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Bedding in a semi

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From experience what are the best loads for bedding in my Browning Maxus.

Currently working through the last lot my father purchased, but its my turn to buy the next couple of thousand. Hull Comp X 28g fibre, very soft round which it wont cycle.


Have to be fibre as most of the places I shoot are fibre only.


Been looking at the Express English Sporter and Express Standard HV.





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Ha! yeah those Hull Comp X 28g are nice and soft aren`t they? Your right though a lot of auto`s wont recycle them.

Yes the Express Sporter and the H.V will recycle and the H.V is a good cartridge. The sporter will definitely recycle because they kick like a mule. The main problem with the Express range of fibre cartridges is that SOME like the special game can jam lots of confetti back into the action of the auto, and really gum the trigger mechanism up.

These new all singing, all dancing auto`s drive me nuts now. You pay all that money and the damned things don`t recycle half what the Makers say they will.

I`v seen loads of new auto`s that have had to have a thousand or two heavy loads through them to loosen them up. What a farce. Most of us buy an auto to cut down the recoil only to have to put heavy loads through it.

The self cleaning Beretta, ha! if you don`t clean it each time you use it the ports block up and won`t recycle then. The best thing to do really is to buy a two year old gun. :yes:

If you want a really punchy cartridge to put through it then try the Claybusters 28g. :oops:

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I have an 10 day old maxus and have been using 32gr 5 sipe fibers on the pigeons and have had no problems , I have even mixed a couple of magnums in just to bed it in.

On the clays I have been using a slab of Gamebore White gold Xlr's 28 gram 7.5 fibers witch it has had no problems with . Only time it hasn't been happy is trying to cycle some blue diamond 24 gr's ! I just put that down to newness and I wouldn't have even tried 24 gr carts but my friend was having a go with it !

I will try it on some 24gram hull intercom 8's I have as I brought a 1000's not long ago but they are 65 mm so I'll have to see how it handles them

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I've had a Maxus now for about 6 months and generally use Hull carts, so Pro Fibre or Pro Sport for clays 28g 8's, which it has no problem with. For pigeon etc I use Special Pigeon 32g 6's, which again have not been a problem. The only problems I have had have been with 65mm carts which tend to jam. Ones I have used are Express Supreme Game 32g 5's and Gamebore Pure Gold 32g 5's. Also tried to use some 24g 8's at the school last week which were also 65mm and these were no good too.


Did read somewhere you shouldn't lube them too much especially around the gas ports etc as it can cause a build up of carbon.


cheers, Jon.

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Guest cookoff013

Doesn't look good for my 65mm carts then , my mate uses extreme game 32gr 5 in his extrema 2 as he can fit three up the spout ! I've yet to try them


"no he can`t !"

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just got myself a new A400 beretta and put 200 28gram RC2'S with out any problems at all but on the top of the plastic case it has a sticker warning not to use anything under 32gram to break the gun in, witch barry simpson pointed out to me then he said dont bother if you are going clay shooting with it :hmm:

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Thanks for the replies guys. The supplier in Thame (clayshootingrus) only deals with Hull, Express, Fiocchi and RC.

The Hull Comp X 28g are unbelievably soft, they even sound pansy. Anyway almost out of those luckily.


Will try the Express 28 Standard HV.


They believe you can cycle 21g loads once the gun has been worked a bit... remains to be seen!

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My Maxus will cycle anything, i have never needed to bed it in and it has cycled anything from 21g to 53g.


It jammed for the first time on Sunday when it got very wet and heavy rain...on cleaning it i think the carbon buid up was bigger than it should have been so I have de-greased it all and lightly re-oiled it.

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My Maxus will cycle anything, i have never needed to bed it in and it has cycled anything from 21g to 53g.


It jammed for the first time on Sunday when it got very wet and heavy rain...on cleaning it i think the carbon buid up was bigger than it should have been so I have de-greased it all and lightly re-oiled it.


well I've given it a good clean and a light oil and will get some different cartridges and try again Sunday.


These Hull cartridges wont cycle my dads Beretta 303 either

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This bedding in malarkey is a relatively recent phenomenon (at least from the manufacturers point of view).


It is yet another cop out and reason to blame the customer for EVERYTHING!


I have had several semis, all Berettas, my 391 from around 10 years back is the latest, no bedding in instruction with that, and it hasn't missed a beat! But even Beretta are playing this game now.


Take care of it and clean it, that's it! :good:

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If it's sold as being able to shoot 21 gram and up and will not cycle them ,Then it goes back to the dealer never mind excuses of it needs a few boxes through it ,After all when you buy a 4 door car and one door is hard to open you do not expect the dealer to say it needs to be opened and shut a few times Until it works ok.

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The last time I owned a Beretta 391 from new was about 12 years ago. The operating manual quite clearly stated that the gun should be run in with a quantity of heavier load cartridges.


I even have a vague recollection that the operating manual for my Beretta 303 back in the 1980`s said much the same thing.


I don`t believe that the concept of using heavier loads in a new auto to slacken it off a bit is a new phenomenon.


What is surprising however, is the number of people who don`t read the operating manual!


Although there is no practical need to employ this method, when was the last time you saw someone load a Benelli semi auto using the method described in the operating manual, one designed to minimise the chances of inducing the "Benelli click."


If you`re a Benelli owner and don`t know what I`m talking about, surprise yourself by reading the manual!

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I bought a new Bertta 303 sporter back in the eighties, and i didn't have to run it in .... mind you i don't remember ever reading the manual :no: ....

But back then everyone was using 32g loads at clay shoots and even heavier at fitsac ...

Mine used to cycle without any problem... but was allways kept clean internally ....

Never fired any light loads like are in use today.



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Hi Dan,


If you are getting carts from Big Pete at claysrus get yourself some of his nobelsport smini fibres. Nice and cheap, 67mm and kick like a mule. Used them in my brand new Hatsan Escort and they cycle a treat. Also very clean.


Remember they are euro shot sizes though, half a size bigger than english sizes eg euro 7.5 = Eng 7 etc :good:



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Hi Dan,


If you are getting carts from Big Pete at claysrus get yourself some of his nobelsport smini fibres. Nice and cheap, 67mm and kick like a mule. Used them in my brand new Hatsan Escort and they cycle a treat. Also very clean.


Remember they are euro shot sizes though, half a size bigger than english sizes eg euro 7.5 = Eng 7 etc :good:




Cheers Fuzrat, will keep that in mind. Going to see him tomorrow.

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