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left to right crosser


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Out today and the wind and the topography of the ground ment that the birds were coming into the pattern from the left. Every other type of bird i can deal with but a left to right crosser has me beaten. :lol:

Missing behind, in front, below! :lol:

I know that being a "righty" as you push the barrels to the left you tend to arc you're swing. I've got it into my head that these are hard birds for me when they arn't.

Even a go on the clays has me pulling me hair out. :<

In the future if they arn't going away, straight down the throat or right to left i think i'll give them a miss. :blink:

Any tips guys?

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Pay for a lesson with an instructor at your local shooting ground and tell him you are only interested in that shot. One hour with him will sus out your problem. Well worth the investment Harry.


Or, you could get ten different reasons why your missing from the forum experts :blink: :lol::lol:





LB Good luck

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I used to have trouble with right to left crossers. I shoot from my right shoulder but my left eye is master. I pick up the bird and dim my left eye, just as I fire, and thought this might be why I was missing these crossers.


I thought nothing about left to right birds but, like you, it was always on my mind that the right to lefts were the ones I missed. My advice is to STOP thinking about it and just shoot the *******!! I started to do this and once I got it out of my mind I started hitting `em. The `problem` I once had is now in the dim and distant past and I cream `em from any direction!! Once you start to hit the bogey birds you`ll get better at it because, as the man said, " Nothing succeeds like success" Try building on the bogey birds you HIT!!!


There is always a danger that you`ll start building your hides to take advantage of the `favourable` wind, set up in the wrong place, and lessen your chances of getting the birds to come into YOUR world and pay the penalty. Try to think of it as a psychological thing and shoot your way through it. If you put the empty cases of the bogey birds you shot, separately from the others, you will be able to see some tangible evidence that will help you to build on your successes.


Edit: Got one of the right to lefts mixed up!!

Edited by invector
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Get to a clay ground with a skeet set up spend a couple of hours on stand 4 just doing single left to rights ? you will soon either be totally sorted (or totally demoralised!)If its the latter get the golf clubs out?

cheers KW

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As Henry says - you might be left eye dominant.


Very easy test, with both eyes open, point your right index finger to something on other side of the room, if it moves when you close your left eye, you are left eye dominant.


If so - then you have to move the gun to your left shoulder, and learn how to shoot again.


WF (one of LB's forum experts)

Edited by white fox
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I thought nothing about left to right birds but, like you, it was always on my mind that the right to lefts were the ones I missed.  My advice is to STOP thinking about it and just shoot the *******!!  I started to do this and once I got it out of my mind I started hitting `em.  The `problem` I once had is now in the dim and distant past and I cream `em from any direction!!  Once you start to hit the bogey birds you`ll get better at it because, as the man said, " Nothing succeeds like success"  Try building on the bogey birds you HIT!!!

Bang on advice :lol:


I too have a dominent left eye and shoot right handed and have tried everything .The trouble with tution is that the instructor needs to have the same eye dominence to be of any help


I have been advised to shoot left handed ,patch on glasses, close one eye and close or dim one eye prior to pulling the trigger .


I shoot clays and i'm still around 50% ;)


Guess what in my despair i shoot crossers with both eyes open .It works :lol: ......But for incoming or going away clays i dim my left eye.(lack of confidence me thinks)


If you point at a moving target you naturally track it with both eyes open and you never focus on your finger tip :o





Edit as i forgot :blink: Eye dominence as been known to change as you get older .........From central to crossing over to the other eye altogether :lol:

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I'm left eye dominant and as a result started shooting from the left shoulder from an early age, coincidentally I have the same problem with right to left crossers so if you do find out what it is please let me know. Think I may well give my son in law some shooting at the clay ground for Chrimbo so could accompany him and see if I can get some advice.


Lot to be said for the phsycological side of expecting to miss the ones you keep missing which just serves to perpetuate the problem.


I suppose we could always have 2 hides over 1 set of decoys, you could shoot all the right to lefts and I could shoot the left to rights :blink: :lol:

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On the basis that The Old Adage of " You only miss behind" is true give the bird a bit more lead than normal and see what happens.


