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Didn't write it as a rant, just a straight to the point opinion. Wouldn't say it was complete nonsense myself. We didn't get rule a good portion of the world by paying them to do our jobs did we :good:


George you really need to read a history book about the British Empire that wasn't written by a money hound or on the payroll of the Public Sector. We ruled the world mostly by force not by 'them seeing our way was the best' when we rolled up in their harbours and walked into their homes. When we took foreign lands like Australia, parts of the America's and parts of Africa, we did so with massive bloodshed on all sides. We made slaves of people and drove whole cultures of people to the brink of extinction. We stole lands and wealth were we dared to tread, and then wrote book on how we made their lives better for it


I did A level History before you call me a liar!



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I think the problem lies in the definition of immigrant. I think we can define these people into two categories:


Immigrants that are looking for work and leave their families on other countries and come here to work to b able to send money back and live.


Immigrants that head here to take advantage of the UK Healthcare and benefits systems, live of the state and do not provide any return to the UK economy.


These are completely different people. If you have a problem with the first, then the problem i feel lies with the age old problem which l stated earlier. If like me you have a problem with the second, then l think we could be getting somewhere! These people should be returned to their country of origin and /or we should be talking to their country of origin about compensation. Then see if their own country allows them to travel under false pretences.


Just my opinion -



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I left school at 16 with 5 pass GCSES, I had the ability and should have stayed on to A levels and done a degree but I knew best at the time. :good:


In the 21 years that I have worked (with very few qualifications to my name) I have NEVER been out of work - EVER. I have NEVER claimed any kind of benefit and I have always been totally financially self sufficient.


I would like to hope that the English people chosen on that programme are not typical of the population of Wisbech or for that matter, the rest of the English unemployed. Please tell me that they were thicko stooges chosen to make it interesting viewing.


It was a trully embarrassingly excruciating programme to watch, that only confirmed my opinion that there are many English people that chose not to work because the system makes it too easy for them to do so.

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I think the problem lies in the definition of immigrant. I think we can define these people into two categories:


Immigrants that are looking for work and leave their families on other countries and come here to work to b able to send money back and live.


Immigrants that head here to take advantage of the UK Healthcare and benefits systems, live of the state and do not provide any return to the UK economy.


These are completely different people. If you have a problem with the first, then the problem i feel lies with the age old problem which l stated earlier. If like me you have a problem with the second, then l think we could be getting somewhere! These people should be returned to their country of origin and /or we should be talking to their country of origin about compensation. Then see if their own country allows them to travel under false pretences.


Just my opinion -



Whilst these migrants, for the most part, maintain currency transfer within the EEA, they do leech it out of the UK


In effect, the UK economy is being leached to other countries. Now whilst this might not seem so bad, re-distributing wealth within Europe, the home nations of these migrants are losing out on skilled workers, and so their economies recede. catch 22, "innit" :good:

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Embarassing car crash telly in the extreme.


I would rather watch a whole week of Some Mothers Do Ave 'Em


:good: id love to watch a weeks worth of frank spencer.....hahaha... any way at least he was always keen to have a job and provide for "ooooo'beddy..."


the thing with the programme was it was'nt really a fair representation on our side.... you had hard working immigrants who wanted to work and were here specifically for that reason, pitted against u.k work shy long term dolers who "choose" not to work......

if it was to be a fair test, maybe they could have taken an english person off a production line in a factory somewhere and put him/her in the spud factory... or a seasoned farm labourer with the asparagus crew.....some one from a restruant in the indian who at least had a clue about the product he was selling :good:


our worst v's there best :lol: well rigged to look like we need them. :good:

like many of you on here, i work very hard, long hours and im pretty alright at my trade....i didnt wake up one day skilled, or have someone offer me it on a plate, which is were some of the brits in question go wrong i guess.....its too easy to claim benefit..


i wonder if they have lazy bstds in eastern europe ? sure they must...perhaps they dont have a choice with no benefits etc...so who balmes them for coming here ?


car crash tv.

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Dear God in heaven some of the bone idle inbred retards this programme manged to find make me ashamed to be British.First off they have been out of work for months in some cases years yet on the first day most of them some how fell ill ,or some other half ****d excuse for laying in their pit or playing on a play station ,easy solution no dole for the next 6 months .Then we were treated to the two geniuses who were put to work in the asparagus field," I think after a week or two we'd be as quick as them foriegners" for gods sake its cutting stalks off plants.Next up Laurel and Hardy in the spud packing factory ,"right lads you put 12 bags of spuds in each box", end of the shift lots of boxes with 10 bags of spuds in them their excuse "Well everyone has a bad counting day some times dont they?"

