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The Dog Whisperer review

Doc Holliday

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Well, we've been there and seen it. And I have to say it was nothing like what we expected. I suppose we were expecting something akin to the TV show. Ok, there was a hint of it in there but nothing of any real quality. A tad lame to say the least. in fairness, he did come out to meet the audience for a few minutes, which the ladies seemed to like. Having said that, the female to male ratio was along the lines of that psychic night I went to last week.


The content of the show seemed to focus more on his beliefs about "energy" and how the world can only change when we change as individuals within. Ok, so that's the guys view and I'm not gonna **** on it just because I can, but I kinda agree with him. Having said that, I wasn't paying good money for me & the other half to sit & listen to him bang on along those lines. I wanted to see him do his thing with a dog that had real issues about whatever.


Throughout the show there were 3 dogs that made a stage appearance (2 of them twice). The first came on (it looked like an english setter) and was very well behaved. He called up a member of the audience (needless to say the amount of women that went to rush the stage must have been somewhat alarming for him). The guy from the audience stood there and he let the dog sniff him and then a fuss was made. I think he was going on about "spaces". The public space, social space, interacting space & intimate space.


The second dog, a chocolate lab, was then brought on. He gave a bit of a demo about lead length and what it means to the dog. Essentially, the shorter the lead the more you are in control of the dog and the more the dog regards you as being pack leader. He also tried something with food but it wasn't that interest. Unusual for a lab I hear you say. Apparently it had been fed an hour or so earlier (not sure why that would stop a lab from not showing an interest in some free grub).


Third dog was a cocker spaniel. Whatever he wanted to do with dog was short lived as it was more intent on the food than in him, so he pulled a bit of U-turn saying "Ok, I can now show you what I wanted to do with the other dog." Sorry mate, but if you're the dog whisperer then why can't you actually get it do what you want it to do on the stage? Ah, yes! the editing crew weren't to hand.


Anyhow, dog 1 came back on and did a couple of turns on the stage. I'd kinda lost interest by now and all I was picking up was "Wah Wah Wah Wah Wah!". Exit dog 1, enter dog 2. Does a bit of turn on a tread mill - about 6 steps. He says it's good to exercise dogs... wah wah wah wah wah! Christ, what could the time be now? People are starting to leave. Maybe they've had enough too or maybe they just want to get out of the carpark before everyone else.


Anyhow, the end of the show comes to the fore with his personal mission statement which goes something like "The Greatness of a Nation and its moral progess can be judged by the way it treats its animals", which I can agree with (so long as it doesn't mean I have to give up shooting and eating meat).


As the show starts to empty out in swathes of surging bodies, I turn to th OH and ask if she wants to stay in case he does an encore. At that moment the guy on the tannoy blares out "Ladies & Gentlemen! Cesar Millan will be back on stage in 10 minutes for a block questions & answers session! Please take your seats!" Turns out he meant be back for those people in Block A.


So we think "Great! We'll have some of that then." and promptly park our rear ends on a seat not 20 yards from the stage. Other folk have sat down too in expectation. Shortly thereafter we get approached by the security who ask to see our tickets. "Sorry, these aren't VIP tickets. You'll have to leave!"


"I think not my old china! I've paid good money for those tickets and they were sold to me as being VIP tickets!" We argue the toss for a few minutes. Other folk join us in solidarity just as other security are joining their comrade. Wouldn't you know it... a genuine mexican stand-off (minus the guns). As one ape steps forward, I'm kinda thinking he's gonna take a hold of someone. "Hold on a moment sonny. If you lay one finger on any of us then that's assault. That gives us the right to defend ourselves. Are you sure you want it to go that way?"


He stops, and then goes off the get his manager. He come out and gets told that we will be staying put. Some other guy comes out from around the back, possible something to do with the promoters. "Erh! Let them stay." and wonders off only to turn around and say to the secity chief "but stand in their way so they can't see". Then some other O2 guy comes down and then says we can stay. Great! We sit down again. Cesar comes back on stage. We were expecting a show of hands and he picks the person fro mthe audience but the questions have been pre-written by those with the bonafide tickets and some old tart from production is calling them out, a bit like Question time with old dimbleby.