I too tend to suffer this problem and for your average left hander I suppose the opposite would be true as the bird flighting left to right would be a bit more " comfortable " in the swing.


Lurcherboy.......... You must have some wife if she can read your writing on her head backwards when she looks in the mirror.... or you must be skilled scribe!!!! :blink:

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I always pick up the bird with both eyes open and only dim the left eye just as I am ready to shoot. If you feel that left to right birds are against your natural swing, perhaps if you put the deeks to the right of the hide, and picked up the birds more to the left, you might contact better? Old adage or not, it is so easy to miss birds in front, especially when decoying birds that are set to land, so don`t assume all your misses are behind!!

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As Henry says - you might be left eye dominant.


Very easy test, with both eyes open, point your right index finger to something on other side of the room, if it moves when you close your left eye, you are left eye dominant.


If so - then you have to move the gun to your left shoulder, and learn how to shoot again.


WF (one of LB's forum experts)

WF, wasn't counting you in that mate :thumbs:


FM, both mate, years of tagging in South London.






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Thanks for all the advice guys. :D

I know i'm right eye dominant, and always shoot with both eyes open. If it was a dominance problem i think it would show up on birds from differant directions. :thumbs:

When lamping from the back of the pick up i always shoot from the lefthand side and cream bolting bunnies. The nature of our lamping on a golf course fairway means that two guns shoot at the same time, me taking them to the left and the other guy taking those to the right. Being that fairways are short grass they don't squat, as soon as the lamps on them they're motoring.

Hi-Lux at 20-30 mph steady, not lamping to far in front makes for fast sport.

And i find these easy. :D

I think it's all in the brain. :/

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Live shooting is always easier and you will hit more, cos you dont get time to think!


Im left eye dominent, i pick up the clay with both eyes get into the swing then close my left eye to check the barrels have the correct lead and then bang!


ive only been shooting for a year and can shoot as well as the bloke who taught me whos been shooting all his life. I can regulary hit 80-90% on skeet and sporting. He'd kill me though if he knew i were closing one eye :thumbs:


I couldnt hit **** with both eyes open!


i Know most shooters say its a big no no, but i can cut it with the best, so i dont care what they say!




Wasnt meaning to blow my own trumpet in this post

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According to Sam Grice, a man with a lifetime of coaching. (According to his latest article in the BASC Shooting and Conservation Magazine, talking about shooting excuses!)




`One of the worst is the old line that whatever you do, you must shoot with both eyes open. Oh yeah?` He quotes a Gun who shot from his right shoulder but whose left eye was master. `I told him to close his left eye. The problem was solved in a single coaching session. From then on he shot as well as the next man. No more barn door jokes.`


If it`s good enough for Sam Grice it`s good enough for me!!


Edit: Who`s instead of whose!

Edited by invector
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Quite a few people miss birds or clays crossing towards their gun (ie left to right for a righthander) because they 'race' the bird and as they push the gun left to right the gun moves away from the face and they lose all alignment with gun to target.

The cure is to focus hard on the space ahead of the bird, keep facial contact with the comb of the stock, keep the line correct and keep the swing flowing.Remember to position your bodyline so that you are comfortable when you get the shot off, not offbalance and running out of swing (check body and foot position if shooting standing, adjust seating position if in a hide). Practice off peg 4 at a skeet layout.

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Please don`t listen to RRUK. :<    He thinks he only needs ONE PELLET to down `em at 80 yards!! ;)   The anti field sports bunny huggers must be having a field day on all this rubbish, bragging over shooting distances.  You ought to know better RRUK!!! :thumbs:



i misse the s off ok :lol: and it was a joke :lol: and were does it say on here that iv shot a pigeon at 80yrds ???come on tell me :< ?? does it say it in here i think not thick ****** :lol: read it again http://forums.pigeonwatch.co.uk/forums/ind...showtopic=12445

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Don`t get your panties in a twist RRUK. I know it was your mate who likes to shoot `em at 80 yards. The mere fact that you mentioned your mate doing this stupid thing is enough for us to assume that you support him. You know it`s wrong so why don`t you say so??

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