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fox in the Trap


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I had a call from a friend last week saying that a fox had been in her chicken run and killed a couple of chickens and she wanted me to get rid of them.

Her house is surounded by stables and houses so I could not use a shotgun or rifle so I had to use a cage trap.

Normally I would not inspect to get a fox on the first night, it normally takes the foxes a couple of days to go in the and take the bait but I set it up yesterday and this morning she called me saying there was a fox in the trap, so I went down and shot it so she is well happy.


So that is one less but she said there is about 2 more left but probably more so I have left the trap set so hopefully we shall have more soon :lol:







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well said, i used to catch them my self years ago, i bet its only 1yr old you hav a job getting a old dog or vicky going in no matter how hungry they are. i could put some good pics on but better not,

ps when you go to the cage they always hav that same "butter would``````nt melt in my mouth look" not now it wont good night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by abiteachuck
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I have had no luck over the past couple of days so I put some fresh pigeons in the trap yesterday and I got a phone call this morning saying there was another fox in the trap :yes:


This time it was the dog fox, so that should be all of them going by that she has only seen 3. I shall leave the trap for a couple more days just incase.

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