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Is there anything I can do?


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I live right next to a road which I don't mind if normal cars were using it. But you seem to get all the boy racers with the bean cans on there exhaust overrevving there engine as they go past this road. Now this road is just a detour from the main road, it starts and finishes back onto this main road the only reason why you would come down here is either you live here or you go the infants school. There is speed bumps out side the school grounds but the bit i live on doesn't and they seem to think they can go 50- 60 mph because the police don't come down here rarely.


Now I don't want more speed bumps or traffic calming measures I just want these idiots to know that people live here and want to live in peace. If I phone up or right a letter to the council will they sort it out or would I be wasting my time?


Edit: 999th post

Edited by BFG
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get yaself a illuminous yellow coat and cap like a policemans and a hair dryer or the likes make it look like a speed camera.wait for them to come down the street and step out the hedge pointing it at them.and watch them slam the anchors on.....oh you also need a big grin on your face.

or rig up a camera flash like the ones on slr cameras and in the dark as they go past flash it behind them from over the hedge so they see a flash in there rear view mirror....word will soon get round that theres a hidden camera and they will slow down or avoid the street.


like this.



Edited by SPARKIE
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Dont bother with the plod, most of em are a waste of public money and are not fit to brush the streets, never mind patrol them. If you try anything to stop this yourself, they will come down on you like a ton of bricks. Your the one having the bother, but do they give a ****? Nope! Only thing i can suggest, is that you fence around your garden, keep your kids in/safe, and get double glazing.

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Get police involved, they do hand out asbos for this kind of thing, especially if speed limits are being exceeded, although some of the ignorant little scrots need more than one to cure them. One such near hear, passed his test on Wednesday, got an ASBO for speeding around the streets the same night, done the same thing on Friday after he had been drinking and lost his liscence for 2 years and must resit a test etc etc. :angry::good::hmm:



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Hi, We (I say 'we' because all the neighbours agree) have the same problem. Although there's no school, the pupils cross the road on the way to the biggest comprehensive in the country which is not far away so you can imagine the numbers. I spoke to our local county councillor and as a result they are putting up a speed monitor to assess the extent of the problem before taking the appropriate action based on their findings. The county council is responsible for local highways. Mainly because of the school and the somewhat narrower village roads, other streets in the immediate area already have a 20 mph limit and I wouldn't be at all surprised if that's the answer that they come up with.


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