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Essex Keeper

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I take it your off about the Cz 452 in .22 rim fire cal. Cracking bit of kit for the money, i have one in .17Hmr. Only draw back with them though, is the trigger can be a bit heavy. Only a single stage instead of 2 stage like more up market rifles. But for accuracy and rugged durabilty, you wont beat them. Ideal for close to medium range vermin control. Highly recommended by nearly all who use them.

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I have the .17HMR, and the trigger does leave a lot to be desired. As shipped it was pretty heavy, I wound the adjustment right down and it helps somewhat.


Worse is the creep, it is really hard to know when the trigger is actually going to trip, so I sent off for the Rimfiremagic trigger kit. Arrived the next day for just £12 so not a lot to spend, and I hope to fit it next week!


Other than that, the gun is simple and well made, looks like it will last. Shoots straight, though attempts to group on targets are hampered until I sort the trigger.

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I have had an Eric Brooks kit for mine a good few months now. Numerous attempts have been made to fit it, but I cannot get one screw out of the stock. I have now started to damage the screw so there is no way its shifting. It's soon to be off to the Smith for a sorting and the fitting of an alternative trigger...was thinking possibly a Timney.

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I have had an Eric Brooks kit for mine a good few months now. Numerous attempts have been made to fit it, but I cannot get one screw out of the stock. I have now started to damage the screw so there is no way its shifting. It's soon to be off to the Smith for a sorting and the fitting of an alternative trigger...was thinking possibly a Timney.



How much for the Brooks kit if you are not using it?

Edited by Dekers
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With regard to the original question I have a number of CZ rimfires and have had several more. For my requirements, which is almost entirely field work with the occasional punt down the range for fun, there is no need to look anywhere else.


I think this "what are CZ's like?" has been done many times before and there are very few disappointed owners, actually I don't know of any personally!


ATB!! :good:

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In both .22 and HMR they realy are great shooters, I had both but let the .22 go as it did not suit the ground I shoot over, too much livestock about and too flat. The triggers can be a bit hit or miss but are easily sorted with the trigger kits to a safe, light and creep free level. At the time I got mine they were selling for about £200 new so they have gone up a bit but as a working gun you will only have to buy it once, none will do a better job.


atvb Paul.

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My first rimmy was a well used 22lr.

Liked it so much I bought a near new HMR.

The differences between the different models :no:

Shape of the stock.

There is a Varmint version with a thick heavy barrel but those are mostly HMR.

Here's my 22lr, no need to leave it std !!!

How do they shoot ? better than most owners.

What ammo, Eley, Winchester, RWS & most other brands you can name but CCi tends to be tight to chamber, just try all the different ones you can obtain in your local shop.

What silencer & what scope, that's for another day.

Rest assured CZ's regardless of stock shape will be a good rabbiting gun.

Here's mine.





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