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wol the hunter

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i fancy cyprus lovely weather most year round, lots of brits there and plenty of fishing, locals are friendly.....give me that lottery win... :wub:;)

Been to Pafos a few times. Too bloody hot. Great birds of the feathered variety. They drive on the right (left) side of the road. Not too many fish to catch though.

They love the Brits. Good skiing, if you like that sort of thing.

One of the biggest tonnages of shipping under its flag in the world. Not to sharp on regulation but a very good economy which will get better as the Turk/Greece thing improves. They are keen shooters too. Where you see "game reserve", they don't mean it in the traditional sence.It means you can shoot anything, such places are littered with cartridge shells. They still "limestick" over there, but don't get into any debates about cruelty.

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me wife kids fancie a big move.ive been thinking about it for 2;3 years and im filling in forms,but where do you go ,work,schools,buy,rent,so many things to think of.i know one of forem members is in canada so perhaps he could advise.

australia m8, its 33x the size of britain with only 20 million people, it sounds like a cliche but it still is the land of oppertunity.

theres millions of wild boar, geese, rabbits, and all sorts of other nice tasting stuff , and the best thing about it is , is that the government doesnt treat the law abiding working man like a complete &*%$.

im back there in may for a month so ill post loads of pics when i get back. :wub:

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If you are set on Canada then here are some tips:


The east coast provinces....yes we have provinces and prime ministers, not states and presedents..... New Bruinswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, are all incredably beautiful and the people are fabulous. I t is based on fishing and the ocean as a way of life, however there are very few job oppertunities there.


Our territorries , Yukon, North West and Inuvet again are fabulous areas with the least crowding of people. It is very costly to live ther expecially in winter when milk will run you around 5pounds a quart, and a tomatoe will cost the same. Also the work there is limited and much of it seasonal.


Quebec...absolutly gorgeous, however you must be able to speak fluently the french that is used there to survive, and the people are well FRENCH


Ontario...the most populated province , this is the province that many UK ers head to , to get established


Prarrie provinces Manitoba, and Saskachewan ...very much the cereal grain producers, but also support many of the technologies, southern portions wide open and windy in the summer and winter....not unushual to go down to minus 40 degrees F in January, Febuary


Alberta and British Columbia...our absuloute jewels they have it all mountains, rivers, huge tracks of timber, and nice people too. BC you also get the coast, with all the bounty it has to offer. Theses to provinces are on an upswing for their building and market at presant, and probably provide the greatest job selection at presant.



Take alook around here:



hope this helps

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just make sure if you go out there, you're prepared to VOTE for government elections :lol::lol: B) :o :o

still a little bitter i see dearbeer :P



spot on NTTF, the province of Alberta is where i came in 93, probably one of the fastest growing area's in Canada, the jobs are as varied as anywhere else in the world, there's just more of them ;)


machining, welding, fabrication, electrical, construction ,lumber


oil, gas, wellhead, downhole, directional , to name a few










ive been asked to send info to a few members before.


If any of you guys want any help or info as to work, jobs, schools, housing, or anything else you can think of, feel free to give me a shout, it would be a pleasure to help anyone else have the opourtunity i had.


anyone wishing to make a new start in life should take a good look here, with the opourtunities Canada affords adults and children you shouldn't go wrong, as to the cold tsk tsk i say, lowest its been this year was minus 34 for a couple of days, had to put on a sweatshirt :( ,the country (unlike England ) is geared up for the climate.


to end id like you all to take a moment and picture LB in the biggest baddest 4x4 in the world, i bet he'd still have a landy sticker on it :lol: :o .


I wish any of you all the luck in the world whatever your choices are :wub:



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