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car insurance....... going up??????


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apart from the usual fluctuation in rates, the main reason is that the prices have been too low over the last few years due to all the price matching that used to go on between the companies - this meant prices were forced down, so to sustain their businesses the companies have had to put the prices back up again. one of these things!

Edited by Ozzy Fudd
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My household insurance is up in a week and renewal was £100 more than last year - did a price comparison and got quotes same as last year - rang my company and asked can you match it - the Indian girl said no so said stick me on to "customer retention" - good experienced English gent managed to get it down to a few quid less than last year. - only trouble with price comparison is second I clicked save quote my mobile went off with some foreign gent rang me saying he could beat quote - 100 quid more than quote I saved

same has applied to my car insurance - take it out with someone else and get new customer bonus deal then go back to your old one next year as new customer.


Same applied to my broad band - contract up - ring for MAC or Map get put through to customer retention and get a good deal.



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Yep! I have been with Saga for the last 5 years, the last 4 years being with the same motor. I have not made any claims nor has any of my circumstances changed so I would expect my premium to go down but this is not the case. Each year it has gone up. When I asked them why I was told that it was due to rising costs so I have told them that if the costs have risen again on my next renewal I will be forgetting about "Loyalty" and going for different quotes. I think that it is time that we all started shopping around instead of sticking to just the one company!

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Lloyds car renewal came through yesterday £370, went online to Admiral multicar and guess what £263 for first car and next month only £216 for second car.

Change my house insurance too from Lloyds the month before and saved another packet.


These companies think once they have you, you wont bother to change.

they should start thinking about giving us Customers more respect.



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Yes, spoke to them, no joy, told them not to renew, had a ring around (every 0800 number in the book) got a better price, and better cover,I have no loyalty to insurance companies.






You've got it in a nutshell. Every year when my renewal is due I log on and compare quotes. The cheapest always wins.

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i have had a look on-line to get a better price for house insurance, the annoying thing now is that you have to put a contact number in to get a quote, the day after you get a phone call asking if the quote was competitive, this has happened twice now, must be a new tactic.

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Going through the same thing right now, it appears my renewal (from a broker) is cheapest so far. Will continue looking at the usual main line suspects.


A couple of points to watch:

As said be careful the comparisons sites offer a like for like quote. It can take some time to weed out the rubbish, very cheap quotes that are just there to get to the top of the list.

Watch out for compulsory and voluntary excess figures, some are hidden under the "info" button.

The type and availability of courtesy cars. Most if not all companies do not offer a car if yours is written off or stolen (found out to my cost a couple of years back), there may be an extra policy option to cover this.

The windscreen replacement excess is creeping up, some want one for repairs now.


Anyway good luck



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the simple reason behind it is some people don't question it and just pay up. Used to annoy the hell out of me but now I just shop round every year, though often then my existing one will offer to match it which annoys me even more as they could have given me a decent quote in the first place :hmm:

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