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what did you start them off with


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hi guys, question is.....what gun did you use to learn your son or daughter to shoot with when they wer first starting out at a young age? :hmm:


my youngest is wanting to start comeing out shooting with me, but he is only 5! :hmm:! problem is he is really keen on doing it.


i think he is still a bit young to be using a gun yet tho :yes:


but he is always asking to come out with me :yes: he has already got as many hunting clothes as me :lol: all his realtree jacket trousers etc etc :lol:


im stuck on what to do!


your opinions appreciated :yes::good:





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For me it was various air rifles and pistols etc from that age.


My first shotgun was a beautiful birmingham made SBS in 28b when i was 11, sbs 20 bore by 14, sbs 16 bore for my 16th, all loaned semi permanently by my aunt and then i bought an sbs 12 on my 18th birthday (still got that one now!)



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At that sort of age I'd get him something like a Crosman Ratcatcher. They're really compact and so light he should be able to manage it. When he gets better at it he could even hunt with it at close range. :good:


I started off with a Gat gun, but I'd say that stage could be skipped as they're a bit naff! I loved mine, but I'd have loved something bigger more!

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At that sort of age I'd get him something like a Crosman Ratcatcher. They're really compact and so light he should be able to manage it. When he gets better at it he could even hunt with it at close range. :good:


I started off with a Gat gun, but I'd say that stage could be skipped as they're a bit naff! I loved mine, but I'd have loved something bigger more!



i was also thinking something along the lines of a gat gun :blush: but then he will quickly grow out of it i think :yes:


hmm decisions decisions :hmm::good:

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i started shooting with the 22lr and a single barrel 410! when i was 5



i was also thinking about a single barrel .410 and shortening the stock for him and helping him hold it etc etc but i think it might still be a bit to much at that age. and i think most people will disagree on it than agree! :good:

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Personally at 5 I would be letting him press the button at clay grounds and helping carry stuff, maybe get him a stick to come beating and let him come in the pigeon hide and let him retreive shot birds. Personally I wouldnt be letting him shoot untill he was about 8 and then start with a air rifle at targets !

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My outlook would be along the lines of what he can do with the gun, and what damge he can do if something goes wrong. 5 is very young to have a .410. If he drops it or lowers it over his foot that's a very serious issue.


At the same time a Gat gun wouldn't do much damage but it is a pistol. Very easy to point the wrong way compared to a rifle and also not that accurate. Along with that it will be hard to load.


A light air rifle seems to be the best bet in my mind. He can make real use of it for some time yet (adults use Ratcatchers for close stuff) yet it's light enough to handle, long enough to be more aware of where the sharp end is pointing and if something does go wrong it's far less powerful than a .410 (see my Fox with .410 thread - they pack quite a punch close up!).

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My outlook would be along the lines of what he can do with the gun, and what damge he can do if something goes wrong. 5 is very young to have a .410. If he drops it or lowers it over his foot that's a very serious issue.


At the same time a Gat gun wouldn't do much damage but it is a pistol. Very easy to point the wrong way compared to a rifle and also not that accurate. Along with that it will be hard to load.


A light air rifle seems to be the best bet in my mind. He can make real use of it for some time yet (adults use Ratcatchers for close stuff) yet it's light enough to handle, long enough to be more aware of where the sharp end is pointing and if something does go wrong it's far less powerful than a .410 (see my Fox with .410 thread - they pack quite a punch close up!).



good point nj thanks......it would of been alot easier if it was my 8 year old who wanted to get into shooting :yes:

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I think at 5 even an air rifle is quite a big toy. I think out of all the options though it will be the most stable and also the most use in the future. I haven't shot my Gat for years - it's that inaccurate there's no point even for fun!



im still not convinced about getting him an air rifle :hmm:


it could be a case of what salop sniper said :yes:

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im still not convinced about getting him an air rifle :hmm:


it could be a case of what salop sniper said :yes:


Tried my 5 year old with an air rifle and the weight and sound was a little to much for him so we will be waiting till he is a little older. It hasn't swayed his interest though.


