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80 letters


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Don't worry too much varmintator.

I sent out 111, yep thats right One Hundred and Eleven so far and guess what?

Two responded by post and one by phone, all very polite but no thanks.

Oh well, looks like its going to be the old knock on door routine.. or i could throw myself in front of a tractor!! :blink:

Keep at it guys, there must be room for us newbies somwhere.....



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I have sent out in excess of 30 letters and received 15 back saying thanks but no thanks

so i think the personal touch is required but i worried as i am a skin head i think that this will promote a bad 1st impression, even though i am very polite and a friendly guy but as they say you never get a second chance to make a first impression

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Letters, never done that.

I picked up my third farm this week, just by chatting and getting known. They have problems with hundreds of white bars, and I can help.


They told me about some guys coming from Wales to rid the bunnies, but seems the deer are also dissapearing, so they are to be told to not come back. Funny but heard a similar story on my other estate some 10 miles away a few years ago.


Also one wood is next to an archery club, best not to go there as I can't hear a stray arrow homing in :D


Keep trying the letters, or knocking, or just going to the local pubs and getting known, hair or no hair.



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Nice going Bud!!!! B)


I have 2 shoots now and they were BOTH by word of mouth. I had sent hundreds of letters to which i got 3 letters in return and 2 phone calls. ALL of which were no thanks :lol:


Then my brother in law does some gear for a local farmer at the engineerning place he works at so i gave him one of my old guns and he asked for permission and there we are :thumbs:


Still on the look out for another patch which i will just have to keep looking i guess.


Lord Geordie

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I have never sent out letters so can not comment as to their success rate. However, I find and prefer to speak to people, face to face if I can.


Sending letters is just like a forum, you cant really express yourself the right way without writting a marathon letter and a letter can never visually present a land owner of your character, good or bad.


Of course, i'm sure there is an exception to the rule.





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Letters are a waste of time. I think YP summed it up perfectly. To them its just like those annoying "you've been selected to win a prize" things.


Telephone calls are IMO one step above a letter on the scale of uselessness.


Get off yer **** and speak with the Farmers face to face. Its the very best way. They get to see who you are and what you're like firsthand and you will find you get a much higher success rate like that. However choose your moment carefully and try and pop in when they're not too busy or you may find you get a frosty reception!


Good luck.

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Letters are a waste of time. I think YP summed it up perfectly. To them its just like those annoying "you've been selected to win a prize" things.


Telephone calls are IMO one step above a letter on the scale of uselessness.


Get off yer **** and speak with the Farmers face to face. Its the very best way. They get to see who you are and what you're like firsthand and you will find you get a much higher success rate like that. However choose your moment carefully and try and pop in when they're not too busy or you may find you get a frosty reception!


Good luck.

couldnt agree more.... :thumbs:

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I once printed a colour map of the fields I wanted to shoot on, typed a letter and sent it to the farmer. I rang him 3 days later and he said that had he not already let the pigeon shooting (to some *** who shoots it twice a year only !) he would have let me shoot. I did already have permission on some adjoining land which helped.

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Well, I secured another 25 acres of set aside land yesterday. To get this, I had to visit the farmer who was 45mins drive, away. He was very appreciative that I took the trouble to visit him and has assured me that the land is mine to shoot and mine alone. Unless I decline, he will never give this land to anyone else. All of which I thought was fantastic and demonstrated his valuesf. But it also goes to show how hard it can be to get land.


This was the one thing he stressed the most, not letting others shoot the same land, right from the start. But because I had taken the trouble to visit him and spend 40mins chatting about rifles etc. he started warming to me. By the time I had left, he was saying, if I get stuck with pests etc and someone cant make the regular control visit, i'lll call you!


None of this would have happened if it were not for my visit. But I reckon it also depends on the area your in both locally and nationally, and how many people you have participating in the same activity.





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I have over the years got permission a few times over the telephone. But these have not been speculative phone calls. On each occasion I have done so it has been to shoot specific fields I have seen. Knocking on doors nearest to whichever field I was interested in had resulted in the knowledge that the owners lived a good distance away. But also I was able to obtain the telephone number from the neighbouring owners. A quick call explaining the situation and that his neighbour Mr XXX (him again) had provided me with his number and permission was always readily granted. I once gained some very good goose shooting through a phone call in a similar situation. As for dealing with farmers, you have to be good at judging characters, some will want to ******** for hours about anything and everything and some will just want you off the place asap, but that is not saying without granting you permission first!

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  • 2 months later...

I got some permission one day to shoot on a small farm, to start me off, then from there on i met some of their friends and now have permission on there land! i have about 10 farms to shoot and ferret over rufly around 3000 acres, and im only 18, the fact of the matter is that once you have gained some land more will often follow! its not what you know but who you know!



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I got 25 acres by just dropping by the bloke that owned it and saying hi. I explained myself and then showed him what I'd be shooting with (air rifle with silencer and lamp) and explained I wouldn't go to the land without phoning first.


He was fine about it and wrote his permission up there and then, the only proviso being that I have insurance, which I had anyway. Really nice bloke too. Shame I had to move away, the number of rabbits he had on his land was phenomenal!



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