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Stopping smoking


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Well.....day 4 and haven't smoked yet. Weekend has been a bit more difficult that the weekday, but still no major urges.


I must say I'm feeling pretty lousy though, headache and tired, not sure if thats nicotine withdrawal or if I'm going to get a cold or something.

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I think I must have tried every method known to man at some point or other, I just couldn't keep off the fags, I would stop for a month or so then start sneaking the odd sly one and before I knew it I would be back on them, in the end I realised that I was only lying to myself when I was telling folks I hadn't had any or I had cut down, in the end I just thought **** it and went cold turkey, that was over 6 years ago now and I was on over 40 a day. Like others have said it feels so good to be off them and your sense of taste is brilliant when it starts to come back.


Keep at it I'm sure you will do it by whatever method you find works best. Good Luck. :look:

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Got to agree with GW. Cold turkey is the only way. You need to want to do it (not do it for other people or because you ought to) and it's much easier then.


All this talk of taste buds and realising how good food tastes is just a tarted up way of saying be careful about your weight. You'll eat loads more, don't really know why, they never tell you that at the NHS quit smoking clinics and things. I was quite slim when I quit 5 years ago, I now weigh 17 stone something :look:


Tougher to lose the weight than it was to quit the fags. :lol:

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my other half and her friend went for the hypnotherpy route to quit smoking too mate,

didnt work for her either,when she phoned the therapist,she was told "you obviously dont have the will power to quit"

so its all a load of twoddle,them therapists dont help whatsoever...



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i managed to pack in smoking in1992, no patches or drugs back then.........just willpower, with a a little help from


chewing gum, polo mints and famous grouse!......never had a fag since


put on about a stone in the first few months!


but, im still an addict, i still occassionally have cravings, and love the smell when someone lights up, especially roll-ups!


all the best, mick

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that aint swearing mate, being called a yorkshireman is a great compliment :lol:


atb, mick


Aye lad, maybe in a Yorkshiremans books but not in a Lanky Lads language! You stick to your side of the border drinking Tetleys and we will stick to ours scoffing our Black Puddings an' talking sense! :P :look: :no:

Edited by Frenchieboy
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my other half and her friend went for the hypnotherpy route to quit smoking too mate,

didnt work for her either,when she phoned the therapist,she was told "you obviously dont have the will power to quit"

so its all a load of twoddle,them therapists dont help whatsoever...




How can hypnotherapy be a load of twaddle if people have surgery under hypnosis?


I feel better than I ever have in the past using nicotine replacement, so its doing something. Obviously your other half didn't have the will power to quit.

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Its like anything in life..you know its not good for you..but you will find any excuss to justify it...I know I do


Ive tried giving up quite a few times... but with the Occassinal weak moment , took them up again


I need will power

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I've been strongly considering hypnotherapy too. Only know one guy who tried it and that was years ago. He gave up for about 6 months then started again. From what I've found out, its basically to do with how receptive a person is to the procedure that determines the outcome. If you go into it as a sceptic, its unlikely to work. I'd always thought it put you into some kind of sleep, but apparently you're awake and conscious throughout the whole thing as a few of you have said.


I think its worth a try though but I'd want to find a therapist by recommendation, which is kind of difficult as people get such mixed results.

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I've been strongly considering hypnotherapy too. Only know one guy who tried it and that was years ago. He gave up for about 6 months then started again. From what I've found out, its basically to do with how receptive a person is to the procedure that determines the outcome. If you go into it as a scheptic, its unlikely to work. I'd always thought it put you into some kind of sleep, but apparently you're awake and conscious throughout the whole thing as a few of you have said.


I think its worth a try though but I'd want to find a therapist by recommendation, which is kind of difficult as people get such mixed results.


I think you should just make sure that the therapist is accredited. The whole someone gave up for so many months and started again, that hypnotherapy didn't work is ******** really, you can start again with whatever way you try and stop smoking, after all its down to you isn't it really?


Rabbiter made laugh how his other half rang the hypnotherapist to say it didn't work! Has she tried patches? If they don't work ring nicotinell and tell them it doesn't work...100% chance they'll say...well you must want to give up and use your will power.


I was very sceptical when I went in, and very sceptical when I left, but something seems to be working, day 4 with no cigarette and no patches, gum etc is unheard of for me. Don't get me wrong I feel like I want to smoke but can dismiss and control the feeling a lot easier than in the past. Early days yet.


I've got a headache, feel tired, and get grumpy as **** for a few minutes now and again, but far better than gum or patches.

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WELL DONE FELLA :good::good::good:

keep at it..

a lot of the hypnotherapy process is positive thinking, that and the fact you've just spent £50 to try and give up. In the words of peter pan, don't lose your happy thought!



Cheers GRAM :good:


Another day, just eaten, I've come on here to take my mind off things, I'll have a shower then give the mrs one, shes just come in from a shift as the good Dr so should be tired and relenting... :good: , and tomorrow is another day.


Thanks for the support dude.

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I've been stopped 3 weeks this tuesday, been a few bad spells where i've been climbing the walls but so far so good....


as someone has said I have been tired and and had headaches...also felt a bit ill generally but hey the £170 a month has got to be worth it...



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I've been stopped 3 weeks this tuesday, been a few bad spells where i've been climbing the walls but so far so good....


as someone has said I have been tired and and had headaches...also felt a bit ill generally but hey the £170 a month has got to be worth it...





Gixer I'm with you brother, you are on track of saving £2040 a year!


I'm so intent on the browning 20bore with the money I'm gonna save.


Well done mate, you should be feeling a bit better after 3 weeks.

Edited by kyska
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Day 7 and no cigarettes, things are getting far easier now!! :good:


Didn't really believe all of the bumf I've read but my energy levels are so much higher, I get up earlier, and sounds odd but have noticed how much I don't yawn during the day!


The hypnosis certainly has programmed something in my head.

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I quit about 5 years ago and will admit that i enjoyed smoking.However my health was suffering badly (asthma) so was a no brainer with what way to go.Did it with high strength patches which i was given for nowt (i was given a carrier bag FULL of them!) then after couple of weeks simply cut the patches in half and slapped them on my arm to save me buying the reduced nicotine ones.


Not had a ciggie since including cigars and to be honest-i darent cos i think it would start me up again.Still get occasional cravings for them,but since i almost have an asthma attack when near a smoker-it would be suicide for me!

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Its a state of mind thing. Think of the ciggies as your enemy not your friend. When I stopped I chain smoked around 30 - 40 a day for the week before I stopped until I was sick of them then just went cold turkey. Have been stopped 5 years now but can still smoke when shooting with no cravings after.

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Its a state of mind thing. Think of the ciggies as your enemy not your friend. When I stopped I chain smoked around 30 - 40 a day for the week before I stopped until I was sick of them then just went cold turkey. Have been stopped 5 years now but can still smoke when shooting with no cravings after.


Oh don't tell me that! <_<


Its the only time I fancy a smoke!

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