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Support for the removal of identity protection of Jon Venables


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Why should anyone be granted identity protection at our cost then be allowed to re-offend.


If you are on Facebook and agree please join the group here: http://www.facebook.com/topic.php?topic=13...id=369416111063


The more people that join the more chance we have to have the identity exposed to pass on the feelings of the general public.





Edited by JonD
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If his anominity was removed what would that do or prove :( public hysteria this is 2010 not 1810, the system worked thats why he is back inside :good: his accomplice is still free on licence is he not??? Mary bell is still out there, leading what is reported to be a normal life even having a family, I have mixed feelings on this one, even though Im not a supporter of this goverment I think they got it right, and it would not serve the public interest, Perhaps in cases like this guilty parties should locked away for life???

I really dont know? how the hell do you evaluate some one and declare him safe to return to the public domain --- on a licence to be watched for ever -- or never


Edited by Alanl50
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the other half is a probation officer and she say's he could of been re-called for any number of thing's.it could of been that he was missing appointments and the officer treating him thinks he is going backwards.i don't think his identity will help in anyway,what i do think is that the reason he was re-called should be published and then people can make their minds up from there :(

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whitch hunt hysteria


Exactly. Just means more expense processing and locking up his assassin. Really, until we find out exactly why he is back inside there is no point arguing his fate. Revealing his identity only makes sense if he has commited or attempted to commit another heinous crime. In which case it is unlikely he will be seen again.

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If his anominity was removed what that do or prove :good: public hysteria this is 2010 not 1810, the system worked thats why he is back inside :D his accomplice is still free on licence is he not??? Mary bell is still out there, leading what is reported to be a normal life even having a family, I have mixed feelings on this one, even though Im not a supporter of this goverment I think they got it right, and it would not serve the public interest, Perhaps in cases like this guilty parties should locked away for life???

I really dont know? how the hell do you evaluate some one and declare him safe to return to the public domain --- on a licence to be watched for ever -- or never





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I don't know who's worse here.... the media for stirring up this lynch mob mentality or the lynch mob themselves (that's you guys!!!!) what purpose is all this serving..... the only thing releasing his identity will do is probably get him killed.... will that make you all feel better? and if it would, why? what connection do you have to this event 17 years ago..... absolutely none!!


I had a look on the facebook group!!!! animals.... there are even groups called "kill Jon Venables" too!!!! I'm surprised that kind of thing hasn't prompted a visit from the Police as it is a death threat. What made me really laugh though is that there are a great number of posts (probably the majority) from people who weren't even born when this happened. They obviously need a scandal in thier lives and don't find the attrocities going on at western hands in the middle east enough to satisfy thier lust for blood!!!! My son was 2 and a half when this happened and we lived just outside and visited Liverpool frequently!


The only people who could possibly get anything out of Venables death are Bulgers family and even then, if something did happen they would soon realise that they felt no better for his demise. Two wrongs really don't make a right!!!


I'm sick to death of all this speculation. It started off that he was clubbing in Liverpool, then moved on to an assault in the workplace, then a sexual assault and now we are up to kiddie porn..... what the **** get a grip people.... this is none of yours or any one elses business but the probation office, the courts and the police. You have no right to know what(if anything) he has done, it will serve no purpose and is irrelevant. That goes for Jamie's mum too.


Punishment was dealt out 17 years ago (whether you agreed with that punishment or not, what did you wan't? to see a pair of ten year olds hanged? trust me, that would have gone down in history as being far mor heinous than the reason for the hanging!) and from the public's perspective that is the end of it, you are not judges, probation officers, the police or involved mental health experts If he has suddenly become a risk to the public again then the system has worked perfectly and he has been taken out of circulation. Have you also thought that it could be someone close to him, who knows his past who has fallen out with him? a word in the right ear, with the right information would have his licence revoked immediately. I also wonder if he is now a threat to society, how much of the blame for that should be placed on the institutions he was incarcerated in and the company he was brought up with during his youth, possibly not the best environment to produce a well rounded, stable person, irrespective of what he had done as a child.


Whatever the reason..... IT'S NO ONES BUSINESS BUT THOSE DIRECTLY INVOLVED!!!!!!!!!!!


Tell you what though........... the media is getting just what they want!!! thier pockets lined by stirring up a sensational story that, frankly, isn't that sensational at all!!!!

