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What's the matter with people?

Devon Fox

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3 weeks ago I went out to my tuition car, some scrote hit my car & obviously cleared off.

Wrecked my alloy wheel & dented and scratched drivers door, rear panel and bumper - total bill £750.00, waiting for insurance company to approve quote.


Tonight my other half walked home from work and as she passed her nice new vw beetle - yes you guessed it - another ****** has hit the rear alloy, wheel arch and bumper.


Gutted, am I too honest? I would leave my number?


What say the rest of you?


My other half is in tears as the car is her first new one and her pride and joy.

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youre right, thats dead ****** :angry:


Some years ago I witnessed a guy in a skip wagon reverse into the front of a parked car, he stopped and made a big deal of leaving a note under the wiper blade and drove off, (But I noted his number all the same)


Call it... curiosity, sheer intrique, or good ol' noseyness but I went to have a look and see how he'd explained his accident :hmm:


All he'd written on the piece of paper was something along the lines of "well you were parked in such a stupid place you were almost asking for it" So I left a note with his Companies name(local haulage firm) and the reg no. and witness details.

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Good on you taxi!!


I witnessed a 4wd pull into a tesco parking space and ram the car in the space in front of it, shunted it forward a good 2 feet, He then reversed out and parked a few bays down, left the car in a right state.


So I noted his details and stuck them on the car with my name and ad' and also called the police.


I do for others as I hoped they would do for me.

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The thing is, we are honest, hard workers whose vehicles are legal, taxed insured etc, these numpties have neither and possibly no licence aswell.

We have had four vehicles written off over the last 10 years by uninsured drivers and I will never buy a brand new car again for such reason.


It`s still too easy to get away with it these days, even with Cctv everywhere, for those of us that witness such things how many more go unseen.


It`s how society has become I`m affraid, no deterents and a total lack of respect for others and their property.

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I clipped someones wall once cracking it while reversing.Took me 3 attempts to find someone was in and the chap who owned the house thanked me for my honesty.Didnt have to pay because he was having his garden landscaped and the wall was comming down anyway.

Not trying to paint myself whiter than white,but its something you dont want done to yourself.

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I clipped someones wall once cracking it while reversing.Took me 3 attempts to find someone was in and the chap who owned the house thanked me for my honesty.Didnt have to pay because he was having his garden landscaped and the wall was comming down anyway.

Not trying to paint myself whiter than white,but its something you dont want done to yourself.


Another good man.

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I have just renewed my house insurance and I read all the blurb - it says do not admit liabilty - so I assume that's even if you did it - I would hold my hand up but then would insurance company reject my claim. - or third party claim?



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My wife clipped a car in a car park once, we left our contact details and the lady duly contacted us, I offered to do the repairs as it was an older car in red an easy colour to match, anyway to cut a long story short she was very impressed and happy with the repairs I had done and asked if I would give the whole car a bit of a makeover and a service which she said she would pay for, in the end I made about £100 pounds and had a very happy lady and sparkling car. Honesty is always the best policy.

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I've been hit, got out in a fury to be met by an Asian driver who said he wasnt insured - Police job and hopefully no-one else has the same problem.


I was also hit in a car park - damaged the bumper quite badly. Whilst looking at the damage, a bloke from Liverpool drove up and said he'd hit me,

he was going to drive off but he thought he would have been seen, little ****.

My car was a shogun LWB and his cars whole left hand side had been crushed on the shoguns solid bumper !


I would always leave a note and expect anyone else to. I know you tend to be dissapointed a bit but the right thing to do is the right thing to do and I would never wish to be classed with the B******* who damage and run.

Someone will come along and cheers you up and restore your faith in human nature but whoever it is may not be from a big city anymore.

All the best and commiserations.

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Sorry Lads was going to repy earlier but had to do the shopping run.


Maybenexttime we`re not quite Birmingham but close enough,


So here`s a classic "no one saw me story"


4am Monday morning a guy driving up the road, crosses the white line and hits my car, heasd on, which in turn is pushed back into the wife`s car which is then pushed back into the neighbours car.


No one heard a thing so, he pulls about a 100 yards down the road and proceeds to change his front wheel that was damaged in the incident, ready to drive off.


So there he is thinking what a lucky so and so I am, when a passing police car just happens by.


Long story short, he would have run and we would have been out two cars written off both our no claims gone and the neighbour out of pocket too.

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I once saw an scanned e-mail note that someone had been left on thier window, it read - "sorry but I hit your car by accident and now a few people are watching so I need to look like I'm leaving a name and address" I know it's wrong but I did chuckle at it, I was the victim of a tractor and trailer recently and when I went to the farm the guy was a **** and tried to say that it was an old crack in the bumper (which was bull****) the farm also turned out to be where he stores his buses for his other firm.....me thinks karma may bite him

In the *** at some point in the near future... ;)

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I watched a Volvo swipe an immaculate Lexus trying to get into a parking space, the Volvo trashed the wheel arch and ripped the bumper off. The Volvo then drove off and parked on the other side of the car park and the owner went into the supermarket, I left my details as a witness at the supermarket info desk. A few days later the Lexus owner called up to verify my details. Estimates were in the region of £1000. I was interviewed by the Police and shortly afterwards they paid a visit to the Volvo owning Doctor....... :good:

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In a popular supermarket car park i watched a rather large coloured woman with 2 toddlers approach a Micra parked next to a week old Audi S5.

Her door was flung open hitting the Audi hard enough to cause it to rock but she did not bat an eye lid.

She then proceeded to strap her 2 children into the back seat,

if you can imagine the scene, her ample behind was nudging her door into the Audis side with every move, the Audi was rocking with each contact, the woman again seemingly oblivious to what she was doing but she surely must have felt the door contacting the Audi.

She then put her buggy in the boot again allowing the door to contact the audi and on squeezing into the car nudged the audi again acting as if there was no car beside her.

I was very surprised that she seemed not to know what was happening and just drove away

I recorded the registration of the Micra and a few minutes later the owner of the audi and his wife returned.

His wife spotted the damage and alerted her husband, who shot round to look at the dent and scratched paintwork on his new car, he did not look happy by the way he was holding his head in his hands.

Had he been on his own he would not have noticed, i walked over and explained what i had witnessed and gave him the registration, he was incensed that someone could cause so much damage and be oblivious to what they were doing, either that or they really did not care which i think is the case



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Years ago I was very fussy about my cars always kept them clean and polished one of my cars I had for a few years and it had a lot of little chip marks on it from stones not wanting to put dabs of paint all over it I decided to get the hole thing sprayed.


When I got it back it looked like new I left it in the car park at work and when I came out it had scratches all down one side it looked like someone had walked past with a large bag with zips or fasteners on the side.


I gave up then what is the point if this is the way people treat other peoples things now I give my car a good wash once a year if it needs it or not.

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I was gob smacked when I read that and then I saw that you're in Birmingham and it all made sense.


My mother (78) had her car written off by a woman who pulled out in front of her. Fortunatly other cars stopped and there were witnesses and photos. The driver of the other car has never been traced. She's Turkish apparantly and what they do is they register the car but at friends or relative's address. So when summons or investigators go to the house the person answering the door just says "she's not here at the moment"

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I just can't get my head around the dishonesty of people, I know I am very nieve, but it really smarts that it could be a neighbour - I walked down the road last night checking the cars, not that I could prove anything.


It's not even a particularly narrow road.


I might just buy a couple of bangers now !!

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