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Wanted! 8mm Beretta Blank firer or similar


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Hi Guys


I need it fast because I am taking it abroad in the last week of march and I need to declare the weapon and the serial number atleast a week before.I am situated in cranfield,bedfordshire.Could you please quote the price for it.





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Its for my collection of blank firers, air rifles and CO2 air pistols.Not to mention my handguns.(If you condiser 3 to be a collection)I have 2 glock 17s already but was looking for a beretta.




PS On which site can I save my videos on?

Edited by Ashar
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Yeah thats true but the problem is that I can only have 3 weapons on my license at any given point of time and the license is issued for self protection and not for sporting purposes.The maximum calibre I can buy in my country is a .357 magnum revolver or a .380 pistol. I am crazy about guns and I dont really care whether they are real or just toys.


If I could, I would definately buy a desert eagle mate


I just hate gun laws.They dont have any logic in them.And moreover most of the gun crimes which are committed, are done by illegal weapons anyway.


So better hope for free trade.



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I am from India and as I mentioned earlier, I have to declare the serial number and the make to the airline a few days before I travel.I am leaving in the last week of march and I need them it by the 10th atleast.


By the way, why are they not available anymore?



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I have a blank firing pistol. It goes Bang bang and the DOG SITS. WHen I throw the dummy he fetches it. Now I know its a lot more hassle than when I started using it for training but that is the OLNY purpose I use mine for. Its a bit easier to carry than the 12g.


I also have a dummy launcher that uses .22 LR blanks but its not to good it heavy wooded areas when training.





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Have I just read this wrong, but why would you want to fire a blank round when rough shooting?


When I have been out rough shooting I am sure that most of my rounds are blank. Or am I just missing? :blink: ;):D:D???:lol:





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