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Bird in Garden?


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Basically, I have a bird that has come down in my garden and is just not moving, so I was wondering what it was as it looks not very adult or big?


I was thinking thrush of some kind?


It is probably something very common :shoot: , but I have no exact idea.










So if anyone knows?



Edited by stevethevanman
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Basically, I have a bird that has come down in my garden and is just not moving, so I was wondering what it was as it looks not very adult or big?


I was thinking thrush of some kind?


It is probably something very common :shoot: , but I have no exact idea.











Young Blackbird ,a member of the thrush family

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Should I attempt to feed it something?..or just let nature take its course?


I read they are insectavores?..I have some meal worms which are used for feeding reptiles, which it might eat?, it also has water, it just seems to be standing there doing nothing.



Edited by stevethevanman
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Sorry tried to edit and it went wrong :good: What i meant to say was that the tail feathers look like they are not fully formed yet, so it might not be able to fly very well. Dig a few worms up, but keep your distance , its mum will usually be aware of where it is. Try to keep the moggies away untill it gets abit stronger. from Auntie :hmm:

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Definitly a yong blackbird,but it's impossible to tell if it's a male or female ,as they are all the same colour in their juvinile plumage. The males will only get their black plumage after it's first moult at about 12 months of age,and it's parents will continue to feed it now it's left the nest so don't worry about trying to feed it ,just watch out for cat's etc.

Jase. :welcomeani:

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