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Information about missing dog at CLA game fair.


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Have you thought of asking the CPSA to put something out to all of the gun club with a photo and the information about the reward? I know it's a long shot but some of the grounds might do it.


I can't imagine what you are going through, to me although my dogs are workers they are very much part of the family.


I hope she turns up safe

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This is something that really hits home, Having two lovely Cocker spaniels myself and having one of them going missing several times, But luckily always got her back, I know some way how your feeling.


Hope you get her back soon and I have posted on other forums to give you some more coverage.



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If you want to send me a pm with your email address and them email me a photo etc I will also get something put up at mums ground near Basingstoke and I'll see if she will email something out to her shooters. The NoBs as well they might help. And the governing body for vets. Sorry fell asleep thinking about how horrible it must be for you and your family

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Still no news yet but she was in the second page of shooting times last thursaday, so that must of getten some publicity, all we can do now is wait for news, lm sure we couldnt of possibly tried any harder to find her, with everyone on the forums giving us support, advice and helping us, its been humbling to know there is still plenty of good people out there. We thank you again.


kind regards, Chris and Ella.

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Hello there,


We're looking for any information about our Black lab that went missing at the CLA game fair on Sat. I see that there is a thread about dogs getting pinched - it was our black lab that went missing. She was in a stall with me, and gone the next. We thought she had just run off, but as time passes it looks like she has probably been stolen by someone. We are desperate to get her back - she is a useless gundog and not worth anything to anyone. She doesn't even have good breeding - just a pup from one of our friends dogs - no FTC at all. She is a very much loved member of our family and we are beside ourselves with worry. The 5 hour drive home yesterday was unbearable. If you have any information about her whereabouts at all please please contact us. We have put notices out with everyone we know up and down the country, in every shooting community we know. She is on doglost, notified with all local councils in the area and on every forum we can think of. She is microchipped and they have been notified. There is a cash reward for anyone who gives us information that leads to her safe return. Thanks for your time.


Apparentlly the dog has been found in Wales.Good news

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Really good news ! do you have any info on how the dog came to be in wales? was it accidental, malicious etc?


Do not know anything about it.There are more posts in the stalking directory.I am sure all will come to light but its good news.

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Hello everyone,


I have just found out the news this morning that Lilah is safe and well with my parents. They had a tip off that Lilah was in South Wales, and although the police and dog warden went to the house and couldn't find her, my parents also visited the house and then put flyers through all of the doors in the local area and put up posters. She was released that evening and picked up by a member of the public. She is home! I can't believe it, i really can't. I want to thank you all for all of the help that you have given us over the past few weeks, it is certainly the help of your all that has bought her home. It just took one person to see a poster and put 2 and 2 together. Thank you, i don't know how else I can express my gratitude, thank you, thank you, thank you.

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