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April Fools Day

Ferret Master

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My partner's daughter was a bunny hugger and had a dog and cat from a rescue home. She had recently moved into the country so I wrote her a nice letter, supposedly from a rescue organisation, asking her if she was willing to house various wildlife, including otters, foxes, badgers etc. if we put up the housing and paid for all the feed and other expenses. She fell for it hook line and sinker, told all her friends, and when I told her the truth she fell out with me big time!!


If you can fake letterheads it goes most of the way to conning people. Get somebody to post it from another town, far away, and wait for the belly laughs, but don't do it if the recipient is thin skinned.


Others I've played include a note in a new washing machine, purporting to come from a girl from the Philippines, saying that her husband had locked her in the cellar and was using her as a sex slave. My partner rushed out, and I only just stopped her from phoning the local police!! The joke was on me!!

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a work colleague came into my office with his finger half severed( i,mthe first aider)he caught it in a circular saw.as i was dressing it i told him my cousin had a similar accident and was awarded £5000 in compensation.he went ahead with the claim,weeks later he came into the office waving a letter from the solicitor saying he had been awarded £1200.i said it was'nt much and asked to look at the letter,i made a mental note of the solicitors and the person who sent the letter,and gave it back to him....an hour later i put a call through to his boss pretending to be the man from the solicitors,phil was called to the office and i told him we would not be paying him a penny because over the weekend we had sent in accident investigators to inspect his workplace,and the guard was not properly fitted to the saw and his bench was wobbly,so to ignore the letter of compensation and dispose of it,also we would be reporting him personally to the health and safety exec for not keeping his workplace tidy,and it could carry a £3000 fine and 3 months in jail.

2 mins later he appeared in my office looking gob smacked,i asked what was up and he told me the whole tale,i said get the letter out,ring the bloke back and give him a right bollicking ,and its just not good enough...i even let him use my phone,the poor fella at the other end in the solicitors must have have thought he was a lunatic,phil was swearing,tell him to stick the £1200 up his ar@e.....meanwhile all the worforce and staff had got wind of what was going on,all had stopped work and sneaked up around the office,,just as phil was inventing new swear words he looked up and saw everyone giggling away...the look on his face as it dawned what was happening,the grin on my face,,he still had the phone in his hand,he did'nt know whether to apologise to the fella or put the phone down.i took it off him,explained it was a wind up,he got his cash

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there are a lot of funny things you can do if they usea computer regularly. like changing the auto corrector so that it immediately replaces on word with a sentence, it can really confuse somebody and annoy them esspecially if they are in a rush to hand something in like a piece of coursework or something similar. :P:/:/:)



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1 - Sellotape at forehead height across doorways,preferably where people turn left or right into the doorway,as opposed to walking in a straight line to it.

2 - Superglue a £1b coin to a surface where you and your pals can watch without being seen,the saps that try to pick it up.

3 - Clingfilm over the toilet porcelain with the seat down :P

4 - Similar to the above,choose a plastic bottle that fits under and slightly raises the toilet seat.Fill with a sticky substance,cheap bubble bath or similar,and if it hasn`t got a nozzle then reverse it and make a small hole in the end.Aim it so that when someone sits down it squirts into their knickers.They will only suss when they pull up their pants :/

5 - get some ink or engineers blue and smear it on the earpiece of the intended victim(s) phone,then phone them up :/

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If you are in an environment where the victim regularly receives messages to call people, get someone to give them a written message to call Dr Maibalsar Ritchie on a friend's number.


Then have the friend advise them to get some ointment on them PDQ.


You'd be surprised how many people fall for this.

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I have a good one...



Put a dog **** in a brown bag... and set it alight outside some1's door... then ring the door.


When they come out... they try and stamp it out.. getting dog **** all over their shoe :yp: ;)



......and get arrested for ARSON too,what a hoot.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A few years back i added my phone no. to my own mobile under the name of Virgin Services ( virgin phone) and sent myself a txt msg saying that i had won a TV in their monthly giveaway. When i got to work i showed a friend and made out i thought it was a wind up. He persuaded me to phone Virgin to find out if it was a wind up or not, i then had a pretend 5 minute conversation with myself infront of him where i got really excited as it was actually a complete home entertainment system that i had won. That was as far as it was going to go until a few hours later when i saw him leave his mobile outside my office on a pallet. I quickly retrieved it and changed my name in his phone list to Virgin Services and replaced the phone. I waited for him to come back and get the phone then txt'd him that he'd won a guarenteed car but to claim it quickly as " the quicker he called, the quicker the car ". By the time i'd done this he'd dissapeared but 30 seconds later i heard someone shouting and going and Phil came running out of the racking and across the factory floor ( the one and only time i ever witnessed him running ). He came storming into my office puffing and going and muttering something about having no credit and needing to make an emergency call. The best part was the smug look on his face as he's done better than me as i only had the home entertainment system. The next 10 minutes of him on the phone to Virgin begging and grovelling and telling person after person that he's won a car in their great monthly give away (that virgin staff kept insisting they know nothing about ) was hilarious and even when the office was packed out with laughing people ( who by now were all in on it ) he still didn't click. We had to tell him in the end and to say he was pi$$ed at me would be an understatment. Best practical joke i've played.


Jim. :)

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Hi Guys,


sounds like you all need to visit "Pointless but Cool" website at :





They don't sell anything themselves but link to sites that sell the items.

Check out the "Weaponry" section.


And whatever you do, don't forget to have a look at the "Inflatable Pub" (it's in the Most Pointless Top 10 List).




the Lizard

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Best one I heard of was a guy fooling his wife they had won the LOTTERY :D


This tw4t recorded the lottery 3 weeks beforehand and then placed the same numbers on.


Later that evening his wife was washing the dishes after a meal and he put the tape in the machine and set it away and Shouted (come on woman lottery is on)


Well you can imagine her face as ALL 6 numbers came up :thumbs:


What a **** he must have been :)


Anyway he let her ring her parents her friends and tell them all she was a winner and a millionaire etc and he got worried what she would say if he told her.


Anyway eventually he told her in the morning and she threw a complete wobbler and kicked him out of the house :lol::D:D


Don't know if they ever got back together but it IS a hell of a fools day joke :/



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