Three questions later, old tarty bit says "Ok, I think that's all we've got time for." What? 3 poxy questions. What a gip! I was glad I didn't actually pay VIP prices for that. Anyhow, Cesar asked for a couple of more questions. In truth, I think he felt a bit embarrassed by that.


All in all, not a fantastic night out but then I think it was a show orchestrated by some no nothing promo types who are milking a cash cow for all it's worth. That coupled with Health & Safety about dogs indoors at these event. Cesar, my old mate. Next time, just do the show the way it should be done. If people want to bring their dogs, then let them (floor area only) and pull them up on stage so we can really see the cut of your cloth.

Edited by Doc Holliday
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Interesting post - Thanks.


I balked at the price and I couldn't see how he could demonstrate his methods in a show enviornment with the time and location constraints.


As for the 'energy' I'm a believer in that some people have a psychic connection to dogs that enables them to understand the dog's needs and behaviour better than others. Dogs like other animals communicate differently to us, and the dog staring right at you through the window or when it's sitting at your feet is communicating. Whether you can understand that is another matter. When you see Ceaser around dogs you can see that he is so in tune with them.

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So we think "Great! We'll have some of that then." and promptly park our rear ends on a seat not 20 yards from the stage. Other folk have sat down too in expectation. Shortly thereafter we get approached by the security who ask to see our tickets. "Sorry, these aren't VIP tickets. You'll have to leave!"


"I think not my old china! I've paid good money for those tickets and they were sold to me as being VIP tickets!" We argue the toss for a few minutes. Other folk join us in solidarity just as other security are joining their comrade. Wouldn't you know it... a genuine mexican stand-off (minus the guns). As one ape steps forward, I'm kinda thinking he's gonna take a hold of someone. "Hold on a moment sonny. If you lay one finger on any of us then that's assault. That gives us the right to defend ourselves. Are you sure you want it to go that way?"


If they ask you to leave, and you refuse, then technically you're trespassing. They then have a right to remove you, using minimum force if necessary. Just thought I'd mention it :good:

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I just can't see this converting well to a stage act, the programs are fine but they are result of masses of post editing to make them even slightly watchable.

Good on him though, a non English speaking illegal immigrant from Mexico, hopped over the boarder and now has built up this business - respect :rolleyes:

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Doc, what actually induced you to go?


It's sort of mildly interesting on tele when your waiting for something else to start but really that's about it.


They've virtually banned the use of animals in the circus because anything exciting was always cruel.


Your article was good though.

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Interesting post - Thanks.


As for the 'energy' I'm a believer in that some people have a psychic connection to dogs that enables them to understand the dog's needs and behaviour better than others. Dogs like other animals communicate differently to us, and the dog staring right at you through the window or when it's sitting at your feet is communicating. Whether you can understand that is another matter. When you see Ceaser around dogs you can see that he is so in tune with them.


I have to agree entirely with this post! I firmly believe that every living thing (including humans) has "energies" that they project (Both positive and negative) and that it is possible for people to "pick up on" or "Sense" these energies as well as to interact with them. Please let me give you an example: When you are out in a public place how namy times have you been standing close to someone that you have never met before and felt that they are "a bit down in the dumps" or "having a bad day"? If the truth be known I would suspect that just about everyone has experienced this at some time or other! What I believe is happening here is that you are starting to "pick up on" the negative energies that they are radiating!

Why should a dog not want to communicate with a person, especially someone that the dog recognises as the pack leader by using similar types of "energies" to communicate with us, or are we saying that dogs don't have thoughts and feelings?


You may well think that what I am saying here is a complete load of old tosh. I don't have a problem with that, we are all entitled to our own beliefs but before you "shoot me down in flames as a total fruit case" please think carefully about it and you might well see that there is some truth in what I am saying!

Edited by Frenchieboy
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Thanks for the encouraging feedback guys. I'd like to reposnd to one or two of them, in no particular order.


