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Whats the weather like?


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Up here its p***ing down and has been for weeks, cold grey and depressing! Yet we have a hosepipe ban, how does that work :oops:


I'm sure its the same cloud hovering over my house for the past 2 months, you can drive 30 minutes south and you are bathed in 30c sunshine, not fair!

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Up here its p***ing down and has been for weeks, cold grey and depressing! Yet we have a hosepipe ban, how does that work :oops:


I'm sure its the same cloud hovering over my house for the past 2 months, you can drive 30 minutes south and you are bathed in 30c sunshine, not fair!



Havnt seen a drop of rain here for months, played golf and it was like being on a dessert, everytime the ball hit the fairway up came a big cloud of dust... but no hosepipe ban yet, good weather for my chillies !!


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Cooler start to things in East Dulwich this morning, but was running late and was drenched with sweat by the time I'd caned it to church on the bike (north side of London Bridge). :oops:


Sky has cleared up now and it's beautiful here in Notting Hill, where I sit typing on Lady S's laptop (she's at work) and enjoying a nice refreshing glass of continental-style lager beer. :yes:


I'm not sure whether we need a hosepipe for the window-boxes though!





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Up here its p***ing down and has been for weeks, cold grey and depressing! Yet we have a hosepipe ban, how does that work :oops:


I'm sure its the same cloud hovering over my house for the past 2 months, you can drive 30 minutes south and you are bathed in 30c sunshine, not fair!


Where abouts are you based? Its been good(ish) weather in Stoke for the last few weeks, occassional showers but blue skys and fluffy clouds at present, been shooting this mornign and people complaining that the had forgotten their suncream :oops:

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Where abouts are you based? Its been good(ish) weather in Stoke for the last few weeks, occassional showers but blue skys and fluffy clouds at present, been shooting this mornign and people complaining that the had forgotten their suncream :oops:


Kirkby Lonsdale (south of Kendal). Just about to go out, cant believe I'm still wearing my winder attire in the middle of summer :oops:

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Kirkby Lonsdale (south of Kendal). Just about to go out, cant believe I'm still wearing my winder attire in the middle of summer :oops:


You need to move south where the sun always shines.I've been wearing shorts & t shirts for ages! :yes:


I dont wanna make you green,but its 32 degrees here at moment... :oops:

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To coin a phrase from one of my favorite films:


HOT, DAMN hot lol.


Not seen rain for weeks, think I lost 2 stone at the shoot at Pirbright this morning as I was soaked afterwards :yes:


As for being unable to sleep, Air con is the answer :oops: My bedroom is like a fridge thaks to a previous company being acquired and our office air com unit was heading for the skip so i asked for it and was told I could have it :oops:



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