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Have you ever been refused?


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Have you ever been refused a cert or a variation/caliber? We always here of people saying it but I'm not sure I've heard of a caliber refusal, I have however heard of a sgc refusal but I think thy is more common place...


I think for the most part people are sensible and have good reason for most variations but I am jealous of the people who have range's next to them and can get 338's and 44's ect!


So, any stories? I have a variation in so hopefully I'm not tempting fate!


Regards gixer

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In regards to the FAC shotgun say you use it for shooting birds over rape. Trust me.

I got refused a .243 on first application, but I got told to wait a year, ive waited a year and have put in for a .223, got my interview on wednesday, so fingers crossed! :good:

i hope you have went out and got a bit of experience in centrefire in the meantime because they might ask!

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Thing is I have 7 years .22 hornet and .308 experience. He said he refused me because of my age (22 at the time) and it was a first application. Told me to get lots of rimfire experience on my own and then no probs. We will see on tuesday.

makes me relise how lucky i was to get a open ticket for 22lr 17hmr and and 223 at 18!

i did get turned down last year for a 308 i could have had it but would ahve to get rid of one other gun for cabinet space

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I was turned down when I first applied many moons ago for a 22/250 granted me a .22Lr bolt action and a firearms air rifle but told to apply in about a year or two. Eventually went for a 223 then 3 years ago asked for a semi auto .22Lr the reason I gave was my son was 14 and applying for a FAC and as we both went shooting bunnies together we wanted a .22lr each so eventually allowed a second .22Lr on my ticket

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Put in for whatever seems reasonable but don't be too precise and then talk it over with your Firearms Officer when he visits. He should be prepared to advise you on what is feasible, he can alter your application on the spot - with your consent - and then you should get what is possible, if he is tune with his superiors. Just my own experience: yours could be better or worse.

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Had my interview, got told I need to wait another year for a .223, and he also wants my to do my DSC1 and then he will let me go straight in for a .243, not a bad thing I suppose, but seems a bit silly. Ive shot Roe and Muntjac for about 5 years with the keeper! But hey ho, its his decision, and probably for the best.

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I'm waiting for the local FEO in Chelmsford to make contact regarding coming to see me as I have a SGC Application in and my FAC for a 22lr and FAC Air rifle will be going in during the next couple of days.


I've no idea what specific questions I'm likely to be asked and I have no real experience of firearms generally but I have been given permission to shoot vermin mammals and pigeons on approximately 430-450acres.


Im hoping that its going to be as much about showing that at 46yrs old Im a sensible individual with the required degree of common sense to be able to think carefully about what and where I'm shooting ?? And the safety implications of what Im doing.


Or does anybody know different ?

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experience with a firearm was a big issue when i applied. even though i had shot shotguns and airguns since a young age, when i applied for my FAC, i was told i needed a letter to say i could be supervised by an experienced FAC holder for the first 6mths of shooting before it could be granted.


Then a mate of mine, same age (19 at the time),applied for open .22 and .223 and was granted without a problem...go figure!?! :blink:



Good luck with application. :good:

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makes me relise how lucky i was to get a open ticket for 22lr 17hmr and and 223 at 18!

i did get turned down last year for a 308 i could have had it but would ahve to get rid of one other gun for cabinet space

same here, i was granted everything i asked for(.22lr, .17hmr, .223) on an open ticket first time at 19!

i think the open bit was because i have permissions in wales, fife and some on the isle of lewis....

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Had my interview, got told I need to wait another year for a .223, and he also wants my to do my DSC1 and then he will let me go straight in for a .243, not a bad thing I suppose, but seems a bit silly. Ive shot Roe and Muntjac for about 5 years with the keeper! But hey ho, its his decision, and probably for the best.



What was his reason for this. Seems a bit harsh to make you wait a couple of years before you can apply for your first cf rifle.

Edited by Luckyshot
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Had my interview, got told I need to wait another year for a .223, and he also wants my to do my DSC1 and then he will let me go straight in for a .243, not a bad thing I suppose, but seems a bit silly. Ive shot Roe and Muntjac for about 5 years with the keeper! But hey ho, its his decision, and probably for the best.

Sounds like he's taking the ****...

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Lol I just put in for different rifles all the time it seems like for my FAC I got refused the license on the basis that my land wasn't good enough it was lots of land but bits here there and everywhere so said it wasn't suitable. He said he can hold the application till I find some if it was soon. Phoned my friend straight after as he has rifles got me on his land and my first FAC was granted for .22lr and .17hmr. Waited around a year and applied for a .22wmr FAC shotgun and .410 slugs got refused for slugs and FAC shotgun not good enough reason to have them wanted FAC shotgun for walking along combine when bolting bunnies so didn't have to keep reloading and missing some. slugs for foxes .Got the .22 WMR then waited 6 months and applied for a .223 first centerfire had previous experience with .308 as I used to live In Canada Alberta neAr Calgary but couldn't prove the experience to him. What else shall I apply for ? :)

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