Edited by Vipa
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the other half is a probation officer and she say's he could of been re-called for any number of thing's.it could of been that he was missing appointments and the officer treating him thinks he is going backwards.i don't think his identity will help in anyway,what i do think is that the reason he was re-called should be published and then people can make their minds up from there :(

Make your mind up about what?? he failed the criteria of his release on licence, knowing what he done or even what he looks like will not serve the public interest ---- if we or you knew what he had done how would that help the general public, I fail to see what you can make your mind up about??

Don't misunderstand me the crimes he committed with his accomplice were diabolical but we have to put our faith in those we hope know best, myself included like many have loads of opinions, but with this one the majority on this site don't have the qualifications to make the judgements required where he is concerned.


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http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/news/74979...-sex-crime.html not the best of papers agreed, but i bet there on the mark :(


If what is in that report is true, then the leak could have only come from a prison officer. That PO, when found, should be sacked, lose any pension rights and then go on trial for incitement to riot. We put our trust and faith in public officials such as these. Breaching the trust of the position he/she is in shows that they are not an honest person and should be dealt with accordingly.


You do all know that if this is all done under the media and public glare, the European Court of Human Rights will probably rule a mistrial! Hands up... who thinks he's guilty of whatever it is he's supposed to have done? You lot and the general public at large and that will mean the future jury too have already decided the outcome of any trial!!!!


I really thought we were better than this!

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http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/news/74979...-sex-crime.html not the best of papers agreed, but i bet there on the mark :(

Makes you wonder how they know all this :good: thats if is its true :D not exactly a reliable source for current affairs normally trading on sensationalism and bullshine, however with this one I feel they going to make millions,-- his poor mother!


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Childish and primitive. Under what possible circumstances could anyone believe that a developed country are possibly ever going to release the identity of someone to be subject to a baying mob of retards?


He was 10 years old when this happened - there are hundreds of cases of ADULTS far more conscious of their own actions who have been responsible for equally nasty crimes AND re-offended who have not been subject to the same whipped up hysteria. If you don't like the way he was treated then petition for changes to the law on young offenders or rehabilitation - oh wait, sorry that might require more than the IQ of a chimp.


Grow up ***....... :(

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Childish and primitive. Under what possible circumstances could anyone believe that a developed country are possibly ever going to release the identity of someone to be subject to a baying mob of retards?


He was 10 years old when this happened - there are hundreds of cases of ADULTS far more conscious of their own actions who have been responsible for equally nasty crimes AND re-offended who have not been subject to the same whipped up hysteria. If you don't like the way he was treated then petition for changes to the law on young offenders or rehabilitation - oh wait, sorry that might require more than the IQ of a chimp.


Grow up ***....... :(


Edited by utectok
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:good: is this a bit more like it http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2010/mar/07/j...fessed-identity


taken from that 'An injunction was issued against the Sun newspaper on Friday night to prevent it from printing a story detailing Venables's alleged offences'


the sun and notw are the same, sounds to me like they know the who's and what's comic news paper or not :(

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While I feel nothing but total revulsion for those two evil little ******** and what they did to little Jamie Bulger and I believe that they should have got life (And Life should have meant Life) what benefit would it be if Venables's new identity was revealed. He came out on Licence and "trod the wrong side of the track", he got caught and is back behind bars now, surely this shows that the system works whether we agree with it or not!

Do we really want to turn into a Witch Hunting Nation of Vigilantes, surely that would make us as bad as them?

Anyway, from what I hear on the news he was bragging to people and telling them that he was Venables anyway so he was himself admitting to his new identity.

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Am I wrong or is the guy on remand unconvicted of anything as yet?! Innocent till proven I thought?

Yep you are wrong. He has been convicted (you may rem) and was out on licence. That means he was released without serving his full sentence. Providing he stuck to the rules regarding his early parole all would be well for him. However, break the rules/criteria and back you go to serve the full term.

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Anyway, from what I hear on the news he was bragging to people and telling them that he was Venables anyway so he was himself admitting to his new identity.



But its all Chinese whispers though. I read that he had told people his identity because of the extreme mental pressures he had been suffering, I wouldn't call that bragging.


Don't get me wrong, i'd be quite happy to see him hang for what he did. Though making his identity known makes little difference.


If blame should be placed for the recent events then look to the European Court of Human Rights who overturned a decision by the then Home Secretary, Michael Howard, to extend their sentences, in favour of releasing the two boys on a life license.

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