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General Election coming up - time to help our sport.


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It seems that campaigning for the coming general election has started, so BASC has set up a system to help us to let the candidates know OUR views, whilst at the same time getting their views, and making those views available to all shooters.


I've posted a brief explanation and a link at -



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I have never voted labour or Tory , but remember almost all the loss of quarry species and restrictions on gun ownership over the last 50 years has come under Tory govenments and at least the present govenment has added species to the pest list. they still will not get my vote though.

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I quizzed all 3 candidates for my constituency (Colne Valley) yesterday via the BASC web page, and within two hours received a very friendly and positive response from the Conservative candidate. I forwarded same to BASC for their campaign.


Its very easy to do and I recommend everyone does this before they make a voting decision.


Still waiting on the Labour and Lib Dem responses but not holding my breath... :blink:





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Not voting the major parties its either independants or the ones that defend my rights that are getting my vote.


A question if independants got most of the votes across the country who becomes prime minster?



It will never happen so we will never find out!


The party that wins and puts forward a pm is the party with the most seats, not the most votes!

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Tories are just the same, they'll tell lies to get votes.


Just watch they said they will overturn or put a referendom the fox hunting. Once there in they'll say there's bigger things to worry about.


Never believe in what a polictition says.



Thats because there are bigger things to worry about, like a crippled economy and soaring crime figures!!


I am all for the ban being torn up, as it should be. But I will feel no animosity towards the Conservatives if they do omit a referendom on this from their first few months/years as there will have far bigger 'fish to fry'.

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i heard lib dem are basically against shooting sports and intend to make it harder for shooters, including renewing licences annually and large fees for renewals and tightening up on people with any sort of criminal record, as in they can't have a licence! so if your like me and got a silly caution as a teen you can kiss your ticket good bye! :blush:


not heard on any others policies as i don't usually bother i think its bnp or uk independant though as there the only two parties who i can see stopping us been europes bitch and sort these imo's out!

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do you honestly believe the ruling class listen to us? they are so far up their own harrises all they care about is what they can get personally from being in power, the froggies had the right idea with madam guillotine



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Thats because there are bigger things to worry about, like a crippled economy and soaring crime figures!!


I am all for the ban being torn up, as it should be. But I will feel no animosity towards the Conservatives if they do omit a referendom on this from their first few months/years as there will have far bigger 'fish to fry'.



nail on head, foxhunting is small fry compared to the rest of the countries problems. I've got mixed views about dragging it up as lets face it hunting hasn't stopped and the act has so many loopholes to allow most to carry on as before. Its only the Harriers and coursers who has their sport stopped and that doesn't seem to get a mention

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While I can understand your sentiments about hunting al4x, it has to be remembered that many hunts are only carrying on the way they are because the possibility for repeal is still there. Muddling about through the various loopholes is not a sustainable future for hunting with hounds and I do not envy the hunt staff one bit who will cop the flak when something that was considered legal is all of a sudden considered illegal on the basis of some shoddy LACS camera work. This then leads to them having to defend themselves in court on the basis of 'we didn't think what we were doing was wrong'.


Of course, scrapping the hunting act will also benefit the terrier and lurchermen who have taking much greater hits on their way of life than the more obvious 'face' of hunting that is mounted foxhunting.


FM :yes:

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Very surprised, I have just had my first reply less than an hour after sending the email.


It was a standard response i think but basically said i'm the only sibling who has never shot an animal except with a camera, i have enjoyed clay shooting but have no desire to stop others doing so in relation to live quarry....


However I i'm going to do some more reading on the EDM they signed then respond as I don't believe they wouldn't support a ban. Mind you, there is no way i'd vote for them irrespective of the reply I received.



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do you honestly believe the ruling class listen to us? they are so far up their own harrises all they care about is what they can get personally from being in power, the froggies had the right idea with madam guillotine




I was going to have my say, but kdubya said it for me. Cheers!





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Come on people! Let’s not sit back and do nothing! Let’s not allow pre-conceptions cloud our judgement. For sure if we do nothing, then nothing will happen - self fulfilling prophecy time!


It will take you bout 5 mis, maybe less to send e-mails to your MP and PPC's, surely this is worth 5 mins of your time? By law your MP has to give you time if you are on of their constituents, that’s why it is SO important for members on PW etc to get in touch with their MP.


Of course BASC will target MP’s Cabinet members, policy setters, civil servants etc in Parliament, but this effort by BASC can only do so much without your help and support at the local level.


Remember, BASC has already has support from the political parties at the last round of Party Conferences:


Lib dems: http://www.basc.org.uk/en/media/pressrelea...26C5F2940BDA3CC


Labour http://www.basc.org.uk/en/media/pressrelea...FBC6CE2AA28AEB6



Conservative http://www.basc.org.uk/en/media/pressrelea...9F0824DC48A1228


Please help, its your sport don’t sit back and think your efforts will be in vein, they wont!



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