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Lesson Learned


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I went out shooting rabbits this morning ( alone ) and for a change I decided to shoot from a vehicle on one of my larger permissions.


I borrowed my wifes motor (which is more suitable than a Jag) and happily headed off.


The birds were tweeting & one bunny fell after another and all was well with the world :yes: .... until....


For whatever reason, maybe a temporary labotomy, I brought the rifle back into the vehicle without putting the safety on first !!! IDIOT !!!

as I did so I realised and started to put the safety on but in the same split second my finger has touched/hit/bumped (not sure which) the trigger and I shot through the passenger door leaving a small neat entry hole but a bloody big exit wound. :lol:


When my wife asked me what I had caught upon getting home I told her nine rabbits and a car....

She looked puzzled until I explained. :D


It was funny afterwards but there is definitely a very important lesson to be learned and adhered to from now on.......




(seriously though - accidents can happen and you can bet your bottom dollar that in future i will be double checking that the safety is on before I start manoeuvering the rifle around ! ) :rolleyes:



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also when resting on the bonnet to take a shot don't shoot behind the vehicle forgetting to account for the pillar by the side of the windscreen, seen that done after all you can see through the scope but that is above the barrel.

I tend to have a shot outside and not chamber another round if the gun is to come back in, if you are taking it in the car unload the round in the chamber always don't rely on the safety, you've had a very lucky escape this time

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also when resting on the bonnet to take a shot don't shoot behind the vehicle forgetting to account for the pillar by the side of the windscreen, seen that done after all you can see through the scope but that is above the barrel.

I tend to have a shot outside and not chamber another round if the gun is to come back in, if you are taking it in the car unload the round in the chamber always don't rely on the safety, you've had a very lucky escape this time



Good advice

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I always remove the magazine and clear the barrel when I put the rifle back in the car (even if it's just for 5 minutes) as it hardly takes long to reload. I'm one of those people who is always second guessing themselves so I've got into the habit of being super safe and have developed a routine for taking shots and being safe


Only once have I been responsible for 'negligent discharge', it was when I was setting up for a shot and I must have brushed the trigger and boom! I had a large back stop but letting off a centre fire round without knowing where it went made me sick to the stomach and is something I do not wish to repeat!


Not sure how you would explain that to the insurance company if you had too!

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also when shooting out of the passenger window dont foget to allow for the wing mirror as it cant be seen through the scope.... mine still bears the scars, im just glad it was the air rifle!!!!


Last week a mate of mine shot the back window out of his new range rover doing a similar thing. :rolleyes:

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"Peek-At" You must tell us what type of car it is and what Calibre you were using. For all we know it might have been a Ford Fiesta which is out of season at the moment - Mind you I have heard a rumour that "Smart Cars" are being out on the Protected List so they are a definite No, No with any calibre! :rolleyes:


On a serious note - Thank God no-one was in the seat along side you and let's hope that you have learned from your mistake (And offered to pay for the repair)!

We all need to remember that it is all too easy for an accident to happen, but once it has happened you can not Un-Happen it!


Take Care and "Live and Learn" :D:oops: :(

Edited by Frenchieboy
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have to say being the spectator and not my truck I was able to laugh about it, till I remembered my dog was in the back. Once worked out she was ok went back to laughing about it, was a safe shot we were all behind it.


In all seriousness though it can happen with rifles I know a few people who have done it when lamping rabbits and put one through the bonnet, one a local solicitor did it to his defender and took the rad out at the same time, still hasn't lived it down 15 years later. My brother did the same with a 12 bore when rabbiting off the back of a pickup, that bore the scar for a few years till it was scrapped. This case is probably the most worrying as it sounds like the rifle probably was pointed at the driver at some point prior to shooting the car when the rifle was turned round out of the window to get it back in. Hopefully this has shaken you up enough not to do anything like it ever again

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ok imagine gun out of window, you have to swing it round to get to a point where the barrel is pointed at the passenger door at some point its going to be very near you. Even when just used and not recocked mine comes in butt first and sits on the dashboard to avoid having to turn it round.

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All very chirpy and cheerful. If you have taken the responsibility of owning a rifle, you also take on the responsibility for the safety of others. You should know that safety-wise the gun is always loaded and the safety catch never works. This is instilled into 14 year old Boy Scouts on an air rifle range.


I wouldn't go shooting with you, you're a liability and it's incidents like this that the antis thrive on.

