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being confronted by anti

wol the hunter

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all serious antis are r thugs , all they think about is smoking weed and freedom of speech, ull find most serious antis are just the sort to jump on a band waggon and basicaly try to 'stick it to the man' they propbably only enjoy causing a rucus and shouting the odd's i bet they dont care about fluffy bunnys as much as we care about shooting and the state of the countryside

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The sensible response is a friendly one, explaining that of all the animals killed for consumption, the pheasants, especially and carefully fed and reared have an entirely free life until harvest. Compare this with battery caged hens or pigs, and of course the pheasants have a good sporting chance to escape and continue to live freely (and many do).


Also consider that chickens are often slaughtered in the following way; fastened upside down by their feet to a conveyer, before being electrically stunned (often unscusccesfully) before being killed. These hens are often force fed and never ever see daylight. They are often force grown in just 6 weeks (they should take 6 months to grow).


Most pheasants are clean kills and nearly all go to the table for eating.


Lastly, the keeping of gamebirds also includes maintaining the countryside, hedges etc, which provides a natural habitat and environment for many other species.


It is helpful to explain, and state that you respect thier views, its just that they differ slightly from yours, and bid them good day.


Hope this is helpful. its never (or shouldn't be) just killing for the sake of it.



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the best course of action is no action, we should never stoop to there level of threatening or intimidating behaviour, at the end of the day people will always disagree about things, and what we all do (hunting for the sake of pest control and eating, even throphy hunting) has been done for aslong as man has been able to use weapons and hunt to eat or protect himself, but i do belive people as in the general public need to be better educated into the ways of the countryside, the anti hunting ban is a disgrace and im confident that it will be abolished sometime in the future as it makes no logical sence, dogs being decendants of wolfs have always hunted for live quarry so hunting with houunds is if anything alowing a dog to do what comes anturaly to it, one thing that is important is to band together and basicaly try and change people views on our sport as the anti waste no time in telling lies and false truths to make us look like evil cruel types.

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The correct reply is silence.


You cannot reason with these people & there's little point in trying.


Look straight through them, walk around them, get on with your life but don't waste your breath trying to engage in debate or confrontation.


They're trying to ambush you into a photo opportunity for themselves. They want to show you looking angry and threatening. They're trying to provoke a reaction.


Its not about hunting anyway. They think they're striking the last blows of the class war. As bindi says, if it were really about cruelty and inhumanity, they'd be going all out at intensively reared chicken producers but that doesn't get them on telly.


Be polite to everyone but treat the antis as barely visible obstructions. Smile vaguely at the public, be polite to women and children and keep moving. :lol:

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The correct reply is silence.


Normally I would agree, however antis that disrupt one area I can shoot have all the advantage, they shine lights in your face and all over the marsh, they come onto private land to do so, and plod do nothing, you have lost shooting and wasted time and money to boot,


Not always easy to remain silent :lol:

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the only problem i've had with shooting antis has been when i park my car and put my pest controler on site ticket in the window with my mobile no on (to save problems with an armed response unit turning up ) they've phoned me and told me i'm a murderer and made the usual threats all of which have amounted to nothing , but when i used to fish near stratford we regularly used to have fishing antis hassle us but they also used to regularly get very wet very quickly , i was always of the mind to just take no notice of them until one day unbeknown to a handfull of antis i was fishing just around a bend in the river when i heard a bit of fuss and when i went to see what was going on they were cruelly ragging an old guy that was fishing alone , it was furtunate that me and a few of the lads were having a bit of a knock up not too far away or the old guy might have been in serious trouble , it was very sad because we would regularly see and natter to the old guy but after that we never saw him again , the only usefull advice i could give you is treat them the way they treat you , if they're polite be polite back , if they get threatening get all over them like a rash.

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they actualy come on your land ans shine lights in your eyes? we once rumbled a group of antis from the local village trying to set fire to a barn full of hay bales, it didnt take much to scare them off, we drove down the track with the landys headlights and extra lamps on full and blinded them and then got out the vehicle with our guns slung across our shoulders, as soon as they saw the guns they quickly left the barn and walked back home. but your right with what u say, antis and agressive youth in general get away with so much with the respect of action taken by the police but as soon as the police hear the word gun they r out as qucick as u can say doooooooughnuts, (drool)

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It rather depends upon the nature of the confrontation. If I'm "confronted" whilst not out shooting, in a social setting for example, politeness is the order of the day. If actually out with a gun, then a smile, a wave, and should all else fail, a loud raspberry might be in order.

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i dont think i would put my mobile number in the window of my van,or give them any idear what im up to.

it's not something i'm very comfortable with and i only do it when i'm parked in a strange place and the car might arouse interest , my theory is that if an armed response unit turn up they might hopefully call my mobile no and i can come out of the field unarmed with my hands in the air, i don't fancy the idea of a jumpy young firearms officer creeping through a field at 2am and suddenly i appear in front of him all camoed up with a rifle in my hand , the antis don't scare me but a jumpy kid with a h+k mp5 frightens the life out of me , i'm sure most officers that handle firearms are 100% and a credit to the police force but i have personal experience of one that was just a muppet and a disgrace to the uniform and in my opinion shouldn't have been let loose with a catapult.

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thanks for all your response to my topic.the reason for me asking is because i have just had to deel with a complete ****,jumping out of bushes and telling us that magpies and woodies are protected.well after a long chat with pc plod he tells me you must have a reason for shooting these birds and a pest control ticket,and best of all a licence to shoot bunnies.anyway all is ok now and the anti who is about 55 has been reported by me to plod for putting himself indanger

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I have never been confronted when out shooting and where I currently shoot I don't think I will be however I strongly believe that fishing will soon start to be more seriously targeted. I think a young lad like me on the riverbank is a prime target because effectivley they could easily corner me as I would have nowhere to run (not that I would run) and because they think I'm less likely to pan half of them. (The only antis I have to deal with is the occasional cow who wants to eat my bait but I guess that's life. :sly: ) Try this link to get some ideas of their potential. ANTIS



FM :<

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