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making a living in scotland?

welsh warrior

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is it true you can make very good money from shooting sport in scotland im on about looking after dogs or beating for someone? or even a game keeper now thats a job id love



Hiya, My mate was a stalker up near Boat of Garten...and led almost a hand to mouth existance...great job mind you, but no money in it...AND he was allowed one hind a year to himself...:unsure:

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is it true you can make very good money from shooting sport in scotland im on about looking after dogs or beating for someone? or even a game keeper now thats a job id love

Yes, you can come up and look after my dog and beat for me....and I will pay you, oh lets see, at least £10 EACH week :unsure:


The only way to make BIG money is if you own a shoot, have a look at the guns on pegs website, some of the prices for a days shooting are unbelievable :shoot:

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  • 2 months later...

cos all the english have moved here......... :blink:

dont start me; i live in the sticks in Scotland; my nearest neighbours are lets just say southern friends; dismayed to arrive home tonight to have a leaflet through the door saying their planning a party next april for the royal wedding of the heir to the english throne - prince wullie!! No offence to the fella; i wish him all the best but i had to check my address to make sure I hadnt moved to engerland! haha Yoy guys down south enjoy your day off- I`ll be working as usual and no putting the tv on for a month!

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At least you can understand the Indian call handlers :lol:

Dunno mate - hard enough trying to understand the Rotherham/Baaaaaaaarnsly accent when I'm trying to get O2 @ Ventura to pull their heads out of their disused coal mines and sort my pigging phone bill. Guess working "8 while 5" is too taxing on the local IQ :lol: :lol:

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