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I can top all these stories of stupid mistakes. I know a man with a convertible Aston Martin DB9. Now this man had a problem with the rabbits eating the flowers from the entrance to his house. Now bear in mind that his house is set in 30 acres of his own land he tends to shoot them and no problems there. So one day he sees a rabbit having a much on his garden and goes. gets his 12 bore, sneaks up using the DB9 as cover and stood about 5 or 10 yards behind the car takes the shot. The gun has enough patter spread by this point for several number 6 shot to rip through the canvas roof so not only did have to to replace the roof but also he missed the rabbit :D:rolleyes: :( :oops::hmm::)



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It was an accident and lessons were learned.... let he who is without sin etc... etc....


What I don't understand are the logistics of the action.... If you were shooting from inside the car you must have been doing it by resting on the drivers side door? That being the case, for you to have shot the passenger door, you must have either turned the gun round and pulled it in muzzle first or turned it round inside the vehicle!!!! never mind "lucky there was no one sat in the passenger seat" how about.... "I'm lucky to be alive!!!!" :rolleyes:


I did have the thought a few weeks ago that my truck would look really cool with a few bullet holes in one of the rear quarter panels, much more effective than those fake stick on ones you can buy.... what do you think?:( :D

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Come on guys, take it easy on the lad. He's done something a bit daft and has learned from it, luckily nobody was hurt so it's not the end of the world. I don't know of anyone who's never made a mistake in life? There's a good chance he would have been more careful if he was with someone else too.


When I'm shooting from a vehicle I always leave the fired case in the chamber. If I load and don't get to fire for some reason I'll pop the round and mag out then close the bolt on an empty chamber before replacing the mag. I feel that's the safest way and it takes a second to load for a shot.


Fair play to you for having the balls to post this up fella. If only we all had the nerve to post about the bad days, we all have them now and again. The most wrrying thing I ever had happen was lying over the bonnet of the landy about to take a shot and my trigger arm slipped off of the wing. That pulled the stock lower and sent a round to the sky and thank god there was a lot of ground behind it because it wasn't a small rifle! I actually felt sick for a moment when it happened but I'm 99.9% sure it would have just landed in a field.

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I went out shooting rabbits this morning ( alone ) and for a change I decided to shoot from a vehicle on one of my larger permissions.


I borrowed my wifes motor (which is more suitable than a Jag) and happily headed off.


The birds were tweeting & one bunny fell after another and all was well with the world :) .... until....


For whatever reason, maybe a temporary labotomy, I brought the rifle back into the vehicle without putting the safety on first !!! IDIOT !!!

as I did so I realised and started to put the safety on but in the same split second my finger has touched/hit/bumped (not sure which) the trigger and I shot through the passenger door leaving a small neat entry hole but a bloody big exit wound. :(


When my wife asked me what I had caught upon getting home I told her nine rabbits and a car....

She looked puzzled until I explained. :angry:


It was funny afterwards but there is definitely a very important lesson to be learned and adhered to from now on.......




(seriously though - accidents can happen and you can bet your bottom dollar that in future i will be double checking that the safety is on before I start manoeuvering the rifle around ! ) :unsure:





Are you really safe with any gun at all?


I know I will be slagged off for saying this, but I don't find it funny at all, and I would class you as very irresponsible.


What will you "accidentally" shoot next?

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Are you really safe with any gun at all?


I know I will be slagged off for saying this, but I don't find it funny at all, and I would class you as very irresponsible.


What will you "accidentally" shoot next?


like I have said, let he who has not sinned cast the first stone... can you honestly, hand on heart tell us that you have never, ever done anything, accidentally or otherwise, with a firearm that COULD have turned ugly but by the grace of God there go you.... And like everything in this life, were are merely products of our experiences and in particular our mistakes..... I bet he never does that again and that experience and mistake will make him a very safe shooter!


For instance, last time I was out stalking, we has set up behind a dry stone wall in an ambush manouvre, my rifle was set up and ready, safety on, one up the pipe and was resting very securely on my backpack, on a section of the wall just waiting for me-laddo to come along.... it didn't need support, it was solid.... (and before anyone says 'why did you let go of your rifle'... we had been there 3 hours at this point!) the two of us heard a noise in the woods behind us and both turned to see what it was.... I cought the butt on my sleeve and nearly knocked my rifle off the wall.... just cought it in time.... but....... if it had fallen and landed in the wrong direction.... that could have been a nasty experience.....


Does that make me unsafe :unsure: I don't think so!

Edited by Vipa
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I think that all guns when returning to a vehicle or not actually shooting should be unloaded and mags. taken out.


It would not have been very funny if the muzzle was pointing at his guts would it. If I remember correctly a game shooter did that with a shotgun and he is now dead.


Vipa, no you were clumsy, and lucky.

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