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What do you spend your money on?


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Oh yes, thats it...

If you only spend a small percentage of your income on essentials such as food (everyone eats about the same so the amount spent will be pretty much equal) and bills etc. then you are obviously in a very good position! Your location also tells us a lot, not exactly in the slums are you?

I spend 95% of my income on bills, food, petrol, bills, council tax, bills, I just wish I had as much expendable income as you, well done that man :good:

BUT, my idea of a good life is to have enough to get by on, and have lots of free time to pursue an active life outside of the rat race, as they say, 'money doesn't buy happiness' :yes:

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I really cant get myself worked up about what others earn, only when they moan about it.


Im self employed, I live just within my means alowing for a very small amount of regular savings. Farr more to life than money alone, My twin brother is a doctor and probably earns double or triple what i earn..... is he happy on it, no.

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I don't pay rent or council tax as my house comes with my job, but I say 40% goes on bills the rest I can spend on whatever but I am trying to save.


Wasn't oth just stating that he need not save money or pay uni fees as an option? If so why is everyone against him?


Forum buylling simple by the same old faces its lets beat OTH with a stick again time .


Cheers OTH

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Forum buylling simple by the same old faces its lets beat OTH with a stick again time .


Cheers OTH


Predictable to the end.


If you look at this thread and look at who has said what and when, it must be a far reaching and massive conspiracy against you or an organised bullying campaign against you.... or you might be talking nonsense/ being a ****, again.


Everyone on here can see that anything that doesn't accord with your socialist philosophy gets a rather large swipe. Even NJC appears to be delicately suggesting to you that you wind your neck in, but oh no it's the bullys again.


Grow up eh?


Interestingly, you may recall that AVB to earn his money is working in a 3rd world poo hole. He is earning every penny doing something I would never consider doing.


What I find genuinely bizarre is your response of "I can't be wrong or talking nonsense, they're all just picking on me". If you have a look back at this thread, you will find it's not the same old names and old faces, there's a hole load of new ones :lol:

Edited by Mungler
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Good on ya Looking after your parent...Family is more important than money.


That's how I see life. My mum and dad split up when I was a kid and my stepmother died - he's had a pretty **** time really! When it came to moving out time we sat and had a chat and there were two choices. We could move out and buy a first time buyers home and he would downgrade to a flat because he couldn't be bothered to clean a 3 bed house, or we all moved into somewhere much bigger with seperate parts for us and him. Money wasn't the issue for my dad and he'd have been fine on his own, just lonely and that's not fun. We get on very well and he's as much a mate as a parent which goes a long way when he lives so close! We put our two pots together and bought a 5 bedroom bungalow in the middle of a fairly decent plot of garden - we've both got a better place to live that way and after chopping off the two biggest rooms for him and converting them to a flat we still have a pretty decent sized 2/3 bedroom house.


In the long run we have a live in baby sitter too. :yp: :lol:

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everyone chillout and put it in perspective, most people putting numbers in have a mortgage and so own their house, im a disabled person who is never going to be able to own a house or get a mortgage or have savings and is supported by my partner and yes we have to pay the same bills as everyone else.

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ive been in the world 20 years worked 5 full time and my god this rings soo true.

i work a honest 8 hours a day for 7 months a year and up to 12-14 for the rest and 7 days a week too, i got 9 days off last year! and thats for 6500 year *** :blink:



ime exactly the same chaps i have worked since ive been 15 your talkin 24 yrs of hard graft and have never earnt above 14 grand a year at its best and 11 to 12 grand a year at its worst but we have always been careful and lived hand to mouth but the main thing is we have always been a happy family.



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Forum buylling simple by the same old faces its lets beat OTH with a stick again time .


Cheers OTH


If you look at it a different way obviously the green eyed monster is prevalent but where you differ from AVB is quality of life that you can't put a figure on. From your posts its apparent you are out doing what you enjoy / hobbies for much of the working week, so value quality of life above financial.

