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The Student Protests


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What was the alternative gordon brown and blunkett, Or should i say the blind leading the blind. At the end of the day everyone is getting sqeezed because of a inept labour goverment, hell bent on linning there own pockets



Where are the statesmen, Like Heath, Wilson, Thatcher, Heseltine, and Kinnock???


How can we allow the country to be run by three adolescents that dont even buy shaving foam ?


Everyone was getting squeezed by senior members of the worlds largest Financial institutions Im afraid Institutions that no doubt Cameron has a stake in. And...I happen to like Blunkett hes nice to Dogs... :good:


I voted Green infact because saving our Planet for future generations is the highest priority in my lifetime. All this talk of University fees and coalitions is in the Immortal words of Coy Lahood from Pale Rider " aint worth Moose p**s"

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I voted Green infact because saving our Planet for future generations is the highest priority in my lifetime. All this talk of University fees and coalitions is in the Immortal words of Coy Lahood from Pale Rider " aint worth Moose p**s"


Dont get me started on global warming, when there isn't irifutuble evidence

that it isn't a naturally occuring phenomenom so if i may re quote coy lahood " aint worth Moose p**s"



As for cameron let him develope and he will be every bit of a statesman that you describe if he is given his own mandate and not carrying the dead wood that he is lumbered with.

I take it you work in the public sector :lol:

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If these students did not spend so much of their loans on drugs and booze then they wouldnt have to borrow so much money . Iam sorry ,but I dont have any time for them . Most of them look as if they should still be breast fed and tied to their mothers aprons strings . I really dont want the tax payers of this country paying for their education .

Harnser .

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I find all this protest about the so called right to higher education truly baffling,who says that higher education should be provided by the state? I will tell you? its the providers of this higher education IE the ones who stand to make the most out of ordinary non exeptionally gifted youngsters wishing and hoping that the chance of going on to higher education will fullfill any missguided dreams they have? and of course landlords dont do bad out of the need for education either.


firstly we have like it or not dumbed down the pass standard to a point where no longer is it the gifted minority who are deemed capable of going on to uni, but the average majority, most of whom have litterally been conned to believe that they are gifted enough to be considered above the norm, when in fact they are simply being used as ascource of wealth by those who run the uni's, and in truth are simply exploited and unlikely to reap any benefit whatsoever from going into uni over seeking an apprentiship etc.


sadly so many of those who now leave uni with a degree suddenly wake upto the fact that it means nothing? those who do not take the serious subjects such as science, or maths can expect nothing more than a placement in the local pizza hut, sad but true is the fact that we confuse intelligence with education.


Glad to see that global warming made it into this thread ? another con the gullible fell for.



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On a medical degree?


No Land management. I also agree with what is being said about pointless degrees, When I was looking around last year on a history open day the amount of people looking to study film/media/theatre studies was mental and then there is the degree in football that can be taken at liverpool hope university :oops:



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Some courses are easier to manage timewise,and in a nutshell yes a degree course could be done in a shorter timespan but is the quality still there at the end of it?


The fact is that most 3 year degrees require only 8-12 hours of lectures a week.


If you are suggesting that the average student spends the remainder of that time each week in the library then you are mistaken :lol:


Some course can be reduced in length, others perhaps not - but having done it and seen it, I very much doubt that there are any courses which can't be substantially reduced in their length.


Besides... does anyone want to talk about the length of "student" holidays? Why are they so long when the working world works to 20-25 days a year? I know (1) it's what the lecturers demand and (2) it's always been like that but that's not a proper reason or answer.

Edited by Mungler
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No Land management. I also agree with what is being said about pointless degrees, When I was looking around last year on a history open day the amount of people looking to study film/media/theatre studies was mental and then there is the degree in football that can be taken at liverpool hope university :oops:





The irony is in the name :lol:

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A couple of people on here have hit the nail on the head when they criticised student numbers. I just wanted to add my support to those comments. I think a university education should be elitist. Very elitist. Only the very brightest, regardless of their background or wealth, should get into university, and those who can't afford it get the fees paid and a full maintenance grant lo live on. And university admissions should take into consideration someone's background and access to education. For example, if someone from the worst of inner-city hell-hole school gets 3 Bs and a C at A-level then I would think they are more deserving than someone who has had the best private education but only managed 2 As an 2 Bs. There is nothing new in this idea. You only have to return to the early 80s and before when A-levels were hard, only the best got in, and they got a grant.


Its a shame that 'proper' students get tarred with the same brush as the waste of space cretins that shouldn't be there. I did physics at university and ended up getting a PhD. I had to work VERY hard to get my degrees. And to compare what I did, and award the same level of qualification, to someone who did applied hamster knitting and ice-cream studies is just ludicrous.


The country could afford to educate and support 8% of the country's brightest to go to university, and would be paid back 10 times by the benefits that those people bring to the economy. If those individuals benefit greatly financially, they will pay back their degree in income tax.