Then ten year old is a little different, he loves the air rifle and when he is bigger hopefully we will get him a shortened cheap 12 gauge if he can handle it well. If not maybe a 20 or 28 :good: until then air rifle it is :good:

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Tried my 5 year old with an air rifle and the weight and sound was a little to much for him so we will be waiting till he is a little older. It hasn't swayed his interest though.


Then ten year old is a little different, he loves the air rifle and when he is bigger hopefully we will get him a shortened cheap 12 gauge if he can handle it well. If not maybe a 20 or 28 :good: until then air rifle it is :good:



wish my older one was into shooting but not gonna force him into it :no: ......hes more into his football :yes::good:

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Why not whet his appitite by taking him to a country fair and perhaps letting him use a supervised air rifle for a few shots on a range there?



Then seing how he gets on perhaps go down the airgun route. The toy statement is interesting as he cannot have access to it woithout you/an adult there so only at times of use it should be able to be used without toy status ???

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I honestly think five is much to young to even comtemplated them having a shotgun or indeed a air rifle/pistol at that age they really will have little if no understanding of the safety implications and pysically at that age they are going to wrestle with any type of gun, as someone has said already if he is keen start taking him to watch you for short sessions and let him pick some birds up,let him know when he is "bigger" he will have his own gun.

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For my grand children, I have used an air rifle, make sure you have a rest for it, then a 9mm garden gun, and then a single barrel .410

At 8 years old my grandson had 3 woodies with the .410.


At Maplins they sell for 9.99 a plastic side by side shotgun that fires suckers, this gun has 2 triggers and ejectors, it is a great training aid, plus fun for all the family, for a 5 years old, it is the right size to learn to mount, load etc.

twitchynic,huffhuff and billy all had fun with it the other weekend, ( you do not "have" to have lesbians around to make it work)

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started my lad off on a training shot gun it was just like a shot gun but child sized for him and instead of shells it had two wee cartridges that you put wee caps in and when you pulled the double triggers the made a very small bang .it was great for teaching him gun safety in a hide and walking and he thought he was the mutts nuts with it .


i still have it to this day some 16 years on(seen better days tho ) think i got it from sportsmans guns i think it was the best thing for him as he new until he showed he was safe he would not get a shot a the next step up air rifle


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For my grand children, I have used an air rifle, make sure you have a rest for it, then a 9mm garden gun, and then a single barrel .410

At 8 years old my grandson had 3 woodies with the .410.


At Maplins they sell for 9.99 a plastic side by side shotgun that fires suckers, this gun has 2 triggers and ejectors, it is a great training aid, plus fun for all the family, for a 5 years old, it is the right size to learn to mount, load etc.

twitchynic,huffhuff and billy all had fun with it the other weekend, ( you do not "have" to have lesbians around to make it work)



thanks for the reply terry.....i cant find the maplins practice gun?? have you got a link?? :good:

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iv decided guys just to take him out with me....sitting in the hide, picking up, learning him along the way and do as terry said get a practice gun for him to learn on and wait till he is older before getting him a real gun.


it is going to be the easiest option me thinks :yes:


thanks for the replys it has helped put my mind to rest :yes::good:

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Obviously any gun for an unsupervised 5 year old is unsafe, but my two boys have both used the single barrel .410 when they were that age. I had to help them hold it and make sure they couldn't point it anywhere dangerous. There was a bit of recoil, but then i would prefer them to grow up as men.

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i was also thinking about a single barrel .410 and shortening the stock for him and helping him hold it etc etc but i think it might still be a bit to much at that age. and i think most people will disagree on it than agree! :good:

yes thats exactally what my dad did he bought the 410 for £50 lol so he just cut the stock it was an old pochers gun so was quite light

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thanks for the reply terry.....i cant find the maplins practice gun?? have you got a link?? :good:

I will pop into Maplins tomorrow and get the product number for you.

Can't be doing with link lark (only because I don't know how)

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