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Can people not read?


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As soon as the wife said the kids were going to be in the carnival, I knew it would be a good chance for me to sneak off, I thought "it is a nice sunny evening, Perhaps I will go and spend an evening in the high seat".


So off I went, got there, crept quietly up through the wood to a high seat I have on the edge of a field, it was nice and early and I knew I was going to have a wait until much was moving, but that is part of what I think most of us enjoy, a bit of peace.


I was'nt looking to shoot a deer tonight, but somebody had said there was a nice Sika about, so I thought I would see if I could see him and perhaps knock Charlie over at the same time.


After about an hour, just when the wood behind me was starting to come to life, things were starting to move, I thought I heard a voice. Then I did hear voices and they were getting louder. Then they were shouting to dogs and laughing.


I hauled myself down from the seat and by this time they were only about 30 yards away.


"Excuse me, but did you not see the signs? this is private property"


"We are not hurting anything or anybody"


"Yes you are, you have no right to be here, you are on private land and there is, as you can see, shooting in progress. your dogs are not on there leads and are running wild"


"oh *******"


Well at this point I got quite serious case of tourettes myself and sent them on their way.


But it was too late, an enjoyable evening had been ruined, slumped shoulders, slung rifle and off home.


Why cant some people just have a bit of respect? :(

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and they would be the first to run to plod if you had shot there dog by mistake.



It always worries me confronting anybody in the wood or on the farm when you have the gun with you, you are always waiting for the police to turn up later after recieving a report of you threatening them.


i hate the fact we live in a world where you now expect the worst of people.

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I bet these same people would be annoyed if you walked into their garden and allowed your dog to run around off lead.The problem is,most members of the public dont achknowledge that all land in this country actually belongs to someone!


Couple miles away,a farmer fixed a sign next to the kissing gate saying "Dogs on lead-cattle in field" and within weeks someone wrote duck off (use your imagination!) underneath it.This field is a popular route for dog walkers and ramblers-not teenagers so you cant blame it on them this time.I've personally seen dozens of people walk through there and not bother tethering their dogs.

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It always worries me confronting anybody in the wood or on the farm when you have the gun with you, you are always waiting for the police to turn up later after recieving a report of you threatening them.


i hate the fact we live in a world where you now expect the worst of people.


Dont walk towards them with a gun! I leave it out of sight so not to alarm anyone when i've found tresspassers,This way if they maliciously reported me of intimidating them-they would not be able to give a description of gun.

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Absolute pain of a situation but something we all know happens.


Approaching/confronting anyone though whilst in possession of you gun is also another risky option.


One phone call and we are in a lot of trouble regardless of the truth.


Tricky! :yes::)

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yeah never approach any 1 with a gun only takes 1 anti/do gooder wanna be to say u threatened them with it and then its a whole world of hurt when the police get rung and come knocking i rent a pond to shoot in the winter but its open to fishing in the summer it is ment to be closed in the winter but u occasionally get some 1 who does not know and starts setiing up gear the other side of the pond not seeing me in my hide i always slip my 12 back in the case unloaded of course when approach them and tell them whats what best thing to do i think as i do not like leaving my gun any where were im not. :yes:

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I regularly encounter dog walkers etc who seem incapable of keeping to the footpaths, I always unload and in the case of the rifle have it on the sling on my shoulder and remain friendly (even if not feeling it) Sadly if they make an extravagant claim to the police, it will cost you an awful lot more than it could ever cost them

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If I do have to confront somebody, I wont leave the gun, so if on a driven day or in a hide I will have a slip with me so i will sleave it.


If I dont, as in this case, I unload the rifle and sling it over my shoulder with the barrel down and it as far behind my back as I can get it.


And yes I agree completley, no matter how much they get to you, you got to stay as polite as possible :yes:

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I think this is key to have a video camera and as soon as they try to push you around start videoing the conversation and explain that if they try anything funny such as making a false claim that you threatened them it is all down on camera. Should shut them up. Also remmeber that these people might just be plain ignorant so they might not realise that they are doing something wrong so if you explain to them they might see the errors of their ways.

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Thought we all knew now PRIVATE means **** it im having a look see why its private!! ive had em in the pitch dark come accross

a ploughed field on mountain bikes, couldnt unload me gun fast anough, turns out they was extreme mountain bikers night riding!

i would never leave me gun, you never know who is watching, if i had a slip i would use it but mostly have not.

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what does my head in,is when people let their dog/dogs run all over the grass when its getting long and comming up for mowing.they dont seem to realise that grass is a crop,and if its full of dog **** its no good and the bale with it in will be wasted.when they say"well we're not doing any harm" we say well you wont mind if we bring are cows to your house/garden for a run round!

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i think ide have stayed in my high seat and just hoped they never looked up,if they said anything or looked my way ide say good evening etc,yes theres a wild boar around attacking dogs and and people,im on a stakeout ude best move on! just give them no where to go,and yes video it too !! prob hide the gun i a slip so its not visible,they wouldent know if u were shooting or watching.

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I was spraying off a bit of our cover crop the other day and this chap came along the hedge with his Boxer off the lead. I told him that the public footpath was not her, but over there, to which he replied that there were cows on it so he came this way!?


At this point his dog started sniffing around the maize I had just sprayed off, so I politely pointed out that he should get his dog off there as the chemicals would melt its paws off and he had better keep it on a lead in future!!!!!


P*ssed myself laughing afterwards to see the look on his face!

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If they haven't seen me I always hide my gun before approaching. That way they can't make a malicious complaint about me threatening them with it.


When talking to trespassers with dogs with I always mention the dangers of fox snares and rat poison that could cause injury to the dog and how difficult it would be to get veterinary help out in the countryside. That usually frightens them to death.

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What I have done before on the subject of dog walkers is I kept my location quite follow them home on foot or by car .


Take a note of there address return and pick there dog poo up and post it to them free of charge with a little note saying you left this in my field I thought I would return it to you thank you.


Regards OTH

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What I have done before on the subject of dog walkers is I kept my location quite follow them home on foot or by car .


Take a note of there address return and pick there dog poo up and post it to them free of charge with a little note saying you left this in my field I thought I would return it to you thank you.


Regards OTH

my father in law posted the neighbours dog**** through their letter box after its dog ran up and done its buisiness on his lawn! oh man did i laugh!!
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