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discreet hunter

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I can't be ***** listening to all that tripe :lol:


Load of goons playing guessing games. Exit polls, swingometers, swing to the left, swing to the right :lol:


I'll have a look in the morning, to see which bunch of lying, snivelling, chiselling cockheads are in charge next :good:

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I can't be ***** listening to all that tripe :sneaky2:


Load of goons playing guessing games. Exit polls, swingometers, swing to the left, swing to the right :lol:


I'll have a look in the morning, to see which bunch of lying, snivelling, chiselling cockheads are in charge next :good:



Oi Chard how the hell did you get "Cockhead" pass the mods ? I got my Balls stamped on the other day for swearing... :lol:


I guess you must be "Special".. :oops:

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I honestly have absolutley no idea why ANYONE would vote labour. What is it they do that people actually like? This isn't a rhetorical question, I'm actually curious, i wish some one would play devils advocate.


I talked to my local labour MP today and told him i felt Labour had damaged shooting sports, he then said he only knew of the pistol ban after dunblane then i mentioned the age limit on Air-guns and he named the incident which lead to it. Funny how he said he could only think of the pistol ban before. He then proceeded to give me the directions to the wrong polling station, despite my insistence that i was quite sure it was not the correct one for me.


I'm really dissapointed in the public right now, i thought by this point EVERYONE would be so sick, and so livind at labour, after 13 years of ****, and yet they still get as much support as they do.



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Disgusted! :good::lol:

Green Party 198000 votes and 1 seat and UKIP 845000 and counting and no siting MPs.


I fear this might be the last ever election I vote in. Whatever happened to British democracy? I am also talking about the thousands that were turned away from polling stations with scuffels breaking out in Hackney.


Feels like watching an election in an African country.

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Pound has plummeted as markets fear the uncertainty of a hung government.


Despite having (currently) 80 more seats than labour they still get the chance to get back in, brilliant, again Gordon might get into power despite not being wanted by the majority, I despair.

Edited by Dr W
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Right i know am female,Blonde, And have cotton wool for a brain.

But when we used to have sports day at school.

The team with the most points WON :good:

O if only life was so simple



Perhaps they should have the egg n spoon race with one eye shut.

And first one over the line gets the house with the big black door. :lol:


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Disgusted! :good::lol:

Green Party 198000 votes and 1 seat and UKIP 845000 and counting and no siting MPs.


Get over it, we`ve had this system how long ?


For some strange and morbid fascination, I am starting to think that army coups in places such as Thailand where an unpopular leader clings to power is not such a bad way to go.


Nice, not the thing I expect from a law abiding citizen from the home counties.


I would though, expect it from an conspiracy theorist sitting in his underground bunker in Idaho :lol:

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Yeah well done to all the numpties who voted "off piste"; you just spilt the vote and got us a hung parliament.


The "off piste" parties have got nowhere and any vote cast that wasn't for Tory, has just helped Brown & Co. The irony is that if Brown does a deal with the Lib Dems, then it's another term of Brown and Co. I am sure that sits well with the "off piste" voters amongst us :good:

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Yeah well done to all the numpties who voted "off piste"; you just spilt the vote and got us a hung parliament.


The "off piste" parties have got nowhere and any vote cast that wasn't for Tory, has just helped Brown & Co. The irony is that if Brown does a deal with the Lib Dems, then it's another term of Brown and Co. I am sure that sits well with the "off piste" voters amongst us :oops:



Precisely. :lol:


The population is handed an opportunity to do something semi-intelligent, and they just can't manage it :good:


All those wasted votes, showered on Mickey Mouse politicians including the Lib Lab Blab Dem Dims :lol:


Load of cock. UKIP, Green, Lib Dem, BNP - all wasted votes.


Now we're really creamed. :sneaky2:

Edited by Chard
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Unfortunately it was always going to be this way. With many thousands on the state payroll and many thousands more dependant on state handouts it's not hard to see where the Labour vote comes from.


Hard decisions are needed to cut public spending and those on the receiving end of the payouts know it :good:

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Cameron needs to straight the last few stands which I don't think he will do. As Mungler has said well done to all the numpties who voted for the outsiders. I cannot believe the arrogance of broon walking back into no.10 this morning.


Labour is finished and has only held on because the great unwashed job dodging benefit scroungers came out en mass to ensure they can still buy their B & H and cheap lager.


Good to see Jackie Smith on the rock and roll though.

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Well Milton Keynes North and South are at long last converts to the true faith - Blue.


My ex Labour MP Phyllis Starkey managed to alienate her commuter constituents with a high handed comment along the lines of 'I couldn't possibly travel home from the House late at night to MK by myself' during the recent expenses scandal. Virgin Trains - Euston to MK = 35 minutes and a taxi rank right outside the station. MK is a commuter town for London and thousands travel in and out daily, at the crack of dawn and at night, many of them female and having to travel alone. Welcome back to the real world Phyllis.

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