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Just hit a Muntjac.


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Yep, driving down a rural road about 9 miles from my house, stupid buck ran out infront of me.



I didn't have a knife/Gun on me (Because the police would have me if I did) and the poor old thing layed stunned with his front right leg broken, I tried the locals but they where about as much use as a wet dishcloth (one wanted nothing to do with it, the other didn't have anything suitable for the job). I went out to see if the thing was still kicking, as he was ******, but I was still holding in mind he'd give me a good nip if he wasn't stunned. He couldn't move but was able to waggle his head around suitably enough to deter me from trying to slit his throat, after trying a few more locals, he manged to hop off into the underbush.



Going to see if I can catch him with a 12 (if he's laying by the side of the road). Bit of a shame because he was certainly a gold medal.

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where did you say this was? i'll fetch my bike :good::wub::lol:


seriously though could you not take your belt off and strangle it? i know its a bit barbaric but it would shorten its suffering if you looped your belt like a noose then sit on the floor with a foot either side of the belt against the back of its neck and pull the belt and push with your feet, would think it would only take a couple of minutes max, its better then the alternative poor thing

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Foot under chin - force head back and slice it ear to ear.


Alternatively - if lying with its chin on the ground put your foot on the back of its head and insert point of knife in atlas joint and it'll be dead instantly.


Believe me they are tough little *******. Shame really when they get hit after the cold spell we've just had it killed quite a lot of weaker ones off around me,



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where did you say this was? i'll fetch my bike :wub::lol::lol:


seriously though could you not take your belt off and strangle it? i know its a bit barbaric but it would shorten its suffering if you looped your belt like a noose then sit on the floor with a foot either side of the belt against the back of its neck and pull the belt and push with your feet, would think it would only take a couple of minutes max, its better then the alternative poor thing


You might as well put it in a rear choke if you do that..not very nice way to go :good:


You can use almost anytihng to shatter a high vertebra, a hammer, back of an axe, edge of a spade ect......it just has to bring about rapid death to be legal, I wouldnt class choking rapid death would you?


Also, I really wouldnt drive over its head, you will be amazed the weight bone can take, might just roll over and cause it even more suffering.



Edited by stevethevanman
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These things are tiny, any adult human can handle one with ease.

Just take it by the head and straddle it at the same time forcing its head down, knife in, cut outwards and let it bleed out.

Job done, dont be scared its fine.


I would however add that it will be more humane if you can get a good sharp knife with a point that will do the job in one go, none of this hacking at the poor beast business.

Edited by BADFEET
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These things are tiny, any adult human can handle one with ease.

Just take it by the head and straddle it at the same time forcing its head down, knife in, cut outwards and let it bleed out.

Job done, dont be scared its fine.



As long as you sever an artery its fine....


I don't much like slaughter techniques being given online.

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As long as you sever an artery its fine....


I don't much like slaughter techniques being given online.


Correct and fair point, there are of course better ways to do this but given that this guy dont sound like he has much experience of this kind of thing the above seemed the simplest method to relate.


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Correct and fair point, there are of course better ways to do this but given that this guy dont sound like he has much experience of this kind of thing the above seemed the simplest method to relate.



Wouldn't a jack handle to the back of the head have done the job :good:

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I would pay good money to watch someone try and kill a deer by straddling it and cutting it's throat.The animal would be highly stressed and fighting for survival.I've been a slaughterman for 22yrs and the way some people describe the ways they would kill a animal is fantasy. :good:

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Rob G , I have done this on numeral occasions.............the biggest being Roe deer, and I guess you are thinking of bigger deer because what I said works.I would also try this with a bigger deer if needed as it has worked with the smaller deer.Yes I understand that with a bigger deer there is more to do with controlling it once the jacket is on its head, however, once you are laid over its shoulders/rib cage with the jacket on its head you are in charge.


I hunt and follow up on wild boar on a regular basis, and that is a scary vicious dangerous ******, dog in, me in , knife in, just know what you are doing.


Just because you are a slaughterman and have seen hundereds of animals panicung together does not mean you know what one that is in distress alone does.

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Traztaz,when you come face to face with a sow that has been shot with a captive bolt gun and not been hit correctly you know how a stressed animal reacts.Like you said in your post 'just know what you are doing'.If the person was trained or knew what he was doing this wouldnt be a problem.

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I would pay good money to watch someone try and kill a deer by straddling it and cutting it's throat.The animal would be highly stressed and fighting for survival.I've been a slaughterman for 22yrs and the way some people describe the ways they would kill a animal is fantasy. :good:


Me too, but not for 22 yrs, not as easy as looks without the animal stunned is it Rob?

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It's a difficult thing to decide what to do when your in the situation. Muntjac are very difficult to get hold of when hurt. Most people wouldn't think, ah yes I could wack it one with the tyre jack, just because after hitting something you tend to be in shock. If I were going to use a knife I'd want to go for an artery as this would be the quickest death. If it came to it though and you could get hold of it, cover its head to calm it and do what you believe is the kindest and quickest thing to despatch it.

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You might as well put it in a rear choke if you do that..not very nice way to go :good:


You can use almost anytihng to shatter a high vertebra, a hammer, back of an axe, edge of a spade ect......it just has to bring about rapid death to be legal, I wouldnt class choking rapid death would you?



hi steve

i wouldn't class choking as a rapid death but if you've no knife or anything to hit it with which would obviously be the first two ideas then a minute or two choking is better than and hour or two layed in the woods, i would never want anything to suffer and would always look for the quickest way if in that position and wouldn't condone choking if there was another quicker option mate



Edited by bicykillgaz
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you can always fing a piece of wood if you're out and the bull about carrying things in your car and the police being interested is pretty unlikely. I've a breaker bar with a Socket that fits on my trucks wheel nuts on it. Sharp blow to the back of the neck job done, best option if you have nothing is a simple call to either a local keeper or plod if not and they will deal with it properly. Choking it is just bloody silly and walikng round houses asking for a knife so you can stab an injured deer is just going to get you locked up. Gawd you hear some tripe on here at times

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Wonder if any of these far fetched fantasy dispatch tecniques have ever been used in anger by their protagonists???


Incidentatlly, there is much debate in clinical circles as to whether the knife to atlas joint does kill instantly as posted earlier in thread. Most research suggests it only paralyses and the deer still needs to be bled out. Plus the chances of finding the atlas joint in a mobile gold medal buck???

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