MPT1 - Two reasons why I went. Firstly, I was kinda intrigued to find out if he was as good as he is portrayed on TV and secondly, the OH is totally lost 5 miles in any direction of our house. In fairness, I did get her the tickets for a Christmas present as she loves what he can do with dogs and thought I may as well invite myself on her behalf as I'd probably end up fetching & carrying her there & back anyway.


Bagsy - Trespass is a civil law and not a criminal law (learnt that during my urban exploration days) and so long as I'm not being destructive or a nuisance there's not a lot that can be done. Sure, they can try and force you off but it can be a bit of a grey area as to assault etc.


MM - Sure, he may be a bit of a nut but perhaps there is some truth in what he says. Dogs can be very empathic and maybe all our technology and modern living has desensitised us from it but it's one of those things we will never know as it can't be measured scientifically or proven.


I have a certain amount of respect for him as he's made it himself. Although he freely admits the majority of the success is down to his wife's business accumen as he'd rather be up in the mountains with his dogs.

WelshAndy - Look forward to hearing what you thought about his show.

Edited by Doc Holliday
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Bagsy - Trespass is a civil law and not a criminal law (learnt that during my urban exploration days) and so long as I'm not being destructive or a nuisance there's not a lot that can be done. Sure, they can try and force you off but it can be a bit of a grey area as to assault etc.


Quite correct, that's why it's down to the property owner (or their security in this case) to remove you, not the police. As you say, it's a civil matter :good:


Think of it in the same way as a club (when a bouncer wants you out) or indeed, your own home - if you want someone out you have a right to throw them out if necessary. If it's private property the owner has a right to remove.


In your case I suspect they saw sense and wouldn't have wanted to create an unnecessary scene and look heavy handed as it's not good PR.


Good write up by the way ???

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A little late sorry but heres my update on the doq whisperer at Cardiff International Arena


I went with some friends who all work with dogs, 1 being a vet assistant another being a dog behaviourist. The set up was similar to a seminar, though the content was done for entertainment. Ceasar is a humerous and entertaining chap though I would have gone to see a comedian if i wanted to be entertained.


I could see from the audience and some of the vehicles being parked that a great deal of those who went to see him were real dog enthusiasts or people whose job was canine based. This is as ud expect as he is a great dog trainer. The "show" however was not aimed at such an audience. It was instead aimed at those who liked dogs wanted a nice evening being charmed by ceasar milan.


A lot of content was based on ceasar and his family. Although some valid points could be drawn from this, they were minimal and at the cost of more important information that could have been covered in this time. I felt that the whole event had too much emphasis on comedy. This woould have bneen fine, but not as it came at the expense of valid information.


I found it quite ironic that The Dog whisperer TV show which is based at the public and entertainment contained lots of valid training issues, and the tour which would have been primarily attended by dog enthusiasts and those whose jopbs are with dogs was based on entertainment.


There were a few dogs brought on to show some aspects of dog behaviour, but these examples were all from a local dog socailisation center, and so there wasnt many good examples of what he was trying to demonstrate. an example of this is when a young male rottweiler was brought on to demonstrate an unruly highly exciteable dog. The dog in question was actually very well behaved. The owner was doing a lot wrong, so he did have the chance to explain owner fault though this wasnt picked up on. Other than asking her to relax the lead, which he seems to do to everyone on every episode.


There was over two half hours with little real info and facts, except for the way dogs use nose then eyes then years as there senses to sum up a situation. The positive energy issue which he loves was addressed, but not explained as fully as it could have been, or enough examples given.


There was a good demonstration of how a nervous dog needs to be aproached and how other aproaches can be detrimental to a dog. This I feel was an importand issue and good to see him cover it the way he did. Similar can be said for pack leader issues though a little more detail could have been covered here, such as the problems that can arrise if not done.


Over all a nice evening but I didnt learn much! I think from now on it I'll just carry on with the TV programmes.




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A little late sorry but heres my update on the doq whisperer at Cardiff International Arena


I went with some friends who all work with dogs, 1 being a vet assistant another being a dog behaviourist. The set up was similar to a seminar, though the content was done for entertainment. Ceasar is a humerous and entertaining chap though I would have gone to see a comedian if i wanted to be entertained.


