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New Barrel


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I've been thinking about the length of the barrel I want to get for my gun and since I'm not sure if I want 26" or 28" could I buy one with the gun then get another size later?


I mean from the way the semi brakes down it's very easy to change out. Would beretta charge loads for the seconds one, kind of like very overpriced manufacture spare parts on a car?


I appreciate it's hardly a few feet of drain pipe I'm wanting :)

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I know mines an over under but for a new barrel i was quoted £900 by GMK. They also stated that the gun will be all out of ballance as it was designed around that barrel it came with, also it will wear out the hinge pin unevenly as they are different barrels. Its just not worth it :/



I think you will find that is GMK's way of saying, "we really can't be bothered, just buy a whole new gun"!



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Dekers - could not agree more. :good:


What standard of guns are Beretta selling when new barrels would wear out the hinge pin unevenly? I'm not sure why only one hinge pin would wear out. They have two stub hinge pins.


Following this absurd logic, extended chokes would throw your gun out of balance to the point where Beretta wouldn't want to sell them to you.


Hang on - they are about £60. I think Beretta might swallow their principles and sell you some. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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  • 1 month later...

Dekers - could not agree more. :good:


What standard of guns are Beretta selling when new barrels would wear out the hinge pin unevenly? I'm not sure why only one hinge pin would wear out. They have two stub hinge pins.


Following this absurd logic, extended chokes would throw your gun out of balance to the point where Beretta wouldn't want to sell them to you.


Hang on - they are about £60. I think Beretta might swallow their principles and sell you some. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:



All I can tell you is what I'm told.

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I know even with the "mass" produced Brownings/Mirokus the action and barrels are match at the factory and a second set of barrels requires the action to go back to the factory for matching and isn't cheap! that's why combo sets 12/20 or 20/28 are sometimes ordered (but oddly don't seem to hold value very well, must a lesson there somewhere) You could have it done and i am sure they have done replacement barrels and extras (for those with deep pockets!)

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That is true for double barreled guns. The barrels need to be checked for fit against the frame because the tolerances need to be much tighter than the manufacturing tolerances can manage. For a semi though (as per the OP), you can have a good bit of play and it all still works just fine. Spare barrels for pumps and semis are easy. Look how many options are available for 1100/1187 and Mossberg 500/535's.




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