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Actually I was using the share price to show you that the whole world is beginning to realise that Apple hardware is better than other companies.


My Mac vs PC video was my selling point as to why you should by one.


And you don't think that Apple share price is affected in a major way by iPhones and Ipods etc etc and not just Mac computers? But in any case, an irrelevant point.


And as for the Iphone 4, great example of better hardware, NOT. All of course, IMHO. But the press launch was hardly their greatest moment.

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I'm a mac user, switched from Microsoft 7+ years ago, I got fed up with their overpriced crappy software (operating systems).


:good: That is so so so so so true.


When OSX Snow Leopard came out, it cost me 24 quid. That was the only release; not a 'premium' or 'student' which gives you more or less stuff, dependent on what you want to spend.


Windows 7 Ultimate - 168 quid on Amazon. :no:

Windows 7 Student - 82 quid :good:

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I think the more pertinent question is - are Macs that good or Microsoft just really bad :no:


It's not just graphics folks that use Mac - a lot of computing professionals (real professionals) do too :good:


Linux is for nerds / geeks / people with too much spare time - I've dabbled when I needed to (computer science packages that were only available on Linux distributions).


If you want to go with the convenience of something like MS then you gotta accpet there's a down side - stability and performance generally.

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:good: That is so so so so so true.


When OSX Snow Leopard came out, it cost me 24 quid. That was the only release; not a 'premium' or 'student' which gives you more or less stuff, dependent on what you want to spend.


Windows 7 Ultimate - 168 quid on Amazon. :no:

Windows 7 Student - 82 quid :good:



Yea, but you have to use it on overpriced hardware so the TOTAL price is much more for no advantage. IMHO. :lol:

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Eventually, I tracked down a former Genius who was sufficiently disenchanted with Apple to ignore the ferocious non-disclosure agreement he'd signed before he took the job. "I saw a whole range of addictive behaviours," he said. "At one end you have the total Apple obsessives who exhibit a quasi-religious fanaticism that the company does nothing to discourage. They're the people who will book the same tutorial again and again, which is very weird. It felt like I was teaching Scientology.


"When a new product is launched, it's the same faces at the front of the line every time. They treat the staff like celebrities, trying to ingratiate themselves. At the Genius Bar, they'll show you Apple products from years ago, and you'll have to pretend you haven't seen them before, because they need their egos massaged. It's kind of sad. Well, it is sad."

Edited by artschool
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We bought a imac for christmas great piece of kit the screen is brilliant 27 inches of pure class easy to use as i found so is windows, our main reason was looks really it has only one wire to plug in and just looks do much neater, the wife hated all the mess off the pc. However i like to play the call of duty games online, cod 2 is available for the mac but none of the others are so the pc is getting upgraded with a new video card to play them, the mac was easy enough to get used to just keep playing with it .

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We bought a imac for christmas great piece of kit the screen is brilliant 27 inches of pure class easy to use as i found so is windows, our main reason was looks really it has only one wire to plug in and just looks do much neater, the wife hated all the mess off the pc. However i like to play the call of duty games online, cod 2 is available for the mac but none of the others are so the pc is getting upgraded with a new video card to play them, the mac was easy enough to get used to just keep playing with it .


I think you're spot on here. Great looking machine and I'm sure the screen is great. That's what all the guys I know who use them think. However, I'm OK wiring in keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer so no problems with a PC. And since 99% of business people use PCs, I don't have all the hassle that we get when my mates try to send Mac files to PCs and vice versa. And my 3 machines all running XP haven't crashed once in at least 5 years.


If you don't mind telling me, how much was your iMac?

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Yea, but you have to use it on overpriced hardware so the TOTAL price is much more for no advantage. IMHO. :hmm:


Did you ever buy that Fox caller you were after at Christmas? That is the definition of overpriced hardware. As the back of your hand will do the job perfectly :o


At the end of the day, I am willing to pay the premium to get a computer which is miles ahead of the competiton and it actually looks and feels decent. I don't own a crappy plastic laptop. I own a machine which is carved from a single block of aluminium and has harware which is directly compatible with the software.


Ever had to search for a 'driver'? :blink: :good:


Oh and Glenshooter. I don't see HP/Microsoft/Dell/etc putting this sort of effort into their Hardware


Edited by Billy.
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as you can scroll and navigate your Mac using the 'gestures'



I can think of one 'gesture' for mac users :o



Apple have the luxury of writing an operating system for hardware that's locked

down, it's amazing that windows runs at all with the variety of hardware it

can be run on.


Also if you spent the price of a mac on a PC you'd get a pretty powerful machine.


I've been running XP on this machine for ~ 6 years now, it's still fast and useable

and I've _never_ had a BSOD. I'm careful ish with what I load but because of what

I do I have had a load of expermental hardware & drivers tried over that period.


A mac just doesn't have the flexibility that I need.




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I think you're spot on here. Great looking machine and I'm sure the screen is great. That's what all the guys I know who use them think. However, I'm OK wiring in keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer so no problems with a PC. And since 99% of business people use PCs, I don't have all the hassle that we get when my mates try to send Mac files to PCs and vice versa.



In case you hadn't noticed, the bulk of files that all computer users are using now are platform independent. Mac's use intel chips now so the whole 'mac file snot compatible on a PC' doesn't fly anymore. The only problem I have going from Mac to PC is that my work PC only has office 2003 on it so I have to save anything on my mac to an older file format. Not the fault of either computer, just our IS department that hasn't upgraded.


I switched to Macbook ~3 years ago. I had PC desktops prior to that and use a PC laptop for work. As mentioned already the Mac framework is a more robust way to program a computer. The software just works, all of the time. Things are more intuitive on a mac once you relearn the basics that you've had to train yourself to learn on a PC. If you're using a mac and struggleing to figure out how to do a task, think about what the simplest way to do it would be and that's usually the answer. Software integrates across all programs. You don't need drivers or CODEC's. You don't worry about web browsing or viruses. You can't install a malware program without your express consent (password). And, you get all of that from day 1. Plug it in, power up, and go. Yes, a PC can be configured to do the same but you have to pay attention to it. You have to know what you're doing to set it up that way.


And frankly, if you compare performance at price, you're not paying that much more for a Mac. For instance, the £1400 iMac. You're getting a 27" cinema quality display plus the computer for that price. That is a wireless keyboard and mouse. I think you get the trackpad. You have the built in camera and microphone. You're getting the full suite of applications that you don't get with windows. It is bluetooth and 802.n WiFi. Aside from the power cord, you're completely wireless. It has a tiny desktop footprint, and it looks good on top of that. Show me a PC with the same spec and you'll be talking about £1000 at least.




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  • 3 weeks later...

I just bought the imac with the 27" screen and **** me it is miles ahead of my pc, I could get more done with video editing for instance in one hour than I could in a whole day with my pc.


I tell all you pc users what, go to the apple store and have a play with the mac and I guarantee, you will at least walk out there and say to your missus "**** me did you see that thing". ???


Go on get one, you know you want one! ??? ??? ???

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