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new gun.opinions


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hi all.thinking of investing in a bettinsoli diamond 12g deluxe 28 inch m/c.sporter.mainly to be used for clays and would like some of your thoughts on ,this

gun and bettinsolis in general.all your opinions greatly appreciated.

thanks alan

Edited by besty57
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hi all thanks for the replys so far.just to say rang around for a few prices on the bettisoli.and had a call back from a dealer .and been offered a sideplate

model with what he says is exhibition grade wood, for 965 pound.so will go and have a look and see how it fits.and how it shoots

what say you .thanks alan

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hi all thanks for the replys so far.just to say rang around for a few prices on the bettisoli.and had a call back from a dealer .and been offered a sideplate

model with what he says is exhibition grade wood, for 965 pound.so will go and have a look and see how it fits.and how it shoots

what say you .thanks alan



Not too sure about the bettinsoli but at that price your into 686e (ish) territory which you would struggle to find a bad word said about mate.

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hi all thanks for the replys so far.just to say rang around for a few prices on the bettisoli.and had a call back from a dealer .and been offered a sideplate

model with what he says is exhibition grade wood, for 965 pound.so will go and have a look and see how it fits.and how it shoots

what say you .thanks alan


For that sort of money forget it and get a beretta 686 687 at that price :good::oops:

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hi all thanks for the replys so far.just to say rang around for a few prices on the bettisoli.and had a call back from a dealer .and been offered a sideplate

model with what he says is exhibition grade wood, for 965 pound.so will go and have a look and see how it fits.and how it shoots

what say you .thanks alan





is it a new one your after,


i may know of a couple of nearly new ones for sale, although they arnt the sideplate models or the diamond grade but are very nice, and if you wanted to try you could come to the club...



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Just don't do it. You will lose a mint. You can get a Beretta or nearly new Miroku MK38 for that money. Both are on a different planet quality and resale-wise. Massive mistake.


If you must go Bettinsoli - there is a nearly new one on here at £500. Lot of gun for that money.

Edited by Gordon R
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  • 1 month later...

I have had a bettinsoli diamond line for about 3 months now and it has had around 700 cartridges through it without a problem, and to be honest i have been hitting between 17 and 22 out of 25, i have only been shooting since dec last year, i have tried different makes of gun but it was my personal choice in the end, for around £700 i dont think you can go wrong with a bettinsoli, unless you have a higher budget then you could be looking for a second hand berreta or browning.

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