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I love Monday mornings

henry d

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Just started the Roe buck cull today and I was up at 5am and started to walk up to the area I had in mind at 6am. I just got to the second field gate and I could see 2 roe skylined in it about 120yds out and I crept to the gate and could see another roe tight into the hedge and it had seen me, but wasn`t too bothered, however it eventually got up and walked away from me and the two in the field I could now see were both good cull bucks.

I managed to follow and after cresting the rise I saw one buck had crossed into my field and was busy eating with his head away from me and I managed to crawl into a position where I could get him broadside on and set the sticks up and syeadied myself to stand up and take the shot. He looked at me as I got up to my knees and it was enough to get a good shot and the backstop was clear 1/2 mile away. He threw his head back as he fell to the shot and I scanned about the fields for any movement.

There were at least half a dozen that I could see hightailing for any cover so I wasn`t going to get an easy 2nd shot :lol:

The shot was a little high at about 85 yds, but the job was done.


After the gralloch I set off dragging him back to the car and I could see about a mile away 2 roe. After getting into the car and setting off I could see them in the stubble and I would have to drive off a mile away and walk back to them to get a look at them and see if they were suitable.


I parked up and set off at a medium pace as I didn`t want to find they had reached the wood before me and after 2-300 yds I saw a white rump and ID`ed it as a young spiker of a buck and worth the shot, but he was in thick cover and feeding so I had a few shuffles about before getting into a position where I could get off a shot without hitting leaves or branches and at that he disappeared behind a tree, so I move and then he moves so I move back and this time he behaves himself and stands broadside for the shot and stumbles 5 yds before dropping.


Again the shot was a little high but that`s 2 for the dealer at 19 & 14kg dressed out and a good start to a full week of stalking ;):oops:


Apologies for the dark pics as I didn`t want to use the flash.



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you got to get up to scotland garden of eden is up there i had never been to scotland been 3 times in the last 10 months going again next month cant wait


It`s a bitch having to live here :yes::lol:


sure beat my Monday morning which consisted of sitting on the M25 for 2 hours.

nice work Henry


Oh the joys ;) I`m sure you will be enjoying good sport when I`m working too :oops:

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I am so envious of people like you Henry. You have such wonderful opportunities so close to you, you are extremely lucky my friend. Thanks for sharing the story with us, it is the next best thing to being there! I have to settle for miserable, cold and damp mornings and evenings after foxes around here, in fact I've just got back in from shooting a young dog fox that ended up running off the side of the quarry to a 100 odd foot drop. I thought my shot placemant might not have been quite spot on but when I eventually managed to negociate a safe route down to where he landed i could see that I had managed a text book "heart and lungs shot" so it must have been nerves or adrenaline that made him run that few yards. Oh well at least I can read posts like yours and dream!


Just out of interest what part of Perthshire are you from, I used to live in Killin many years ago, are you anywhere near there?

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It might be the under-rated .222 :yes:


@Lez, they are just cull beasts with poor heads, so we can keep the good bucks for breeding with the ladies :good:

I have one with a broken/misshapen head to sort too.


Nice gun :good: I'm half thinking about getting a .222 595 or similar at the momment.






Dont suppose your wanting rid of yours? :oops:







Well done btw!

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