Wisbech beware these lot are going to have children in years to come ,can you imagine what they will be like?

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Immigrants that head here to take advantage of the UK Healthcare and benefits systems, live of the state and do not provide any return to the UK economy.


I agree Tom, its certainly a problem area


there are many English people that chose not to work because the system makes it too easy for them to do so.


This is another one


These two groups of people are costing the UK tax payer millions.


There is no excuse for the first group above, the government has let it go on for far too long and could have had an impact in this area if they had the 'balls' to address it.


The second group is harder to deal with. We, as a society may have let them down along the way by not embracing good old fashioned family values, education, training and opportunities. There may be 3 or 4 generations born into this culture and its self perpetuating and very difficult for anyone to break the cycle.


There are jobs in this country for those in group 2, whatever thier reasons they just dont grab the opportunities. The imigrants come here to work because of the opportunities left open by group 2. Basic economics.

Edited by Marcus
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The second group is harder to deal with. We, as a society may have let them down along the way by not embracing good old fashioned family values, education, training and opportunities. There may be 3 or 4 generations born into this culture and its self perpetuating and very difficult for anyone to break the cycle.


There are jobs in this country for those in group 2, whatever thier reasons they just dont grab the opportunities. The imigrants come here to work because of the opportunities left open by group 2. Basic economics.


personally i think thats the biggest problem, blaming everything on "society" instead of tackling the issue head on. i know plenty of people who fall into the 2nd category. the reason they dont grab the opportunities that are handed to them is all the namby pamby "oh poor you dont worry, its societys fault youre fat/illiterate/lazy/violent" attitudes, simple answer is stop the benefits. one of my friend recently was laughing at me for going out to work. he has been on the sick for 20 years and was telling me how he gets £90 every week spending money, his rent gets paid for him, free dental treatment, etc. he drinks 7 nights a week and nearly everytime i text him he's sitting in the pub. he's as smart (if not smarter) than me, and comes from a hard working family. society definitely hasnt let him down from what i can see, he's just a lazy work shy ******* who has realised that by being "sick" he can sit on his backside all day, watching tv, drinking whenever he wants and not having a care in the world.


simple answer is stop the benefits, stop the freebies, then theyll have no option but to go out and find a job.

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personally i think thats the biggest problem, blaming everything on "society" instead of tackling the issue head on. i know plenty of people who fall into the 2nd category. the reason they dont grab the opportunities that are handed to them is all the namby pamby "oh poor you dont worry, its societys fault youre fat/illiterate/lazy/violent" attitudes, simple answer is stop the benefits. one of my friend recently was laughing at me for going out to work. he has been on the sick for 20 years and was telling me how he gets £90 every week spending money, his rent gets paid for him, free dental treatment, etc. he drinks 7 nights a week and nearly everytime i text him he's sitting in the pub. he's as smart (if not smarter) than me, and comes from a hard working family. society definitely hasnt let him down from what i can see, he's just a lazy work shy ******* who has realised that by being "sick" he can sit on his backside all day, watching tv, drinking whenever he wants and not having a care in the world.


simple answer is stop the benefits, stop the freebies, then theyll have no option but to go out and find a job.


Well said stop the handouts to the people who have made a career out of free loading and the country would be in a better state. Benefits should be there for people who NEED them not for people who cant be bothered to get off their backside and make an honest living!

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personally i think thats the biggest problem, blaming everything on "society" instead of tackling the issue head on. i know plenty of people who fall into the 2nd category. the reason they dont grab the opportunities that are handed to them is all the namby pamby "oh poor you dont worry, its societys fault youre fat/illiterate/lazy/violent" attitudes, simple answer is stop the benefits. one of my friend recently was laughing at me for going out to work. he has been on the sick for 20 years and was telling me how he gets £90 every week spending money, his rent gets paid for him, free dental treatment, etc. he drinks 7 nights a week and nearly everytime i text him he's sitting in the pub. he's as smart (if not smarter) than me, and comes from a hard working family. society definitely hasnt let him down from what i can see, he's just a lazy work shy ******* who has realised that by being "sick" he can sit on his backside all day, watching tv, drinking whenever he wants and not having a care in the world.


simple answer is stop the benefits, stop the freebies, then theyll have no option but to go out and find a job.


Im not making excuses for those in group 2. However, I think that Society has played its part. Im not of the opinion that as society has let them down its OK to give them benefits....far from it. I quite agree with you on the 'stopping the benefits'


No government has ever taken the hard line on these people, and theres the issue. We will have mates like yours who play the system, at our cost.


Until we have a government who back up the lip service they give these issues, with action, it will never go away.

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