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What chance Eltons "son" will turn out Gay


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It depends how far you want to go with natural though. Should people who are unable to conceive naturally be allowed medical intervention? If we're talking Darwinism then the weak should be allowed to die to further the genetic evolution of humanity. If people are unable to conceive without assistance then should they be allowed to conceive at all? But try telling that to anyone in that position and see what their reaction is. It's amazing how opinions change when something is affecting you directly.



Schern to conceive the fundamentals are you need to be female what bit about that is up for debate

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I'm hetro and wouldn't have it any other way.......but


Some of the blinkered, naive opinions being shown here are amazing - I get the non-natural element of not agreeing with two blokes bringing up a kid but so what. I've come across so many so called normal families that should be banned from keeping gold fish let alone having kids (and I'm talking serious sexual and physical abuse towards their children). Taking the post purely in it's context, I'm sure the kid will be brought up to have a great life and it's not just about the money factor. Two people who want to give a child a loving upbringing, Jeez what's so wrong with that. I'm sure they're not going to shove their sexual practices in the kids face just as much as the average 'normal' parent doesn't do so to their kids. Don't bother with any come backs quoting bible beliefs as that book has a great following of 'normal' people, especially catholic priests. What are some of you so scared of, homo tendencies most likely.


Please can someone describe the official line on what normal is?

Edited by death from below
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So two people who clearly love each other have had a child and are in a position to provide a loving home for that child. Ive no problems with that at all :good:



yeah the kid will grow up well balanced, and with a normal view of everyday life and society, like my left foot he will, he will be so confused and mixed up he will probably end up topping himself or overdosing on some recreational drug before he reaches thirty, kids need a mother and father not two "daddies".



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yeah the kid will grow up well balanced, and with a normal view of everyday life and society, like my left foot he will, he will be so confused and mixed up he will probably end up topping himself or overdosing on some recreational drug before he reaches thirty, kids need a mother and father not two "daddies".





Like it or not the world is changing, there is no 'Normal' family anymore, if there ever was. Single parents faced these same attitudes and preconcieved ideas 20 years ago, and Unmarried couples faced them another 20years before that. 20 years from now we will wonder what all the fuss was about.

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My issue is that aside from this case where the child is going to be well protected, a child (and certainly a boy) is going to spend the first 18 years of his life being bullied, ridiculed, beaten up, blanked, ousted and alone due to the fact that he has two dads, and very very few people will accept it.


So they may have a loving home environment, but what the **** are they supposed to do when the leave the comfort of that home? To go to school, the shops or whatever. We all know how ruthless and cruel children and teens can be and I wonder how many victims would kill themselves as a result of having two homosexual men as parents? Kids kill themselves due to bullying over colour, race, religion, weight, being ginger, buck toothed, poor and literally all the reasons that kids get bullied for. So how many would kill themselves over bullying connected with this subject?


Loads I bet.


Is it the gays fault? No, is it the kids fault? Yes. Are you going to stop it? Not in the next 200 years I bet.

Edited by J@mes
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yeah the kid will grow up well balanced, and with a normal view of everyday life and society, like my left foot he will, he will be so confused and mixed up he will probably end up topping himself or overdosing on some recreational drug before he reaches thirty, kids need a mother and father not two "daddies".




But the same could be said just as easily about a straight couple's offspring where they've had a privileged up bringing. Plenty of straight rich peoples children grow up to be anything but normal. An ex-Archbishop of Canterbury's grandson died of a heroin overdose a few days ago so no one is immune.

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yeah the kid will grow up well balanced, and with a normal view of everyday life and society, like my left foot he will, he will be so confused and mixed up he will probably end up topping himself or overdosing on some recreational drug before he reaches thirty, kids need a mother and father not two "daddies".



Well said that man :good:

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So two people who clearly love each other have had a child and are in a position to provide a loving home for that child. Ive no problems with that at all :good:



CB what are you on about........ they have not had a child a lady did (thats a female lady with female lady bits) and she sold it to them.........

