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Is this worth doing


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Depending on how big the flattened area is, I would definitely put a rotary on it, just make sure you leave enough room for the pigeons to think they can land near it.

If its not big enough for a rotary, try a few decoys on the ground and a floater/bouncer in the standing wheat nearby, that will work.

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I use the rotary to get the attention of passing pigeons, not to get them to land near to it, so no, I wouldn't put a rotary on a small flattened area. A few deeks maybe, and the rotary or a couple of floaters 10 - 20 yds away would be my tactic IF, and only if pigeons are flighting nearby. You can't get pigeons to land where they don't want to no matter what you think of the spot and to be honest, there's far more attraction in cut barley at the moment in my area.

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Have seen pigeons recently hitting an area just a bit bigger than this. The main problem is that if the birds are interested, you've got to kill them in a small zone so not to damage the standing crop. The birds i saw through binos were clambering over each other when in so they obviously thought it was worth it!


Best of luck,


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