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Springer or Lab?


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Hey up,


We are still looking at getting a pup in the spring, a change in fortune means that my wife can work part time and we have been think about the pros and cons for months now so feel that we are making an informed decision.


I want an obedient dog to retrive for me, we have 140 acres on which to excercise him. Which breed makes the best retriever?



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Bounty hunter


That comes down to breeding and blood lines, I have had very laid back springers and hyper labs as well as the other way around. To answer your question in the genral...no labs are not as wired as springers....however if you have your heart set on a springer do the research into the lines and you can end up with a calm dog. Be sure to check out the parents in any case, lab or springer.



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Thanks NTTF, I have always wanted a Lab so I guess I would lean towards that particular breed but if a Springer was more suited to the type of work I want then that's what I'd get.


Labs have issues with hips and deafness don't they? Most of the ones I have seen advertised are KC registered so I guess that I can get the parents history from them?



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BH, I had some lenghty conversations with Mad Spinger (top man) before I got a gundog.


He left me in no doubt my that in my in-experience I would be better off with a lab although I have a springer booked from him in 2007.


As NTTF said, you can get variables in both breeds, you will know when the time comes to pick one what is best for you.


One very important factor to consider is how will the dog live in your household and how you lead your family life.


If I would have to go back and do it again, I would get a bitch, not a horny dog thats ***** anything that stands still long enough dog :)


Good luck mate.





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Whats the ground like in you're part of Cornwall? If it's as heavy as ours in this part of Devon then springer wins hands down. Labs won't entertain the thick brambles, but hey i'm biased, i've had springers since the start of my shooting days. :)

Some good cockers coming out of Cornwall at the mo. Maybe another option. :)

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The Springer has a nose like no other, is bold and fearless and faces the thickest of brambles with uptmost bravery... will run all day, hunt up, point and flush....retreive as well as any Lab and swims like an otter. He is also an intensely loyal dog.


If its an all round gun dog you want there is no other to consider. apart perhaps from my Cocker Robbie hes a good un !



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The Springer has a nose like no other, is bold and fearless and faces the thickest of brambles with uptmost bravery... will run all day, hunt up, point and flush....retreive as well as any Lab and swims like an otter. He is also an intensely loyal dog.


If its an all round gun dog you want there is no other to consider. apart perhaps from my Cocker Robbie hes a good un !



For a totally unbiased opinion, contact Fisherman Mike :):P:lol::lol:





LB ;)

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If you have time to be with it a lot, get a Flatcoat!


Hunter-Pointer-Retriever-Companion all-in-one, especially if it is going to be the only dog in the house. Will make a lot of noise if there is anybody outside, but will NEVER bite anybody.


They didn't call them the Keeper's Dog for nothing!


Mrs Patience Lock wrote:

"A small boy once said to me "There are two ways of enjoying your bicycle, you can either ride it or take it to pieces!" Fortunately there are many more than two ways of enjoying our Flatcoats- work and show are the obvious ones, but the joy of owning loving, faithful dogs that are utterly devoted, and of watching a litter of puppies growing day by day and learning to follow with wagging little tails, and growing like their parents and grand-parents in a hundred ways; these are the true breeders' rewards and the more precious for having taken long to achieve. Out of our loved and carefully reared litters there may be only one or two who become well-known, but the others will be doing

good to the reputation of the breed in many homes as loving companions and happy assistants to quiet one-dog shooting people."

"Dogs have much to teach as well as to learn, and it is the owner who is willing to learn from the dogs as well as to teach him who derives the most satisfaction. I would say to all new-comers to the breed "Make your dog your partner."




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For a totally unbiased opinion, contact Fisherman Mike :):P:lol::lol:







Yes I am biased but have had a lot of experience of several breeds


I have had a lab as a child and my dad had two flat coats & one english setter as well as several spaniels. my uncle keeps a Wei and a chocolate labrador and my Grandfather had no less than 13 ESS in is lifetime including one which was a trench dog.


All fine breeds but the ESS has all the ingredients of the cake and will out perform other dogs in the field time and time again.


Pound for pound the best around. !


Cheers, Im off to the Welsh National now at Chepstow might put a few quid on our old favourite Sir Rembrant, he knows his way around there !.



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Bounty Hunter


I have a lab and he's a good worker and my best mate!! dont know how i went 4 so long with out a gun dog. Some people say labs are easier to train...?? Iam looking at getting a springer bitch this summer tho. Both are good working dogs and as the old saying goes.... the more u put in to them the you'll get out of them. :)

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I have both a lab and ESS both are great at what they do and compliment each other well. I'm a little concerned about my ESS as she is now 11 and is visibly getting older :P but in her prime she was a great worker with little if no fear of brambles etc. I guess what I'm tryin to say is that the springer will dive in where the lab would turn its nose up and look for the easier (more dignified :) )way round.

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BH, Just to let you know that i have a 16wk old lab and she is the best thing to happen to me...even if the missus does not speak to me anymore!! :)


She is my first dog to train as have had others before but my dad trained them,the first few weeks are pretty hard work but now we have "our little routine" and i think she is amazing and also very obedient and not as wild as i had expected although the £75 quid rug from ikea was a bad buy,but hey.


As somone has said you only get what you put in, Enjoy.NCS

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I have just bought a 15 month old part trained lab bitch, only had her 5 weeks and was concerned at first when she wouldnt get into the thicker stuff, but i have now realised she works with her nose and if there is something in there so is she.

I used to have an ess that went like a train through anything in his path whether there was anything there or not which is ok but sometimes he would start to get tired towards the end of the day. The lab is also easyier to handle and you dont have to be on top of her as much. Its still early days but i am happy so far, if you think about though stick the average lab and springer side by side and the lab is a good chunk bigger so is it anywonder they are not so keen to go through the thick stuff?

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