 Tidy stuff :lol:

Timps - 76/120 Some good shooting in between disasters :)

Chard - 73/120 **** off :good:

Magman - 72/120 Fair to middling :lol:

Whiskymac - 59/120 Coming along nicely chap :)

IanE - 59/120 Better than last time :D

Maglad - 49/120 Shot well on some very tough stands :yes:


The entry was even lower than last time, I think. I was quite supportive last time, but there were a lot of complaints about the difficulty of the course last time, and we thought they would have relented a bit, but this was even worse :yes: Well I think it was a lot worse :hmm: After scoring badly on a tough stand, it's nice to have a couple of sensible stands to get your **** together again, but there was no chance of that, it was straight into another pig of a stand - relentless :yes:


The only consolation is that this score will not survive the CPSA 10% rule, so will not count towards my classification :P


It's not often I don't enjoy shooting, even when I get a duff score, but I didn't enjoy that ;) Should have gone to Doveridge. We were going to do the rear entry comp at Catton Hall on the way home, but most of us couldn't be bothered :lol:

Edited by Chard
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Don't see the point of making it that tough - just ****** everybody off. Last time i shot at Caterham, 72 was the high gun - everyone said it was a stupid setup



Last months shoot there was hard and I enjoyed it. A lot of people didn't and expressed the view that the stands were silly.


I certainly can't see the point of making this one even tougher. Numbers were down on last month (I think) and I would imagine next month they'll be even lower.


Registered shooters are trying to look after their classification, unless they're sandbaggers. Shoots like this just batter your classification to bits, unless like me, you shot it so ******* badly that the score falls below the cut-off point :yes:

Edited by Chard
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Yeah Llandegla was a tuff one :yes: very tuff. I love a hard shoot now and again but stand after stand of relentless hard targets is going abit far.


I like to get my teeth into some hard clays, but It's not an enjoyable experience when your Battling every thing :hmm:


I enjoyed the first time I went there and was pretty pleased with hitting a fair few tuff ****'s, but today was to much for me ;)


Never again :good:


Well shot to Mr Potter (even though he looked disheartend) and Good do for Beretta aswell.


I was in the money when I left so fingers crossed.

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Llandegla was a tuff one again, but at least i did little better then last time.


I personally didn't think it was hard as the first one, there was nothing I couldn't hit, and even straightened a couple of stands, yes overall it was a pretty poor score agreed.


67 at Catton on the way home that put me second in C Class, nothing tuff compared to Llandegla, just that stuff in the bloody woods again..


Catton was DEAD and had been all day, spoke to Martin Mann, and told him that most of the people at Llandegla would of shot Catton if it was regged, all barr one person on my squad said that, I think we will be seeing regged shoots again at Catton again very soon, he must of lost a lot of money today.


I think High Gun when I left was 86

Edited by Ian E
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That's it for me and Llandegla unless there's nothing else on ;) don't think the ground did any favours to its self as i think the next turn out will be very poor :hmm: who wants to shoot 45 yrd plus edge on going away stuff ?

Next time i will dig a hole in the back garden and Bury £100 as i might enjoy it more :mad::good:

Well shot to all today as it was a """"""d :yes:

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Well I agree with Chard, I thought Llandegla was tougher than last month. I was genuinely surprised when my card was totted up and I was "only" 32 away for an 88. If the marker had said I was 50 or so down I wouldn't have been surprised :D:hmm:

Not sure about the entries, cos it was squadded you don't get a feel for the numbers shooting, all will become evident when the results go on the CPSA website. Anyway, fingers crossed as I was winning A class when we left :hmm::hmm:


Then carried onto Catton Hall, they had had a low entry, somewhere in the 80's and they have always said they need to break the 100 mark to be viable. Their next shoot is on B/H Monday and if that one is poorly attended I think that could be the beginning of the end for a really good shoot.


Anyhoo, I thought this was quite a "soft" shoot for Catton, with 9 of the 14 stands shot I was only 5 birds down, then the curse of the incompetent kicked in and I missed 9 over the last 5 stands :drinks::drinks: and truthfully I should have hit at least 4 or 5 of those. So I finished on an 86 and you could have knocked me down with a feather when I handed my card in, I had won A class and H/G (and £125) was an 88. The air was blue as you can imagine.


See you all at Worsley for the Help for Heroes charity shoot on Good Friday.


Mr Potter


As usual I didn't feel my shooting was anything special but the company was 1st class :hmm::D

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Well I agree with Chard, I thought Llandegla was tougher than last month. I was genuinely surprised when my card was totted up and I was "only" 32 away for an 88. If the marker had said I was 50 or so down I wouldn't have been surprised :D:hmm:

Not sure about the entries, cos it was squadded you don't get a feel for the numbers shooting, all will become evident when the results go on the CPSA website. Anyway, fingers crossed as I was winning A class when we left :hmm::hmm:


Then carried onto Catton Hall, they had had a low entry, somewhere in the 80's and they have always said they need to break the 100 mark to be viable. Their next shoot is on B/H Monday and if that one is poorly attended I think that could be the beginning of the end for a really good shoot.


Anyhoo, I thought this was quite a "soft" shoot for Catton, with 9 of the 14 stands shot I was only 5 birds down, then the curse of the incompetent kicked in and I missed 9 over the last 5 stands :drinks::shout: and truthfully I should have hit at least 4 or 5 of those. So I finished on an 86 and you could have knocked me down with a feather when I handed my card in, I had won A class and H/G (and £125) was an 88. The air was blue as you can imagine.


See you all at Worsley for the Help for Heroes charity shoot on Good Friday.


Mr Potter


As usual I didn't feel my shooting was anything special but the company was 1st class :hmm::D


You ******* ******* :shout:


You old moneybags. A great performance all round Monsieur Le P :drinks:


See you at Worsley, where I will give you the rodgering of the century :yay:

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