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FAC Shotgun


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Seen a few boys out with one of these recently while doing organised pigeon days, one had a 5 shot the other a 7 shot.


Is there a massive following for these or is it just a really fast way to use up you box of carts? I am quite happy with the old Lanber at the moment but was curious so thought I would ask.

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most keeprs i know have them and love them all the boys at millden have 8 shot nellie m2`s given to them by the estate when they start their :blink: i supose you realy dont wanna miss a fox,well i know i dont! or for lamping rabbbits and rats so handy haveing them extra shots. it can make you use more shots thou couse you have them lol ive been thinking about getting one, be funny to rock up at beaters day with it

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I have a slot for an FAC shotgun on my cert, the keeper has a 5 shot benelli, lovely gun, got a few extra carts there if u need it, and u have loads of shots if you have a big flock coming in, let em have it, haha. Also great for bunny bashing as you know you have the shots and can also do well if there are several about.

But on the downside when pigeon shooting you know you have the shots so you get stuck in and tend to waste a few, but you only live once!

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did the police let you have it ok my feo said she would only give me a 8 shot because thats realy all i will ever need,so i cant have a 10


Sorry but your FEO is telling you utter boll0x (probably in the belief that you will take the bait) - The slot on your FAC is for 'multi shot shotgun' there is no limit to the mag size. Get which ever is your flavour and get a mag extension from Midway.


I have a Benelli M2 with 8+1. But if I could have got a decent extension for a Urika 2 or the old 5 shot model (20g AL391) I would have jumped at it.

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did the police let you have it ok my feo said she would only give me a 8 shot because thats realy all i will ever need,so i cant have a 10


Sorry but your FEO is telling you utter boll0x (probably in the belief that you will take the bait) - The slot on your FAC is for 'multi shot shotgun' there is no limit to the mag size. Get which ever is your flavour and get a mag extension from Midway.


I have a Benelli M2 with 8+1. But if I could have got a decent extension for a Urika 2 or the old 5 shot model (20g AL391) I would have jumped at it.

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FAC Shotguns.


Pro's : Lots of shots!.



- You WILL use more cartridges.

-As a rule, expensive to buy and don't really hold their value when for sale. Cheap one often have issues (such as jamming).

-Heavy - it might not seem it but lugging all that extra weight around (8 extra cartridges in the gun feels more than you'd guess)

- Not all that useful. In all my years I can think of twice when having more than 3 shots would be useful - (Shooting more than 4 pigeons comming into a pattern is a harder task than you might guess - wasted cartridges everywhere), but you'll find yourself only ever loading 4 or 5 shots in anyhow. If you really want one I'd go for something such as 4+1 or 5+1 and leave the 10+'s to pratical shotgunning as they have limited sporting use.

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I've owned a few FAC auto's but currently running a Benelli M2 8+1. If I'm honest I have it just for the hell of it. Ive put all 9 through it fast a few times and I can barely stand while doing so let alone aim.


I dont find the weight a problem, in fact it balances out better for me and Ive done well on the clays of late with it. As I think someone has said on here, I cant ever recall getting 3 realisitc shots off at game or vermin so its definitiely just an extravagance but one I'm happy with. I just dont reload as often basically. (not really true, even if I fire off one I always top the mag up)


I'm sure someone will correct me but I dont think you will get an FAC shotgun unless you have a reason, i.e you shoot vermin on land. I dont think they will let you have it for clays as strictly speaking almost all grounds will frown on you putting more than 2 in the pipe!

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You might find it hard to get it just for vermin as i was first refused for this.It was only when i was a member of a club that does sec1 shotgun shooting and getting my variation that i asked for vermin to be added.Even then i had some problems with them wanting me to do a psg course before i got the shotgun.And i had to get a letter from land owner saying theres lots of vermin problems.But it came back all good thanks to the firearms licencing manager.I will do the course when the next ones available as i am looking at getting more involved with the psg.As for 8 shot only thats rubbish you can have what you want,i know somone that uses a 20round drum for there fac shotgun :lol:

Edited by silverhawk
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I was already a member of the club the second time i sent paper work off and My feo didnt recomend a vermin condition to hes boss on my permission or for target use at the club till i done a ukpsa course.But hes decision was over turned by the licencing manager and i got my sec1 shotgun in the end.It seems most feos dont like section1 shotguns i cant see why as they do have there place and i did have a genuine need for one.My feo is a nice bloke and i get along well with him i think he was just trying to cover hes back.the course aint no problem and i will do that anyway as im sure i can learn more about psg from it.I even met one guy that applyed for one and was told by hes feo no chance and to just get used to loading quicker :lol:

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I have fac shotgun. I sold my 8 shot escort due to jamming and the extra weight made me a worse shot through fatigue. I now use a 3 shot pump as it's all I really need for what I do. Be careful on the club front, I was told you are not allowed to use your fac shotgun except for what your conditioned for ie vermin only! Also club will have to be fac cleared or you need an open ticket. The shotgun changes from sgc to fac if it can hold more then 2 shots in a mag and is treated like any other rifle.

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I have fac shotgun. I sold my 8 shot escort due to jamming and the extra weight made me a worse shot through fatigue. I now use a 3 shot pump as it's all I really need for what I do. Be careful on the club front, I was told you are not allowed to use your fac shotgun except for what your conditioned for ie vermin only! Also club will have to be fac cleared or you need an open ticket. The shotgun changes from sgc to fac if it can hold more then 2 shots in a mag and is treated like any other rifle.



S1 shotguns do not have territorial conditions so the open/closed senario does not exist and as long as you request clay shooting and have that added to your FAC you can use it anywhere; obviously providing the clay club permits the use of autos.

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yeh ime gona send in for a variation soon and get one put on,ime working as a fulltime keeper and do lots and lots of rabbit lamping. and 3 shots arnt enugh. me and 2 other lads went lamping last year on their place and got over 300 rabbits on the snow of the back of the pick up they both had 8 shot m2. ile bare inmind what you said about multi shot and my fao she is realy realy good and had got me and the head keeper of the hook a few times lol

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mines on closed ticket and says vermin,Do need to get that sorted at some point.



"Closed" ticket refers to land, ie not having to have it cleared.


All S1 shotguns will have conditions which restrict the holder as to what quarry they can shoot with it. If you can get Fox, vermin and avian pests plus clay pigeon shooting you are doing well. Some strugle to get fox and vermin and are restricted to Avian pests only.

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"Closed" ticket refers to land, ie not having to have it cleared.


All S1 shotguns will have conditions which restrict the holder as to what quarry they can shoot with it. If you can get Fox, vermin and avian pests plus clay pigeon shooting you are doing well. Some strugle to get fox and vermin and are restricted to Avian pests only.

I think the 'closed' aspect he's refering to is that he doesn't have the Clay Pigeon condition on his certificate, mine was like that when i first got it too, even though its supposed to be put on automatically :rolleyes: It'll be interesting to see if its been put on my renewal (if it ever arrives! :lol: )



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