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Best fox caller


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I've got 3 or 4 it's nice to carry a variety cos not all foxes respond to the same sound as the last or one may sound better than the other I normally use my wigeon call it's a little nickel diaphram with a hole through it I think it's supposed to be a bird call bit works amazingly well for foxes and the other is almost the same but much higher pitch Robert bucknell used one on YouTube so I got one and tried it out it's good too seems really quiet thow it's alot smaller and a brass looking colour. And other is The palm of my hand which works very well takes alot of practise thow. Or if your lamping from a car take some polystyrene and lick it and rub it on the windowscreen that works well too very very high pitched.

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I've got 3 or 4 it's nice to carry a variety cos not all foxes respond to the same sound as the last or one may sound better than the other I normally use my wigeon call it's a little nickel diaphram with a hole through it I think it's supposed to be a bird call bit works amazingly well for foxes and the other is almost the same but much higher pitch Robert bucknell used one on YouTube so I got one and tried it out it's good too seems really quiet thow it's alot smaller and a brass looking colour. And other is The palm of my hand which works very well takes alot of practise thow. Or if your lamping from a car take some polystyrene and lick it and rub it on the windowscreen that works well too very very high pitched.


Cheers mate,


That is a lot of help, I shall try the polystyrene. I'm also tempted to use the electronic calls you can get?



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I have a bag full of mouth calls and use them when needed i think the above post was refering to the WAM call similar to the widgeon call but made of very thin brass i think.

I tend to use electronic calls i have a few,one foxpro call that looks like a heavy duty torch casing.that has 10 calls and can be remote activated or used by hand,bit bulky though to carry when on foot.

Also have the foxpro scorpion very good bit of kit but again bulky and has 100 calls mostly though are no use to us in uk...this is remote only good for static when baiting.

My main one i use is the callmaster its about the size of 2 ciggy pkts together so can be slipped in pocket when on foot,this is also remote or manual.

And ive just ordered a new callmaster with new controls from a chap on here 140 quid both of these calls have a chip with 10 calls you can buy spare chips.



Edited by barrelsniffer
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Off tomorrow to pick up a new fox caller! Does anyone recommend and particular make as being especially good?





My recommendations in order of preference


The Mark 1 hand.


Georgiescu fox whistle

Call Master



Only problems with the FoxPro is its bulk, the cost, and you'll only ever use 3-4 of the calls.

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Recently,anything but the sound of a dying rabbit !


The most productive by far is a low quiet quack,quack noise,which will either get them trotting towards me or at least make them curious enough to stand still.This is closely followed by a chicken noise which seems to interest them.


If you fancy a shot at one running away pretty quickly then i make a traditional squeek with the hand or a wham(widgeon)caller and you can be sure to scare them off.


Maybe just my area but a squeeker is worse then useless now and i havent had one come in to one in months.

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The Callmaster caller is a brilliant bit of kit. Not the cheapest, but very effective for calling in foxes. Another good caller is the Foxpro Spitfire. It's a remote control one, with a range of 100 yards.


I also use homemade calls. These are two lollypop sticks taped together with a thin piece of plastic in the middle.

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I dont think there is such a thing as the best .....


A selection is the way forward, I have used the u caller, wam, tenterfield, and the normal mouse sqeak on the back of my hand. one of my pals uses the sqeaky bit that his dog chewed out of a soft toy & also rubbing polystyrene on his truck screen,


Seen them all work at different times, experiment is the way forward :good:

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homemade all the way, was interested in one on here till i found out the guy was just advertising selling them as a little sideline, i like the old one made from a split stick ans casset tape starter strip or pursed lips and a finger to vary (cheap disposable and effective)

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Foxpro scorpion, same reasons as al4x and also because you can change the call quickly. We had trouble calling a fox the night after we shot his sibling in the same field, however he came a running when we changed to a chicken distress call as we are next to a free range chicken farm ;)


They are not infallable though and they are eye wateringly expensive !

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My recommendations in order of preference


The Mark 1 hand.WAM

Georgiescu fox whistle

Call Master



Only problems with the FoxPro is its bulk, the cost, and you'll only ever use 3-4 of the calls.


the highlighted one is the cheapest and the best i use nothing else! call them from miles away too! all the foxes ive shot with anygun have been with the good old hand squeak master this and you wont need another caller!

Edited by tomhw100
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I have used the Scotch Predator call for years with great success, while spotlighting at Charliville the other week we had foxes running in from 200m strait at the light until they were only 20ft from the truck, they were only young but still.

The good old button whistle is also a favorite of mine that has served me well for many years.

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