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which filter for foxing

elmar fudd

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As usual, different repies due to different circumstances..... Filters for fools? No comment :rolleyes:

If it has not been shot at before, probably you will get away without a filter. But if been lamped before and missed, you say your using a shotgun, red(darker) or yellow(distance not a problem). If they have been shot at and missed, by someone else, depends on if and what filter was used.

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Filter's make no difference.


And what difference they make, can be had by using a decent dimmer IMHO.


I'd like to see any of you ID a fox in the middle of a wheat field under a red filter at 200 yards... the simple matter is you can't! I don't shoot what I can't ID - and that's why I, like many others use the pure white light.

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whitch ever i remember to put on :blush: i normaly use amber but sometimes use white just to keep them guessing been useing blue sometimes too but cant se how its much diffrent to white :hmm: i have lots and lots of christmas trees on hear and shooting into the small trees with a filter on is hard so it some times gets taken off for some shots

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I always use the lamp with a red filter ! Why ? Because thats what I was shown by my dad when i was about 13 and since meeting my lamping partner Paul he also uses red filter for everything ! We have never had a problem with it and I figure if somethings going to run then it will run what ever the colour how ever I belive I get a beter im age with the red through the scope as eyes seem to reflect better but this is only personal preference !


I cant help but think quarry see white light and link it to cars / traffic which in turn they link to danger !


But am not sure how much water any of this holds as one of my best everning bags has been on a airfeild with no cover shooting from a big white 4x4 with hi-viv reflective tape all over it and neither buggs or charles were worried about it ! And no it wasnt a regular vehicle to that area that they would of known and got used to !

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