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What colour is your skeet vest.......


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I have a rather fetching blue one with not one, two or three but four safety pins in the back, apparently this is obligatory if you want to wear two pairs of "Oakleys" and is a secret sign that you are in possession of a rather large appendage.

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:lol: :lol:


I've got a special pocket for cartridges in mine too. I can get 1000 shells in it so I can practice the easy and hard targets without having to trudge back to the car for more ammo :P


:lol: Mine's got a little hook and lanyard attached to the back. Somebody told me it's for carrying game, but I tow a pallet of cartridges round with me, just in case I miss a few and need to practice :good:

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I have a rather fetching blue one with not one, two or three but four safety pins in the back, apparently this is obligatory if you want to wear two pairs of "Oakleys" and is a secret sign that you are in possession of a rather large appendage.


Yes, I have 4 safety pins on mine and I've made sure that they still have torn off corners of my number attached, because that looks "pro". :good:

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I haven't got one and felt left out last time i shot clays with PhilR and Bakerboy. :( :(


What colour should i get, and will it make me hit more? :P:P








PhilR/Terry/ColinF - can it before you even start!





I think a pink one would make you stand out from the crowd :sly:

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Mine was a nice olive green when I bought it but its now blended in with the black shoulder pad - good thing is when I take it off I just click my fingers and it put's itself away. :yes: :yes: - it's also got three elastic zip extensions -(width not length)



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I haven't got one and felt left out last time I missed all the clays with PhilR and Bakerboy. :( :(


What colour should i get, and will it make me hit more? :P:P



PhilR/Terry/ColinF - can it before you even start!





How about a white one to match your stick? You did look cool wearing your Stevie Wonder shooting glasses but Bakerboy and I didn't realise you were going to spend all day impersonating him. :lol::lol: :o :P

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Mines black and as some people on this site claim know, that makes me a SWAT operator. Not look like one, or feel like one, once i don it i am ACTUALLY one. People sometimes say the forward rolls and dramatic dives while shooting may affect my score, but the vest is in control, not me :yp: :rolleyes::lol:


Actually it was 'thrown in' with the gun and i'm too cheap/lazy to get a different one ;)



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