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Just hit a Muntjac.


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Pah, amateurs the lot of you! Everyone knows that the Vulcan Death Grip is the preferred method of killing deer. Failing that, a couple of the skiplickers on this thread could try talking it to death. They've already done an outstanding job of putting my glass eye to sleep.


Whats a skiplicker?

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Wonder if any of these far fetched fantasy dispatch techniques have ever been used in anger by their protagonists???



What a thing to say...you sound like an anti.


I bet you subscribe to lethal injection.


He had a knife but didn't use it, nothing heavy to hit it over the head, so breaking the neck, no fantasy.


Very easy blasting shots into deer.


Why would you be angry? Says more about you.



Hey Richie, what's that all the way up there?? ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^










Yep, that's it, look right up high above you...





















Oh yeah, it's my original post going waaaaaaaaay over your head :oops::rolleyes:

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just for the record i would probably have done a stone cold stunner on it, it would be the kindest way!




As I returned with the bread knife, and taking a second or two to deside what to do (it was a sodding bread knife after all) He managed to get up, and limp off in a zig-zagging pattern with a broken leg. It was a 60mph road with no lights, so chasing him would of been stupid.

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A heel palm strike to the temple would do it. I saw it in a ninja film once.


But seriously...I was beating last year and witnessed two big blokes trying to finish off a roe deer that had been chased into some barbed wire then bitten badly by a lab. They released it and it ran around dragging one of its legs behind it. They tried alsorts to finish it off, one bloke holding it down and one offering to shot it if the he could hold its head still long enough. It took them about 5 mins of wrestling, before they realised that even though it wasn't a big roe, it was damn strong. They ended up letting it run a few yards and shooting it in the head. A bloody mess if ever I saw one and a good reminder that what you think you would do is different to the reality.


Personally, I think I would be swinging a spade at its head but I am open to better ideas that don't envolve shooting.

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