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Lying to get onto land?


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Hi all, spoke to our farmer yesterday to arrange a visit for today and they said that there had been someone round at the beginning of the week who had a great day with around 100 birds to show for it.


Now I have no problem with other guns shooting the land as it is a fair bit and I can't get out there as much as I'd like due to family and work, but I have been shooting there pretty regularly for around 2 years now and I can honestly count the amount of times I have SEEN 100 birds there, never mind had the chance to shoot that many on one hand. There just aren't that many birds around there for some reason, and I have often questioned whether it is worth travelling an hour each way to shoot there for this reason, but land is land and its the only shooting I have at the moment. While I am willing to admit I may not be the best shot and have had a few 50/50 days there, 15-20 birds has been a successful day in my experience on the land!


Spoke to the farmer when I went today and they hadn't actually seen these birds, just been told that was how many were shot.


As I say, I have no problem with other guns on the land, but I don't like the idea that someone may have lied from the outset to get in there, dishonesty doesn't sit well with me and if I have a **** day out I will tell the farmer just that (like today, only 10 for 4hrs as the high winds kept pushing them into the trees :look: ).


Now I have no absolute proof that this guy is lying as I wasn't there, but I am highly suspicious of the number claimed due to my knowledge of the land and while I can understand wanting to get in on some land, if what I suspect is true then I think it doesn't bode well that he is lying to the farmer from the start.


What do you guys think?

Edited by 955i
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Hi all, spoke to our farmer yesterday to arrange a visit for today and they said that there had been someone round at the beginning of the week who had a great day with around 100 birds to show for it.


Now I have no problem with other guns shooting the land as it is a fair bit and I can't get out there as much as I'd like due to family and work, but I have been shooting there pretty regularly for around 2 years now and I can honestly count the amount of times I have SEEN 100 birds there, never mind had the chance to shoot that many on one hand. There just aren't that many birds around there for some reason, and I have often questioned whether it is worth travelling an hour each way to shoot there for this reason, but land is land and its the only shooting I have at the moment. While I am willing to admit I may not be the best shot and have had a few 50/50 days there, 15-20 birds has been a successful day in my experience on the land!


Spoke to the farmer when I went today and they hadn't actually seen these birds, just been told that was how many were shot.


As I say, I have no problem with other guns on the land, but I don't like the idea that someone may have lied from the outset to get in there, dishonesty doesn't sit well with me and if I have a **** day out I will tell the farmer just that (like today, only 10 for 4hrs as the high winds kept pushing them into the trees :look: ).


Now I have no absolute proof that this guy is lying as I wasn't there, but I am highly suspicious of the number claimed due to my knowledge of the land and while I can understand wanting to get in on some land, if what I suspect is true then I think it doesn't bode well that he is lying to the farmer from the start.


What do you guys think?


Tell the farmer how you feel, ask him for these guns to physically show him how many they've shot next time.......it'll prove your point and bring their dishonesty out into the open.

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I wouldn't let it bother me one bit.


The farmer is going to be impressed by how many times you are there and when you are there (not just at the easy harvest time), rather than alleged large bags.

Most farmers can spot a distorter of the truth a mile away.


A farmer I shoot for told me a week ago that two chaps showed up at the weekend and set up on some rape stubble.

The farmer drove out and told them to pack up, as he hadn't seen them all winter when the crop needed protection and if they didn't want to do the hard stuff, they weren't going to do the easy stuff.

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Look at it another way, if you're telling the farmer that there aren't that many birds around......does he really need any crop protection???


In all honesty they don't mind. They know there is not that much around but are glad to have shooters there anyway (I suspect they are doing it more for our benefit than theirs :look: ).

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I know a lad who goes out with the lurcher and the riffle after rabbits. His permission was meant to be just ferriting, but he told the farmer that there wasn't that many rabbits under ground so he asked if he could lamp it for a better result. So off he went out lamping and shot around 8 rabbits. He told the farmer he had shot 50. I asked him why he lied. He told me that he lied to the farmer to show that he could do the job and shoot the rabbits like planned. I think this is all to say to the farmer im better than the others. Basically lying to impress the farmer. It all seems a bit petty to me.

