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Over and Under 12g or 20g?

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Heyy all. I'm thinking of changing my 20 bore sbs for an over and under as i feel i get on better with my dads one and at the clay range (borrowing a O/U) Ive seen alot of people last season shooting 20 bore much to my suprise and more and more people seem to shoot with them. So what do you guys recommend? I shoot mainly game and pigeons so its not as if i will need a larger caliber for geese! :blink: Ive taken pigeons at a fair distance with my 20 but im not to worried about the range, just what seems to be easier to shoot with and do you think a 20 is big enough for the general shooter? :)

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20 bores are just great for convenience, walking distances or standing waiting for a shot where a heavy 12gauge would just be a pain.


I own a Urika in both gauges and for clays it's a no brainer but for game it's a weigh up between a slightly less cumbersome gun which is faster to shoulder or a slightly more punchy cartridge in the 12 which can extend your range some even if it's only by using a lighter choke to give a better spread that more pellets will allow.


I have had some cracking shots with the 20 but I still feel a bit more confident with the 12gauge and my 32 gram loads. If I could only keep one it would be the 12gauge :yes:

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FotF - I only use 20g now (since 2005). I have 2 semis and an O/U - 20g guns feel lithe and easy to use, they handle quickly and despite what's been posted above there is also a massive amount of different loads available for 20g.


There is no shame in using 20g and a lot of B*****x is spoken about 12g being harder hitting/better patterns/better swing rates, etc.


12g guns feel like a piece of field artillery after you have been using 20g and, TBH I firmly believe its a 'macho' thing.


To put it into perspective I wouldn't swap all three of mine for a 12g SO Beretta or custom made 12g Perrazzi and I love those guns.


20g is the caliber for someone who isn't interested in what others perceive about 20g guns...

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28 Grams is 28 grams I have recently started to use a 20 bore O/U weighs thw same as a 12 bore sbs and shoots like an O/U (easier to point and swing through) however not quite as fast on the quick reflex snap shots as my sbs but still faster than my 12 O/U. I think they are a good half way house as a do all for game, but will still use my 12 O/U for clays where carrying the gun is no issue and 12 bore carts are cheaper!!!!!!!!!!!

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Ok, 12g is the one, it is used in all target/clay competitions and is the choice of Pigeon/Pheasant/etc/etc shooters.


Why, because it offers the BEST package!


20g is fine and many can and do use it to great effect. :yes: I know one guy who is exceptional with a 20, far better than me all round with my 12, but he is the exception, 12 rules for the simple reason it is best.


Putting a heavy load through a 20 is daft, just get a 12, and 20g Carts are always that bit more expensive than 12g, in some cases a lot more, and 20g guns also tend to be more expensive!


If you want a 20 get a 20, and use appropriate carts, also make sure you get a dedicated 20 action, not a heavy one based around a 12 action!


Nobody uses a 12 in the Olympics or at the Clay or Pheasant shoot to be macho, they use it because it is the best tool for the job.


The 20 has a place for sure and I'm not knocking it in any way, many find it appropriate, and there are times in the field a 20 may well be more useful, but overall a 12 is the daddy!


Let nobody tell you a 20 can do everything a 12 can, it can't, that's whay they have to have a dedicated 20g World Championship, because they cannot compete with the 12g. Nevertheless, the 20 does more than enough for some people!



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