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Whats the strangest meat or fish


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You mean in (in)famous "Cheese Posessed". Foul stuff, though a mate of mine couldnt get enough of it. You also used to get the frankfurters in the 10 man pack that came out of the tin encased in a sabot of fat.


Even worse than cheese posessed though was when they did away with the tins of meat paste that went with your biscuits brown and replaced it with a little pot of Primula that always had a layer of green grease floating on top.


Ahh rat packs. Melted rolos and yorkie bars covered in a wierd white powder anyone?




One of my ex-colleagues who had been a National Serviceman in the 50's used to reminisce about ration-pack EJT (short for elephant's john thomas - apparently)


I remember buying chocolate dipped ants and fried locusts as a boy

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The wierdest...? Hmm, let me think.... Well, I had some grasshoppers cooked in oil when on a survival weekend some years back. They weren't too bad as it happens.


Had garden snails on a foraging day back in the autumn last year. They were pretty rank and all they satisfied was my curiosity, which is quite strange as I love the big old romana snails the french dish up.


And I had sweet breads once (from the rear end) from a butcher in Winchelsea after seeing Hugh banging on about how fantastic they are. There are just some things that a bloke ain't meant to put in his mouth, and the tesitcles of another animal is one of them. Spent the next 24 hours on the khazi squitting through the eye of a needle. Not that you needed to know that but I thought I'd share it with you just the same.

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I've had alligator a couple of times, horse once, something that I swear was dog in Viet Nam, and ostrich several times. But, given that there is an ostrich farm down the road from us, that's not so unusual.


I think the strangest food has to be out of MoD ration packs though. Zapp, Lefty et al... Do you guys remember the tinned cheese you got in the 10 man ration packs? very odd stuff.

"Cheese Processed" if I remember right. Meat and veg was good though.

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Processed Cheese, or Cheese Possessed. Hated it. Full of little crunchy, gritty pieces. Gopping stuff. We're currently being spoiled with a massive range of curries, pasta's, vegetarian and Halal options these days. I still pine for the old tinned Menu A with chicken curry.

have to admit though the new lucazade powder is better than the orange screech powder that would stain anything it touched or worse yet the battery acid lemon powder.

Oh and as for cheesed processed i dont know about the crunchy gritty peices but certainly the film of filth covering it i well remember it was like cooking oil!

Edited by JamesLeic
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