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Do variation fees apply when changing conditions on FAC

Raja Clavata

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So, I put my FAC in to add deer on the .243 and also a variation for a .308 to cover large deer and wild boar in the UK and abroad.


Just checked my account and the £26 variation fee has been cashed - does this mean they approved the .308 or that the fee is applicable to change the .243 conditions?


Thanks in advance.

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A change in condition is classed as a variation. The only time you dont need to pay is with a one-for-one variation. Ie. you sell a rifle and get the slot opened up for the same type of rifle. Anything else is £26 please.



Not in my area it isnt a change in condition is free the £26 is only applicable if you are increasing the number of slots on your fac.

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A change in condition is classed as a variation. The only time you dont need to pay is with a one-for-one variation. Ie. you sell a rifle and get the slot opened up for the same type of rifle. Anything else is £26 please.



Would I be right in assuming you are under Thames Valley.


You need to have a word with them!

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So, I put my FAC in to add deer on the .243 and also a variation for a .308 to cover large deer and wild boar in the UK and abroad.


Just checked my account and the £26 variation fee has been cashed - does this mean they approved the .308 or that the fee is applicable to change the .243 conditions?


Thanks in advance.



There is NO fee to change your condition, only for the variation/additional firearm/slot.


If anyone is charged a fee for a wording change then it is wrong, this is not a regional thing and ALL regions should act the same, if people have been charged for straightforward wording alterations or FAC being Opened etc then they should not have been, go and ask for your money back!

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Hi Raja, when I had my variation changed one for one when I got my deer rifle of course there was no charge but deer and fox plus the ammo was added for no extra. You have applied for another slot, thats what you have been charged for, but of course it doesnt mean you will automatically get it cos they have the money.They have to make sure they are going to get their money before the civvies start typin.

Edited by Redgum
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Would I be right in assuming you are under Thames Valley.


You need to have a word with them!



Yes thats correct. Looks like ive been had then... :blush:



Obviously I don't know your circumstances or quite what happened, there are a couple of people at Kidlington who actually know what they are doing, but they have also had MANY Temps over the years. If you sent a cheque for a wording change it would probably have been automatically banked.


Sounds like they may owe you £26! :yes:

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