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I was in with my solicitor today updating my will and it occured to me, what do you write into your will with regard to your guns and what happens if the unthinkable happens? as no one knows where the cabinet keys are do they just cut the cabinet open? also in my situation I would want my wife to obtain a cert so she could hold the gun for my son but how does this work from the point i'm gone until she can get a cert? who would drop the guns off at the RFD or would the police confiscate them?


Just a few thoughts!



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in the event off a death both police and rfd`s can be very accommodating... i cant speak for every dealer or force but these things happen and are mostly treated with a degree of both tact and understanding.you would be hard pressed to find an rfd that wont either come and collect or send an agent to take you guns into there charge till such time as they can be either be put up for sale or transferred to a friend/family members cert.. the firearms dept will need informing and may give the chance to take them in to an rfd to be stored. as part of your estate they cant just strong arm in n take them b4 ur cold unless no action is taken within reasonable time by your wife.


i have known ppl refused a cert after a spouses death because they have consulted their dr with regard to grief counseling




as far as the keys.. i knew of a case where a second cheap mini safe with a digital lock was used to hold spare keys an birth certs ect and the combination was noted in there will ,,not sure where the law stands on this but he was sure it was a loophole.

Edited by hookbones
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The case of keeping the keys in an electronic safe was exactly what i was thinking of doing.....


I don't think this is breaking any laws?






It is if someone else knows the combination, I presume that leaving the code in your will with your solictor would be ok though.

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When you eventually go to the happy hunting ground in the sky your wife should contact your firearms department who will issue her with a temporary permit. This permit authorises her to have possession of your guns and dispose of them as she chooses. This saves her the trouble of moving your guns to a RFD.


I have a spare set of safe keys lodged in a sealed envelope with my solicitor for this very reason.


Death of license holders happens all the time and the police are used to dealing with the requirements and issuing permits to the surviving spouse.

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When i made my will i gave the solicitor a key and code to my keysafe in an envelope. He is also a shooting man, and he has writted instructions re section 7 etc so that when i shuffle off whoever is left dont have the hassle of trying to find out what they have to do with the guns before they organise the huge party that is bound to follow my demise

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hi mate,


i'm not exactly sure of all the details on this topic,but i do know that sporting gun

covered this some time ago(2yrs) :blink: but if i remember correctly,they stated

that under sec..61 of the firearms act. your son/daughter or wife may apply for

a temp cert...that will last for 28 day's,giving them surficant time to decied wether

or not they wont to apply for a sgc,or to sell them via RFD.My thinking is that maybe

if you contact sporting gun, they can dig up a back issue copy for you to buy...

worth ago. :unsure:


as for the keys go,i think ozzy518 has it pritty much coverd.. :unsure:

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