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Times when you just have to trust the pilot


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This photo was taken by a soldier in Afghanistan of a helo rescue mission.



What heroes - these guys deserve all the support we can give them - thanks for the photo.


And then the politicians tell the generals who lead them that they now have to travel second class on the train, whilst Gordo and his lot - yes you guessed it - still travel first!


They STILL do not get it!

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The Pilot is Larry Murphy a reservist EMS Pilot (called out on active service)

The picture was taken on Operation Mountain Resolve (by Greg Heath, 4th Public Affairs Dept) and actually depicts the loading of Afghan Fighters captured by the US 10th Mountain div

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Many years ago when I lived in Gosport I was sitting on the beach watching the world go by when a Chinook appears and went into a serious dive towards the sea. I thought "mmm, this doesn't look good" but about 20 feet from the water it flared out, opened it's rear door and six burly blokes dressed in black jumped out in a Zodiac boat and sped off to the shore! Cool I thought.


Anyway, Chinook lifts off and flies off. circling round over towards the Isle Of White. Next thing is the Zodiac is heading back out to sea at a fair lick and the helo dives in again, flaring off at 20 feet again but this time dunking the rear of the airframe in the water. The Zodiac didn't even slow down, I swear, one of the blokes on board grabbed the out board and pulled it up just before the boat shot up inside the Chinook at about 30 knots! As soon as the boat cleared the ramp the helo was up and away, in the water for no more than about 10-15 seconds max!


Coolest thing I've ever seen in the Solent!!

Edited by Ped
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Perhaps it isn't but the photo looks a bit fake to me. The soldiers look like models and surely the trees would be blown flat by the downdraft whereas they look very still. Also wouldn't there be a lot of dust flying about? It all looks a bit staged.



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