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Most farmers in my experiance are not to bothered about how many pigeons have been shot on the day only that some body is there to scare them off . Instead of shooting the pigeons I am sure that a farmer would let you walk around all day waving a flag to keep them off . Not quite so much fun thou .



Harnser .

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We have a farmer who sees one pigeon and complains there's a plague of them. Last week he was moaning that he had seen thirty rabbits sat out on his pasture. I haven't seen thirty in total on the whole shoot in ten years so I was more than intrigued. So I sat out from 6:30 until dark, saw three rabbits on the whole field, shot two ofthem with the air rifle and told him I'd shot twenty. That is the 30 he saw divided by the number I saw multipled by the number I actually shot.


What comes round goes round :look:

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lol-my dream is to hit trebble figures! Most i've ever shot in a (long) day was 84 over beans which i thought was good so would love to get a ton or possibly more.


As for this other chap-just rise above it.He might be a really good decoyer or perhaps a really good liar,but thats his look out.

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The guy probley off this forum as we here some porkies about shooting say a number that comes to mind 700 accross two days .


And the pictures appear and the bag is spread over 20 acres to make it look more I can smell bull and farmers can too.


Let him talk bull it comes to haunt you in the end I knew some on this forum though I told porkies on the amount of birds I shot /shoot ,but I know my bags are for real not PC world bull.


Just keep on shooting and do a good job.


All the very best OTH

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Most farmers in my experiance are not to bothered about how many pigeons have been shot on the day only that some body is there to scare them off . Instead of shooting the pigeons I am sure that a farmer would let you walk around all day waving a flag to keep them off . Not quite so much fun thou .



Harnser .



A good day on winter rape would be considered to be around 30 birds for most people. Yet this is only a drop in the ocean compared to the couple of thousand bird strong flocks that can often be found feeding on it. Your shots keeping all of these mouths away from the rape for the day is viewed as far more useful. :hmm:


FM ???

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there is the chance he was telling the truth, if you're going to get a decent bag now is a good time, our ground rarely produces much pigeon action yet had a really good 3 hours yesterday with about 60 in the bag, would have been 100 had the shooting standard been a bit better ;)

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  • 1 month later...
Guest beechris

My Farmer is not stupid, ive been told by other guns that they have seen him watching me and others shooting, ive since kept a eye out and ive now seen him watching us, Im not worried as i dont do anything wrong. But they know what is going on across their land.

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Maybe he did shoot 100.

Calling him a liar can't be the right thing to do without the evidence.

Ask the farmer to let you know the next time this guy is going cos if you go at the same time you'll keep em moving.

You'll soon see if he does anything different.

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Just another fair weather shooter telling lies the number of times ive heard someone saying got 100 rubbish me and my mate shoot 2 to 3 times a week 52 weeks of year even christmas and over past two years have not shot hundred in one go. Dont worry mate farmers are not stupid its not what amount you shoot its how often and long as mr giles can hear gun popping hes happy.

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I've never had that red letter day bag to date.


My farmer asks us to keep a tally of numbers and dates. then when I apply for my permission to be renewed each year i tell them when and what i go. I am not scared to put the blanks on there or the 3's and 4's. i'd like to think that my honesty means he doesn't doubt any big bags. i've been renewed twice now so pretty sure he believes what i say.


I don't think i've ever been on the land shooting without seeing him or his farm manager. They are always about somewhere.


Stick to the truth, let others tell all the porkies they like.

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Just another fair weather shooter telling lies the number of times ive heard someone saying got 100 rubbish me and my mate shoot 2 to 3 times a week 52 weeks of year even christmas and over past two years have not shot hundred in one go. Dont worry mate farmers are not stupid its not what amount you shoot its how often and long as mr giles can hear gun popping hes happy.

Maybe you are going there too often then.

I've had more 100 bird days than I can remember

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