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Dont get me started on global warming, when there isn't irifutuble evidence

that it isn't a naturally occuring phenomenom so if i may re quote coy lahood " aint worth Moose p**s"



As for cameron let him develope and he will be every bit of a statesman that you describe if he is given his own mandate and not carrying the dead wood that he is lumbered with.

I take it you work in the public sector :lol:



Whose talking about Global warming...?


Look around you at all the Planetary rape and pillage which has happened in the last 10 years alone.

I dont think its the defecit causing this and can only be mankind


As for Cameron.... Puppet being worked by the Big players in the Financial Institutions nothing more nothing less. I'll wager he wont be leader of the Con party or the Country 2 years from now. :yes:


me work in Public sector :lol::lol: I could stay at home and do that... :lol:

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Personally I get stiffed every month for tax on my hard earned but I still think a graduate tax would be the fairest way to fund it. Even if they back date it to include all graduates it would mean that those that get the most benefit from the education system pay back through their working life.


Students are idiots, thats what they are supposed to be, its a time in their lives when they get the chance to be ***** but a large proportion of them develop into useful members of society and an extra 1% tax contribution would help enormously

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I voted Green infact because saving our Planet for future generations is the highest priority in my lifetime.


Isn't part of there core values intrinsicly linked, to the so called global warming issues.

And getting back to the subject in hand, the greens in there manifesto actually wanted to scrap the tuition fees.green party

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Ineed it is and indeed they did...whats your point ?


So you believe every body should have free higher education (not including anybody under the age of 18 in this, as they should have free education) The sad reality is the country can not afford that policy

Edited by jasons gold
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So you believe every body should have free higher education (not including anybody under the age of 18 in this, as they should have free education) The sad reality is the country can not afford that policy



Read my initial post again and understand what I am saying. Yes I do think Further education should be free for those that aspire to it and deserve it. The simple fact is its far too easy to get into University in this age and many Graduates are leaving with utterly worthless degrees expecting to land a top paid job in commerce or industry hours after leaving with their degree in Flower arranging or Holistic Therapy " look Ive got a degree you must employ me"........... MacDonalds is full of them !


The sad reality is infact the country could easily afford that if it adopted a differnt taxation strategy.


All this current fiscal policy is going to do is create massive unemployment on a scale that no Government has seen before.


Ultimately we are in this mess nationally and globally because the World and Particularly Britain is grossly over populated to the extent that we cannot sustainably support ourselves.

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Read my initial post again and understand what I am saying. Yes I do think Further education should be free for those that aspire to it and deserve it


i agree with most of that to a degree if you pardon the pun. But i think they should pay, but the good degrees, the ones that actually mean something should be subsidised. that should effectively kill off all the worthless ones




The sad reality is infact the country could easily afford that if it adopted a differnt taxation strategy.


what other taxation strategy would you propose?


All this current fiscal policy is going to do is create massive unemployment on a scale that no Government has seen before.


what evidence is there that this will happen?


Ultimately we are in this mess nationally and globally because the World and Particularly Britain is grossly over populated to the extent that we cannot sustainably support ourselves.



what link is there that we are in this mess due to over poulation?

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The fact is that most 3 year degrees require only 8-12 hours of lectures a week.


If you are suggesting that the average student spends the remainder of that time each week in the library then you are mistaken :lol:


Some course can be reduced in length, others perhaps not - but having done it and seen it, I very much doubt that there are any courses which can't be substantially reduced in their length.


Besides... does anyone want to talk about the length of "student" holidays? Why are they so long when the working world works to 20-25 days a year? I know (1) it's what the lecturers demand and (2) it's always been like that but that's not a proper reason or answer.


Yes you are indeed correct. If you are taking accountancy it is 12 hours a week. When I did engineering it was 38 hours of drone,drone,drone.


In fact, when I think of it I dont know I ever managed to find the time to get me leg over as a student, it was just lucky I found stella to keep me company.

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here is my slant on it ,i did a 5year (old school) apprentiship to qualify as a spark too many students use college as a skive , i was dragging armoured cables into factories for peanuts £28 per week whilst my best mate did a graphic design course with a grant and a sat job in woolworths picking up £80 a week ,my last apprentice has just left to join one of the major electricity supply companies having done his full apprentiship and gaining his electrical design degree at night school,proving if you really want to do somthing bad enough you will find a way,

too many people chop and change courses ,and are serial students in it for the long hall some interviewed on the tv looked to be well in their fifties to me never done a days work in their life ,may well have degrees ,but educated idiots with no common sense i bet

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I think if you want to go to uni then you should be prepared to pay for it. These protests have made my blood boil they think there the only ones fascing hard times due to cuts. Not so. I'm a builder and actually contribute to the countries econonmy and over the the last 3 years have taken what amounts to 30 % pay cut just to keep working and i know i'm not on my own and don't get me wrong i know i'm still alot better off than a alot of people. So until these lazy B******* are willing to contribute to society they should shut the **** up.

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