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What HMR round.

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Right, i have just bought a CZ.17 HMR American in l/h - what i want to know is; what round do you find groups well.

I have tried Hornaday and federal 17grn


I'm not too impressed with accuracy, not a tack driver everyone says they are. maybe it's me, need to get a trigger kit as it's poo compared to my .22 annie.


Do you all use a boresnake or rod. how often do you clean? I pulled a boresnake through mine after 20 rds, took a mag full to get it back on.


i'm getting 2" group at 46 yds, which is poo.


I am using a lupold VX1, so quality glass.

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If its a new gun then odds are it will get better as you are right that is shocking accuracy. Mine shoots better with a dirty barrel so much so I only clean when it goes off. I'd try most other factors before chopping and changing ammo as really they are very similar and certainly won't make the difference with how far out you are. After that then yes get the trigger done and make sure the barrel is free floating. Try it with the mod on and mod off to see if that helps and after that I'd be checking the scope and mounts as something is fundamentally wrong.

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Mine too, I had to put a lot through. I use remingtons and get tighter groups than 2 inch at 100 yards, somethings not quite right and needs looking into.


mine was all over the place for the first 250 rounds then it settled down and is pin point with what ever i feed it,


just keep bangin away it will get better



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By the sounds of it your accuracy is right out of the window and there could be several reasons for this. First of all I found with my CZ452 that it took quite a while for the barrel to settle down from brand new. How many rounds have you fired through it so far and how did you "run the barrel in"? Assuming that you did everything right from new then you should chech that the barrel is fully floating, if it is not then it can cause accuracy problems. Are you using a moderator and if so have you checked that it is all lined up properly?

I found that mine does not like any of the Hornady range of ammo (Which is quite unusual for a CZ452) but does extremely well with Remington Premiers in 17gr. Having said that since I went over to Remingtons and the barrel has settled down I have not tried any other sort of ammo, after all "If it aint broke why try to fix it"?

With the 17 HMR, even one that has only fired say a couple of hundred rounds you should be able to get at least a 2 inch group at 100 yards and expect this to improve dramatically as the rifle settles down, unless either the scopes are not holding their zero or your shooting leaves "a little to be desired".

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Everyone will have a view, like it or not this is mine.....THROW AWAY the Boresnake and clean it properly.


My HMR was very ammo fussy when it was new, but handles EVERYTHING well now, even the part boxes I have recently used up that were rubbish when it was new...and the 20g are also good!


2" groups at 46 yards is pooh, even when mine was new it could do a LOT better than that at 100 yards, those figures don't add up, something isn't right somewhere!


If mine spreads more than 1" at 100 yards I get concerned... this was a good day.....it doesn't happen like this every time...well, not for me anyway!!! 4 shots 100 yards! :):rolleyes:


Edited by Dekers
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The .17hmr is certainly a calibre that will make you want to pull your hair out, my advice is not to expect miracles as it may need a little work. Many progress to hmr from .22lr with subs, the extended range means any operator error will be magnified so work on your shooting. It seems this little calibre likes a few rounds through it before settling down, frustrating when the ammo is more pricey than .22lr subs but its much less painful than zeroin a 243 at over a quid a pop. My .17hmr CZ 16inch varmint drove me mad at first, I expected touching holes at 100yds out of the box, that was almost a year ago, I'm still not getting the groups I expected but averaging around the inch, sometimes it will (or I will ) manage slightly better but with age its improving still. I have tried shooting with a clean barrel and a dirty barrel and I find the best for me is just running a loose fitting jag up the barrel just to remove the loose stuff after each outing but leaving most of the crud. With the CZ check for the barrel is fully floated, the front swivel screw isnt coming through the forend and touching the barrel, improve the trigger though mine was excellent out of the box. Try differant brands and weights of ammunition and finally, if it is shooting really badly and its not doing the job it should, take it back to the dealer.

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I have to take back what I said in my previous post about Hornady ammunition not working well in my rifle. I went for some more ammo today but my local RFD only had Hornady. I told him about how my rifle had not liked it when it was new but he said to give it a try now that the barrel has had enough rounds through it to settle down.

After checking the zeroing (Which did not need altering) here are the results on this thread:


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I have to take back what I said in my previous post about Hornady ammunition not working well in my rifle. I went for some more ammo today but my local RFD only had Hornady. I told him about how my rifle had not liked it when it was new but he said to give it a try now that the barrel has had enough rounds through it to settle down.

After checking the zeroing (Which did not need altering) here are the results on this thread:





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