AVB on the other half works for one of the big nasty banks and has sold his soul to them and been extradited to the back of beyond for his sins. Yes he gets a decent pay packet for it but can that compensate for living in India and not going shooting etc

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If you look at it a different way obviously the green eyed monster is prevalent but where you differ from AVB is quality of life that you can't put a figure on. From your posts its apparent you are out doing what you enjoy / hobbies for much of the working week, so value quality of life above financial.

AVB on the other half works for one of the big nasty banks and has sold his soul to them and been extradited to the back of beyond for his sins. Yes he gets a decent pay packet for it but can that compensate for living in India and not going shooting etc



I think your post could be read as "Forum Bullying" there Al4x. :P :P

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On a NHS disability pension, so not rich, but about 50/60% on bills/food/bus/etc. I am not allowed to drive for medical reasons now, so no car to run, which really cuts the bills. Luckily I have been able to pay off the house, so the other 40/50% is split between savings for winter fuel bills/ for any repairs etc to house, a bit of clay pigeon blasting, the occasional take-away, any spare for the kids birthday/xmas present fund and holidays as and when I can save enough.

I live in the back end of nowhere squared, with no buses/taxis etc for miles, so I don't go out, can't drink any more and I stopped smoking because of the cost to my pocket and health.


No complaints really, I know a lot of people are a lot worse off than me.I ain't never gonna be rich, but I ain't hurtin', as they say. :good:

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I also have no idea on the percentages as I have never bothered to work it out. My fuel bill a month is higher than my mortgage though.


I know what you mean - I was panicking when I had to retire, because of the bills - I definitely couldn't afford to keep a car on the road at todays fuel prices. My heating fuel bill (Calor - no mains gas etc here)is over £100 per month alone, split over the year, if I had to buy diesel/insurance/etc for a car, I would have to just sit in and either be cold or give up any chance of a holiday again. Like I say, I ain't moaning,but the increases are horrendous, it was not long ago that a tank of propane was about £250 - now it is well over £500.

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I also have no idea on the percentages as I have never bothered to work it out. My fuel bill a month is higher than my mortgage though.



**** me. I would never have thought that possible. But with interest rates low and fuel high if you have a small enough mortgage it's totally feasible as you demonstrate.

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I also have no idea on the percentages as I have never bothered to work it out. My fuel bill a month is higher than my mortgage though.


I've never worked it out either but i spend more on fuel than on the mortgage. Time the fuel was sorted out, it's slowly killing this country, but that probably left to one of the other threads.


And by the way OTH i love the fact that you are a "real hunter" and not a "keyboard hunter", I would love to come out with you for a day and i'm sure i would learn loads, but would i enjoy your company.....can't see it with the posts you put on here, your scaring your "customers" away.

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I can see most of my earnings going on my £24,000 student debt. Just about pays rent, tins of beans and bread, and a couple of nights a week on the lash in search of gash. (And of course covers the course fees which is the majority of it).


But no matter if you're born to play the king or pawn, for the line is thinly drawn 'tween joy and sorrow.

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:blink: [insert link to "who's on a diet" thread here]



Oh right, so this is a bully the fat bloke thread too is it?! And from a moderator. I'm shocked! :lol::P


Top marks for spotting that one though. Strangely since I've been on this diet the shopping bill hasn't changed much. Perhaps a bit less on takeaway and a bit more on lean cuts of meat in the butchers, but about the same none the less. I still have a curry once a week, go for it and eat as much as I can fit in. I guess a physical job and a physical hobby allows me to do that which is lucky because if didn't work like I do I hate to think what my weight would be?!


My lifestyle is a lot like Al4x summed up. We struggle by but I have a great hobby and time to do it. My mrs is a teacher and her job is completely the opposite. You sell your soul to the job in that line of work and it comes first all the time. I couldn't do it that's for sure, I'd rather be skint and happy than rich with no time to enjoy the money.

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