Edited by pavman
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My issue is that aside from this case where the child is going to be well protected, a child (and certainly a boy) is going to spend the first 18 years of his life being bullied, ridiculed, beaten up, blanked, ousted and alone due to the fact that he has two dads, and very very few people will accept it.


So they may have a loving home environment, but what the **** are they supposed to do when the leave the comfort of that home? To go to school, the shops or whatever. We all know how ruthless and cruel children and teens can be and I wonder how many victims would kill themselves as a result of having to homosexual men as parents? Kids kill themselves due to bullying over colour, race, religion, weight, being ginger, buck toothed, poor and literally all the reasons that kids get bullied for. So how many would kill themselves over bullying connected with this subject?


Loads I bet.


Is it the gays fault? No, is it the kids fault? Yes. Are you going to stop it? Not in the next 200 years I bet.



Very good point, Ive said for a long time that the gingers, fatties, peasents and bugs bunnys of this world shouldnt be allwed to breed.


Sorry, but although I see your arguement about bullying I dont see that it should be a reason to stop same sex couples having kids.

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i've known two kids that are being raised by same sexed parents.the first was my ex's cousin who was being raised by his mother and her partner.i would be very surprised if he turned out straight, at 13 yrs old he was running around in pink trainers and playing with girls toys and very femenine.the other child was fostered by some gay friends, he came to them very boyish and after a year or two was dressing gay (sorry i don't i don't meen to be offensive it's the only way i can describe it) and also acting and talking the same way.they're good friends and i've been out to gay clubs with them a few times so don't have a problem with it, however i'm comfortable being around them i'm very much straight.


do i think gay couples should be allowed to foster/adopt? no


my parents foster, and with my dad being the main carer they can only foster boy's to protect both parties.what i don't understand is how gay couples can foster/adopt same sex children. i'm not saying that they're perv's or peado's,i just think the logic has gone out of the window there.surely if they were then males couple's should only be able to care for girls and women boys.but the main reason i disagree is the fact that children are cruel and once they get to know a child has two mummies/daddies living together their live would be hell.while i understand people don't choose to be gay i do think wanting children is selfish on their part


i hope i have'nt offended anyone, these are only my views



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Very good point, Ive said for a long time that the gingers, fatties, peasents and bugs bunnys of this world shouldnt be allwed to breed.


Sorry, but although I see your arguement about bullying I dont see that it should be a reason to stop same sex couples having kids.

Same sex partners should never have a kid or kids,its ****** Sick

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CB what are you on about........ they have not had a child a lady did (thats a female lady with female lady bits) and she sold it to them.........



Well all right then, one of them provided the sperm so is the Biological Father, the lady ( one with female lady bits I assume) provided the egg, and the biological father is to raise said sprog with his partner who is male. Close enough? Ive still not got a problem with it. Somehow I dont think we are going to agree on this are we Pavman :lol:

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I would suggest its a far better environment to bring a child up in than one where daddy comes home from the pub drunk five nights a week and beats mummy up.


Of course its not better its equally as WRONG you only have to watch that plonker kyle and his daily freak show to see dissfunctional families who should be nuetered by law.


Problem I have with two gays is the fact they are now considered the "norm" and capable of bringing up via adoption or fostering needy kids, the hypocrisy however is that if your fat or physically disabled you are not considered "suitable" and many loving couples get refused, I would suggest that the acceptance these days of gays is not down to a better understanding and social acceptance , more so thats its a govt and media driven thing, pushed by gay mp's amd media luvvies.

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Same sex partners should never have a kid or kids,its ****** Sick



Thank you for your constructive input :good: I can see you have thaught long and hard and come to the most logical arguement you can think of.


Have a look in the corner there might be a book for you to read look at while the adults talk.

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Thank you for your constructive input :good: I can see you have thaught long and hard and come to the most logical arguement you can think of.


Have a look in the corner there might be a book for you to read look at while the adults talk.


Mate, just look where he's from - they still stone women for wearing a hemline that shows their ankles up there. :rolleyes:

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