I could see from the audience and some of the vehicles being parked that a great deal of those who went to see him were real dog enthusiasts or people whose job was canine based. This is as ud expect as he is a great dog trainer. The "show" however was not aimed at such an audience. It was instead aimed at those who liked dogs wanted a nice evening being charmed by ceasar milan.


A lot of content was based on ceasar and his family. Although some valid points could be drawn from this, they were minimal and at the cost of more important information that could have been covered in this time. I felt that the whole event had too much emphasis on comedy. This woould have bneen fine, but not as it came at the expense of valid information.


I found it quite ironic that The Dog whisperer TV show which is based at the public and entertainment contained lots of valid training issues, and the tour which would have been primarily attended by dog enthusiasts and those whose jopbs are with dogs was based on entertainment.


There were a few dogs brought on to show some aspects of dog behaviour, but these examples were all from a local dog socailisation center, and so there wasnt many good examples of what he was trying to demonstrate. an example of this is when a young male rottweiler was brought on to demonstrate an unruly highly exciteable dog. The dog in question was actually very well behaved. The owner was doing a lot wrong, so he did have the chance to explain owner fault though this wasnt picked up on. Other than asking her to relax the lead, which he seems to do to everyone on every episode.


There was over two half hours with little real info and facts, except for the way dogs use nose then eyes then years as there senses to sum up a situation. The positive energy issue which he loves was addressed, but not explained as fully as it could have been, or enough examples given.


There was a good demonstration of how a nervous dog needs to be aproached and how other aproaches can be detrimental to a dog. This I feel was an importand issue and good to see him cover it the way he did. Similar can be said for pack leader issues though a little more detail could have been covered here, such as the problems that can arrise if not done.


Over all a nice evening but I didnt learn much! I think from now on it I'll just carry on with the TV programmes.






Good write up. Thanks for that Andy. Interesting to see that it was just a case of same show different location by the sound of it. In truth, I think a lot of people will be feeling short changed by it if they're honest. I know I did.


Feel sorry for you Doc, your OH doesn't half drag you along to some garbage.


Thanks for that Dr W. It really means a lot to me, sincerely. You know, she's even got plans this year to drag me along to our wedding. Can you believe it? :lol:

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Christ it must be love if you're going to go to that one.


I wonder whether it will get any worse after you've signed on the dotted line.


Though can't imagine anything worse than a Psychic night, local community council meeting perhaps?

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Already did that some years back. Went to lobby them for dog waste bin on our local green and to hasle the old bint over freeing up an allotment for us.


As it happens, there are some other issues I've been meaning to hassle them about of late so I may just pay them another visit. :lol:

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Good write up. Thanks for that Andy. Interesting to see that it was just a case of same show different location by the sound of it. In truth, I think a lot of people will be feeling short changed by it if they're honest. I know I did.


np mate, as you say probably lots feeling short changed.


By the way four people I knew went for the VIP ticket option. The tickets were £100 each and I was told he answered 4 questions from the VIP audience.


1 person out of the VIP lot asked ceasar to sign his programme booklet thing, Ceasar asked the promoters who said he couldnt :yes: They then said he had to go as they had to move to the next venue! at 10:20 at night :good:

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np mate, as you say probably lots feeling short changed.


By the way four people I knew went for the VIP ticket option. The tickets were £100 each and I was told he answered 4 questions from the VIP audience.


1 person out of the VIP lot asked ceasar to sign his programme booklet thing, Ceasar asked the promoters who said he couldnt :good: They then said he had to go as they had to move to the next venue! at 10:20 at night :yes:


That's interesting Andy. Sounds like my gut feeling was right - it was being run by a bunch of idiots who were just milking a cash cow. Really winds me up that does and it's just so typically bloody British "Give them as little as you can for as much as you can take them for". I don't think it's his fault so much as he's probably being led into it without having much of an idea as to how these things are run. But 4 questions? That really is taking the biscuit!

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